bugsygal89 Member


  • So I just started on idealshape and have honestly never had a meal replacement shake so delicious. That being said, has anyone successfully lost weight on their meal plan? It seems like a lot of food...
  • You just have to be careful. I learned when I weigh myself daily that I would lose sight of my overall progress (my weight fluctuates HORRENDOUSLY throughout the day). You can weigh yourself at twice a day to get a feel for how your weight changes but like previously mentioned, only record what you see once a week.
  • I know this is an old post but I'm doing both at the same time and switching off. I actually love HHA. The misconception is that it's easy and boring but I think the music makes it more entertaining. Also it can be really intense if you really make sure to tighten and work your abs the entire time :-)
  • have you been drinking enough water? Sometimes the weight loss is just water loss (or sometimes you can just be bloated :-) ) Are you only looking at the inches around your waist? Sometimes people lose weight in different places as well. Add me if you have any questions! :-)
  • This is true but it does depend on your pace swimming :-)
  • It would be nice to assume it would be 1200 calories. Unfortunately, if you aren't getting your heart to race, 400 calories make more sense. I would recommend doing interval sprints in the water to burn more calories. Furthermore, I know MFP tends to be inaccurate in some of the 'calorie burned' estimates. I used to be a…
  • I'm looking at being 130. I hope to make it to 150 at least, but I know I would rather be in the middle of a normal BMI instead of in the high range :P
  • Sometimes I use it when I don't have a lot of time or I need a quick food fix. However, I don't recommend using them as a diet because the weight tends to not stay off. Plus if you have gained weight due to bad eating habits, it is more efficient to just change your eating habits.
  • I do. I used to drink a few times a week but I realized that the calories really add up and it just isn't worth it. I'll have a glass as a treat every once in a while but limit myself to that. Then again, when I drink I get the munchies so I have two reasons to avoid drinking frequently :-P
  • Oh yes you can sweetie! Making the effort to start the change is the hardest. Feel free to add me if you need any advice or support. Just remember it will never happen overnight. Log what you eat and just keep an eye on your eating habits. I promise, it works. Once you see your lifestyle habits and begin to change, I…
  • I like doing what I call 'pizza cottage cheese'. I add some tomatoes (or pasta/Marinara sauce if I want to splurge) and italian seasoning. Or sometimes just italian seasoning...soooo good. It is also yummy to mix with cereal (if you like the sweet/salty mix) or with different seasonings :-)
  • hahaha i weigh myself all the time. I tend to think that the most accurate time for you to weigh yourself is in the afternoon, before you've eaten a meal. It's okay to weigh yourself daily to keep track buuuuut just remember that weighing yourself on a day-to-day basis may drive you crazy because it won't show you weight…
  • scales aren't always accurate :-/ sometimes you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. Also, if you haven't used the bathroom in a while, just ate a meal or are stressed, your body holds on to that weight. The worst part? Sometimes you can't even tell by your pants because if you are bloated, you will feel like you…
  • vodka and diet soda. On occasion a light beer isn't too bad either. I like shots the most :P
  • Hi and welcome from SD :-) You are seriously gonna love how easy and amazing this site is!! On the rain...not sure if I'm excited for it or not. I love to be outside but it's not quite as fun to run/walk/hike in the rain :-P
  • I'm going to be 100% honest here, Chobani isn't my favorite for nonfat greek yoghurt. I would actually recommend either Dannon's Oikos or Yoplait's yoghurt. The texture is nicer and a lot of them have lower sugar content. Both are very yummy though :-)
  • I know exactly how hard it is to lose weight at college! I just recently graduated and am realizing how much easier it is to stay fit now that I'm out. My problem is I put on weight with stress (and college is stressful). I never liked including walking to and from classes as exercise only because I feel that it doesn't…
  • I'm at 1200 a day (although I usually stay under). Honestly, if I stick to high-protein and low-glycemic or low-carb meals with lots of veggies, I stay super full without consuming as many calories. In fact, the only time I'm at risk for going above my limit is when I go out to eat and haven't exercised that day :P
  • I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to join this challenge!!! I like the idea although I'll have to see about the exercise (as in a recent sprain is sadly going to limit what I do for working out until I heal haha). I really really really need to be in a challenge and have that group support and yours seems like a good idea :-)
  • It's hard to not lose faith. But really? Just remind yourself of all the amazing people who still exist out there (yes, they might be a bit harder to find) and remember that those horrible people? Nobody likes them :-P Real people love and appreciate honest, good-hearted people like yourself :-) So in the end, you'll…
  • Don't let it get you down :-( she sounds like she's taking out her bitterness on you and her attitude isn't going to get her very far in life. If she isn't happy with being reimbursed to any extent, that's her problem. It sucks to be her but she should be more careful about clothing if it really costs that much money. I…
  • I definitely know how that goes :-) My biggest suggestion is to keep a lot of healthy snacks around and to try and make premade meals. I find that if I take the time on a weekend to make my meals/plan my meals for the week, it helps so so so much. I'm proud that you're making this effort. It's hard as a college student.…
  • Another person from SD :-) I'm probably going to move to the OC in about a year though. I just really love CA for some reason haha.
  • Thank you so much guys! Yeah, I don't have access to a pool but I totally forgot about rowing machines and the like!! I'm just super bummed I can't continue to do running buuuut I know avoiding it is better in the long run haha.
  • Welcome!!! Yeah, I hate looking back at pictures and realizing that I look like a whale when I thought I looked cute. That's what is really motivating me now haha.
  • I'm only quoting this because I do stay in a deficit when I snack at night but there is a clear difference when I allow myself to snack at night and when I don't (I tend to weigh less if I don't). My biggest recommendation is to keep a bottle of water with you and grab it whenever you want something to snack on. The…
  • Congratulations!!! You look absolutely amazing :-) Your story is incredibly inspiring.
  • Welcome! That's what we're here for :-) It's nice to have a place where people are going through the same thing as you and can help keep you motivated! Add me if you need a buddy to help keep ya goin :P
  • I absolutely love Sports active 2. I know that I get a little cheated calorie-wise because my hrm says my heartrate goes down during the sprints and then shoots up a minute after I'm done. However, I figure that it's better to be cheated than to be misled in thinking I'm burning MORE than I actually am. I love that it…
  • I'm gonna have to give this a try! I'm always looking for new ways to take care of my pizza cravings in a healthy way. I guess that's what I get for having pizza be my favorite food.