What's one thing that attributed to your weight gain?



  • Growing up was definitely too much junk food. The past few years it's been because of medications and the fact that I am chronically ill with Fibromyalgia. But I'm trying to beat it!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Sloth and/or gluttony
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    learning how to play video games and eat at the same time.

    Before i learned to play video games I actually went outside more often
  • I just learned today 4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon. So a pie that's 44 grams of sugar, take a glass and put 11 teaspoons of sugar in. Doesn't take long to realize that's a LOT of SUGAR! Not healthy. A coke is about the same. When I'm nervous, I want to eat. That's crazy.
  • Stress eating... The combination of a pint of ice cream or batch of cookie dough and an essay or test was (and is) my biggest enemy.

    that's me!!! add in moving to a completely unfamiliar and unsafe part of town, and the fear of leaving the house because of it!!! i used to walk/exercise all the time til i moved to that crummy place! living like that with a lazy guy for almost 4 years, and i packed on a TON OF WEIGHT! so glad i've changed my life (and got rid of the guy!)
  • Being lazy! Its so much easier not to exercise.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    eating too much too often.

    poor diet.

    poor eating habits.

    poor activity level.


    just all around being an unhealthy person. eating fast food a lot, cooking unhealthy meals and not caring how many calories i consumed, drinking a lot of alcohol then eating everything in sight!
  • Socail eating - for sure. My lunch crew is a group of heavy eaters!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Before I joined MFP, I lost 10 pounds just by cutting out 2 things. McDonalds food and sugary milk-based alcoholic beverages. Boy, that second one sure is a mouthful. Think homemade mudslides.

    Edit: That took about 4-5 weeks.
  • Not caring in the moment and regreting for the rest of the day, but continuing the cycle :sad:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    A general lack of health education. My family introduced me to foods like fried quesadillas and let me eat whatever I wanted and they didn't teach me the importance of physical activity.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    Alcohol and hangover food, this is how I spent 21-25.

    Now I am just gluttonous.
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    Stress eating, staying up late & doing homework and eating, and the convenience of fast food.
  • my top 3 would have to be:
    - my mom's a GREAT cook & baker
    - no exercise
    - too lazy to cook so lots of fast food
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I don't think it was just one thing...it was a multitude of things...partly because of diet coke, fast food, the birth of children (a long time ago), and not worrying about what I ate. Stress, boredom, thinking I was hungry...the list can go on...:ohwell:
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    One big problem that attributed to my weight gain was portion control. My family would always push more food onto your plate, (because it was considered good hospitality) and you would always get told to not leave anything else you won t get desert, which was always placed in the middle of the table so you could get seconds or thirds.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    married a woman who could cook her butt off, or should i say my butt on lol. i was skinny before i started dating my wife and over the years all that good southern cooking caught up with me
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    my husband's cooking.
  • keengkong
    keengkong Posts: 83 Member
    Orange juice. It sounds innocuous but it's too easy for me to drink my calories.