Black Team Week 12



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    tag for later...haven't had much of a chance to get on the computer. :heart:

    Just saw your picture and it felt like my heart fell into my stomach. I was pretty sure that I miss you. Now I know for sure that do. Ugh is it the weekend yet?

    Sniff Sniff - pass the tissues please. That was the nicest thing I've heard/read lately. Beth and Andrew - You both make my heart sing!

    RIGHT???:sad: :sad:

    That is the sweetest thing I have heard in a loooooooooooong while.

    Smooches to you two~:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Missed this yesterday. I'll jump on board today though. I don't have to do 100 cause I was a slacker do I? :laugh:

    Heading out for a fab Red Roof Inn morning breakfast :ohwell: , then back on the road. Later!

    Oh, by the way, I would like to say, 12 (or 13) weeks on the Black team and I am the same weight I started......... Geez! Progress my friends, progress.

    This was the maintain just where you are team, right? :happy:

    We didnt say we were the losing weight team:glasses:

    me you and Marla and I think bobbi and janie have been stuck for awhile.

    :grumble: plateau

    :love: but we're HOT that is all that matters:love:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Missed this yesterday. I'll jump on board today though. I don't have to do 100 cause I was a slacker do I? :laugh:

    Heading out for a fab Red Roof Inn morning breakfast :ohwell: , then back on the road. Later!

    Oh, by the way, I would like to say, 12 (or 13) weeks on the Black team and I am the same weight I started......... Geez! Progress my friends, progress.

    This was the maintain just where you are team, right? :happy:

    We didnt say we were the losing weight team:glasses:

    me you and Marla and I think bobbi and janie have been stuck for awhile.

    :grumble: plateau

    :love: but we're HOT that is all that matters:love:

    jeannie your funny love your humor

    andrew- its sweet how much you miss beth

    beth- I am sure you miss him just as much,

    uuuggghhh i need to get up energy to do my push ups my husband just called and said oh by the way they guys are coming over tonight to play games and we are having pizza. I love pizza so I am eating my salad before they get here.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    Last week!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    and what I have from this week since I will be gone for the next 2 days.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Andrew- you are just so darn sweet. Enjoy your wife and kiddos this weekend.

    Jeannie- glad this isn't the losing team, I would have been kicked off. :tongue:

    Tamara- you and your walking kick butt, no wonder you lost all that weight.

    We are in PA. I'm tired. Not sure how sitting on ones *kitten* all day long makes you so tired, but it sure does. I also get here and all plans to really watch go straight down the toilet. I already ate a cookie, 2 little peanut butter cups and 3 slices of pizza- vege- but still, 3? It's like I revert back to being a kid with no worries.

    Whatchagonnado? I'll try to keep my b!tching about my weight to a minimum next week folks. :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    and what I have from this week since I will be gone for the next 2 days.

    Thank you Sam:flowerforyou:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I will probably say I maintained this week, I think maintance is gonna be harder then actually losing we will see,

    Good Night Ya'll
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Tamara- did you up your calorie intake to maintain? Just wondering.... in case I ever get there......
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am going to have to do as many as I can tonight cause we are on the road all day tomorrow and friday. Hopefully we make it to Northern NC tomorrow night and hopefully we don't have to drive into the night Friday.

    Saturday I will do my push ups go for a jog make cake, frost cake, hope that younger bro in law doesn't think that it is for him, go to MY family reunion, maybe go for a bike ride after that then pass out.

    Sounds exciting! :laugh: :laugh:

    Sam, is your family in NC? I live in NC, kind of in the middle.LOL!! Just wondering how close you may be. And if I sound stalkerish sorry!! Don't mean to be. Sometimes it's just nice to meet people you talk to everyday!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    So Marla you can beat me NOW! I haven't gotten my push ups in today and I am getting ready to go to bed. I had a very hard work day! My Back hurts tonight. A whole lot of heavy lifting but today has been the best production day we have ever had so that is my MAJOR positive for the day! Money should be better this week. If my back wasn't bothering me tonight I would re-consider doing them but tomorrow I will get them done. Like Jeannie says, on the wall, in the hall, on the floor or on a door! LOL!! I sound like Dr. Suess, just like you Jeannie!! LOL!! Sorry can you tell I'm tired??

    Sam, Lori, and Tamara-I hope you all have a great vacation!

    Andrew-You are such a sweet man and Beth is lucky to have you!! I'm sure she misses you just as much as you do her.

    Have a great night everyone and I hope to catch you all back here tomorrow evening!! GOODNIGHT!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm home and I"m happy. In case anyone is not a facebook sleeze (hahah) like the rest of us here is a couple of pictures of this awesome waterfall hubby and I happened on....


    So, I got to whitewater raft, and the water was BIG, massive waves!

