so mad at me!!

i do not know if i have started a thread here before...but i have been on MFP since january....but i need to some support.
I am always subbotaging my efforts, I do great for few weeks start to feel good about my myself and then i start eating bad for week until i feel gross and gain the weight is a vicious circle..

i have a million exuses not to go to the gym..ok i had a good one july and august, the kids were home from school..but not it is just me and the baby(not a baby anymore but u kwim).i get all hyped and dressed for gym but he says no mim(gym) and runs away and does not wan to dress, so i say o well..ok lets stay home!

and OMG i am too full, i do not need a second sandwich, i tell myself that but i still make the second sandwich and eat it ! and then i get my granola bar, great it is part of my calories , but then i grap another, and another and just one last bar!

well after a couple of weeks of doing this i feel muffin top is back and my stomach is huge!

I wish i could reach my butt and kick myself in the butt...but i cant do it, so i need someone else to do it for and help me get back on the wagon..i posted on facebook that as of monday i am back on track eating well and going to the gym 5x a week even if have to take my little one out naked!(he runs and hides not to get dressed when he does not want to go somewhere)

ok, that is it for now! i am too embarrassed to update my weight in here , i was 128lb and now i am back to 132lb..ok maybe more i am too scared to check!




  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    The gym I go to has a creche, a friend of mine takes her takes her child there and he loves it...does painting and plays with other kids etc.....he only kicks up a fuss when he has to go...

    If your gym hasnt got one try and find one that has and then make it a treat for him or her to go........soon they will be taking you !
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Going from 128 to 132 is not the end of the world although it sounds like you may be stress eating or just bored. Unless you are a Little Person at 2 feet tall, there is nothing huge about you. There can't be at that weight! Tomorrow's a new day - start over and take it from there. Good Luck
  • autumn20111
    Hi Samantha, I'm just like you, and understand completely wanting to eat ALL the time! Last year, I got some appetite suppresants from a weight loss clinic and lost 25 lbs. I didn't even think of food, was amazing. Not sure if you are overweight enough for a dr to give them to you....but could be worth a phone call. Also, I'm making protein smoothies now, and taking all kinds of vitamins and other stuff to suppress the hunger. See, I don't eat because I'm hungry...I eat just because I want to stuff my mouth! There also are "cheater" pills to take that won't allow 70% of the fat to be absorbed. Not ally, but close. All of this of course is if you are in good health. Just wanted to tell you these things. Movie stars do not lose weight due to will power, they all have help with suppresing their appetite. Autumn
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    my son loves the gym child minding when we get there but getting him dressed and out of the house is struggle..and he is only 2.5yo!

    i am 5'1, so very close to 2' :) i carry my weight in my lower my upper body looks great and toned, but them u look down and i swear 100lb of my 128-132 are in my butt and thighs! damned pears!

    autumn yeh i know me too i eat because i want to, not because i am hungry..but because the food is there calling me..."sam come eat me, i taste so good " and then i say ok one peice..but u cant stop at one piece of chocolate...