Calories per day

who has 1260 calories or less per day? or even more? what do you eat?!


  • What do you mean? You can eat a variety of things to get to that calorie limit. What are you asking? :)
  • wxgal7
    wxgal7 Posts: 13 Member
    I have 1200 and I eat pretty much everything. Today I had an eggo waffle and turkey bacon for brunch, Spaghetti and Meatballs with a slice of cheese toast for dinner. I'm on the go alot so I just grab fruit or often not the best snack like cheez its. I have to catch up on snacks often to make my calories sometimes. Just pay attention to portions and try to pick filling low calorie foods. Once you start filling out the diary regularly you realize alot of the stuff we think is a normal portion is really too much and you are just as satisfied with two thirds or even half that portion.
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm at 1200 a day (although I usually stay under). Honestly, if I stick to high-protein and low-glycemic or low-carb meals with lots of veggies, I stay super full without consuming as many calories. In fact, the only time I'm at risk for going above my limit is when I go out to eat and haven't exercised that day :P
  • I have 2300 calories a day (but I tend to stay around the 1500 range). But I like to have lots of little snack-meals that have a nice chunk of fat/protein and then plenty of fruits and veggies. I've actually been surprised on how many things I can cram into one little snack that only add up to 400 calories.
  • Hilary_85
    Hilary_85 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a 1250 limit and I'm usually under but still very full everyday ! And it was a big change at first but once you change the foods you eat to be healthy and filling you will see how much you can eat for 1260 calories! I almost always eat special k or oatmeal for breakfast...that starts me out right and is only around 130 calories! I try to eat a 400 calorie lunch which is not hard! A sandwich or baked fish or a big salad come in below that! I really try to save around 700 calories for dinner so I can enjoy dinner with my husband without worrying about what I am eating!