

  • Thanks!! I just took my measurements last night, so we will see!!!
  • I just bought this video and will be starting on Monday. My friend has tried it and says it is a GREAT workout and was sweating even for the 10 mins, so I though why not. I can do anything for 10 min!!! And if I have extra time I can do 2. Hoping this helps with my work routine too! Cause its all about finding time in the…
  • I'm a new mom too! She is 3 months and I've doing the 30 day shred for 3 weeks now and counting my calories and STILL have not lost 1 lb!!!! I do believe this video works its just frustrating to not see the scale go down :( Hopefully Im just building muscle. Feel free to ADD me for support cause I need some too haha!!
  • I was lookin into Insanity as well, what do you think of it so far? Created by - Free Calorie Chart
    in P90X Comment by banji_scott August 2009
  • Thats crazy......small small world!!!
  • Did or are you seeing results?? Created by - Free Calorie Chart
    in P90X Comment by banji_scott August 2009
  • Well I'm already at my ideal weight.......just want to tone up. But this one girl I know tried it and she's smaller than me, did it religously and saw barely any just kinda of weary about spending that kind of money if you cant even see a difference Created by - Free Calorie Chart
    in P90X Comment by banji_scott August 2009
  • Lean Cusines, Smart Ones, Lean Pockets...........or i bring cut up veggies and lite ranch, light and fit plain yogurt with cut strawberries or raspberries, triscuits thin crisps with laughing cow triangles yummy, pretzel sticks like 45 for 100 cal. Created by - Calorie Counter
  •'ll love this site. Every food you can think of they have how much cal it is!!!! Looks like we are shootigng for the same goal weight! Well good luck, it'll be a big help Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Ya I really want to try PX90, but dont they require you to be able to do a pullup and a regular pushup? I only know how to do a girlie pushup if you will but IM SOOO READY TO GET TONED. Im at my ideal weight pretty much just lookin to get toned Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Wow your very good at what you do!! Too cute Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Ya thats my prob alchohol lol.....just need to cut that out and I'd see results waaay faster...... I eat 1200 cal a day (on the weekdays) and workout 30 min cardio 5 days/wk and every other day strength training but nothing seems to change....again i do drink on the weekends. Someone mentioned to me to do situps on the…
  • Hey thanks........I already do cardio bout 5 days per/wk 45 min and crunches, but haven't tried the medicine ball yet I will definatley go get one prob tomorrow hehehe thanks again
  • Hey kankan....this is a little off the subject, but how'd you get your toned tummy?? Im a size 6 and still kinda have a belly, everything I do doesnt help. Or is it just good genes!!
  • Sounds good........I heard doing this gets you toned arms in no time!!!
  • I dont eat fast food much anymore, but there are some low calorie foods on the menu if your really cravin it.......... Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I would love to join as well........tryin to lose the 10 pounds anything to help!!!:smile:
  • Hey I'm new here......I love how they add up your calories for you, especially when you don't know how much is in it