Newbie Alert! :)

Hi all~
My name is Amanda, I'm a 34 year old stay-at-home mom of an adorable little boy, Isaiah who is 4. I have been struggling with my weight since after high school and have tried almost anything to lose the weight. When I was pregnant with Isaiah, I had severe pre-eclampsia and had to deliver him early at 7 weeks which was scary for my husband and I. He also was delivered by emergency c-section. We would love to have more children, but I am scared. I need to feel healthy again before I want to try. I hope this website helps!! So far, so good! I also am more active since I had Isaiah, I do Zumba 2 times a week and try to get a walk in at least twice a week.


  • autumn20111
    Welcome! This is a wonderful site and a great support system. We certainly all have our set backs, but we are also here to support one another throughout it all. We will reach our goals!! Autumn
  • BelindaSlagle
    WELCOME!! You are going in the right direction. This site is alot of help. Stay with it!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • ical50
    Welcome Amanda! This site/tool is awesome! I too am a SAHM! I was over weight prior to getting pregnant. I have been on and off the wagon when it comes to losing. I would lose a few pounds, gain it back, lose a few, gain some more. I finally hit "that point" and said this is it! I thankfully found MFP to help me and I am doing great! This site is very good for us that get to stay at home and have constant access. I log everything I eat and all exercise as soon as I do it. I know where I stand when it come to my calorie count all day long. I am not only eating better, but I exercise at least 1 hr. daily. Before, I would have thought that was so much and not do-able when taking care of my babies, but I now know I was making excuses. It is totally doable! I spend a lot of time on the elliptical which I have come to love and I also walk outdoors a lot, pushing a double stroller of course! 8/31/11 I started couch to 5k training and I am loving it too! I am getting ready to start Jillian Michael's new Ripped in 30 DVD. I have just slowly added more as I go and I am making progress! I encourage you to take this step and kick some butt! You can do it! There are plenty of people here to support you! Best wishes!