    I am not a strong swimmer but I decided to live the experience, and I swam one of the little rapids. I jumped off of a rock into the river about 12 twelve foot feet in the air (I've never even dove off a diving board before, freaky!) We did a little "surfing" and almost fell out of the boat but I managed to stay in the entire time. It was sooo awesome!!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi guys. I'm here. Computer change over at work sucks. My computer also died :cry: So, when I do have a few minutes I can't even check in here. New hard drive coming tomorrow. :drinker: Woohoo!! Hopefully I'll get caught up enough by the end of this week and know what I'm doing enough to screw around a little again. Get those stupid combines out in the field so people will quit buying chemicals already guys!! Chop chop. :laugh:

    Still on a maintain. But still hanging in there. Stress will go down someday. I promise it will! Probably not until they finish fixing my water problem!! But it will go away.

    'Night black team. Oh, sorry. No pushups for this chicka today. I suppose I'll be tarred an feathered now. *sigh* Such a life!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello my team-- Private Pushups reporting for duty--

    Renae and MTGirl-- no beatings, tar and feathers or harassment from me-- your own flabby arms shall be your punishment-- ha. :wink:

    seriously-- whose freakin' idea was this anyway?

    Crazy day, and I'm fixin' to hit the hay when I remembered the pushups-- just did 50 of 'em-- 10-10-5-12-13-- youch.

    Nibbled too much tonight-- good foods, nothing bad for me, just outside my calories-- have to cut out a few carbs tomorrow and watch it closely. Doggone it--

    Later, my team-- off to snoozeville.
  • banji_scott
    Sounds good........I heard doing this gets you toned arms in no time!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So Marla you can beat me NOW! I haven't gotten my push ups in today and I am getting ready to go to bed. I had a very hard work day! My Back hurts tonight. A whole lot of heavy lifting but today has been the best production day we have ever had so that is my MAJOR positive for the day! Money should be better this week. If my back wasn't bothering me tonight I would re-consider doing them but tomorrow I will get them done. Like Jeannie says, on the wall, in the hall, on the floor or on a door! LOL!! I sound like Dr. Suess, just like you Jeannie!! LOL!! Sorry can you tell I'm tired??

    Sam, Lori, and Tamara-I hope you all have a great vacation!

    Andrew-You are such a sweet man and Beth is lucky to have you!! I'm sure she misses you just as much as you do her.

    Have a great night everyone and I hope to catch you all back here tomorrow evening!! GOODNIGHT!!

    :laugh: :laugh: Do your push ups N E Where!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm home and I"m happy. In case anyone is not a facebook sleeze (hahah) like the rest of us here is a couple of pictures of this awesome waterfall hubby and I happened on....


    So, I got to whitewater raft, and the water was BIG, massive waves!

    I am not a strong swimmer but I decided to live the experience, and I swam one of the little rapids. I jumped off of a rock into the river about 12 twelve foot feet in the air (I've never even dove off a diving board before, freaky!) We did a little "surfing" and almost fell out of the boat but I managed to stay in the entire time. It was sooo awesome!!!!

    :love: looks like so much fun Lynnie!!
    I LOVE water falls....DH makes sure to find one for me everywhere we go. Once we were in Disney World, the flatest place on earth, and he found one for me........fake, but a waterfall none the less:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sounds good........I heard doing this gets you toned arms in no time!!!

    Oh heck yea! I think between squats, lunges,planks and pushups you wouldnt need any other strength exercise:happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello my team-- Private Pushups reporting for duty--

    Renae and MTGirl-- no beatings, tar and feathers or harassment from me-- your own flabby arms shall be your punishment-- ha. :wink:

    seriously-- whose freakin' idea was this anyway?

    Crazy day, and I'm fixin' to hit the hay when I remembered the pushups-- just did 50 of 'em-- 10-10-5-12-13-- youch.

    Nibbled too much tonight-- good foods, nothing bad for me, just outside my calories-- have to cut out a few carbs tomorrow and watch it closely. Doggone it--

    Later, my team-- off to snoozeville.

    :grumble: did em at work:grumble:

    :smooched: :heart: :smooched:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi guys. I'm here. Computer change over at work sucks. My computer also died :cry: So, when I do have a few minutes I can't even check in here. New hard drive coming tomorrow. :drinker: Woohoo!! Hopefully I'll get caught up enough by the end of this week and know what I'm doing enough to screw around a little again. Get those stupid combines out in the field so people will quit buying chemicals already guys!! Chop chop. :laugh:

    Still on a maintain. But still hanging in there. Stress will go down someday. I promise it will! Probably not until they finish fixing my water problem!! But it will go away.

    'Night black team. Oh, sorry. No pushups for this chicka today. I suppose I'll be tarred an feathered now. *sigh* Such a life!

    Nothing is impossible!! Have a great day! Hope today is a better one!(:grumble: hate computer frustrating:flowerforyou: )