Does anyone have EA Sports Active 2??



  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    It's definitely a great way to lose weight and inches. It changes your body, even after the first week. I've already lost 14 lbs. I find myself actually looking forward to doing the workout, and if I miss one due to reasons out of my control, you can make it up, and twice I've done two workouts (the missed one and current one) and actually made it through alive! lol
    Has anyone tried Exerbeat? I have that as well, and use it a's fun and boy does it work every single muscle in your body. With these two programs (Wii) I find I'm exercising 1-3 hours per night, the time just flies by.

    When i was looking at the EA sports active 2 i came across Exerbeat and it looked really good! Glad to know it works. And keep up the good work :)
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I finished the 9-week challenge a few weeks ago. I definitely see a change in my arms and legs (muscle wise). I have defnition again. Because the exercises are so short (some only a minute or two) - I thought there was no way I could get a good workout on my arms and legs - boy was I wrong!
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    I absolutely love Sports active 2. I know that I get a little cheated calorie-wise because my hrm says my heartrate goes down during the sprints and then shoots up a minute after I'm done. However, I figure that it's better to be cheated than to be misled in thinking I'm burning MORE than I actually am.

    I love that it helps me work up a sweat and that I'm a little sore after but not horrifyingly so. I'm noticing that since I workout on my 'rest days' however, I'm just always tired and sometimes can't do the exercises with AS MUCH energy as I did near the beginning. Does anybody else have this problem?
  • I have EA Sports Active 2 for the PS3. It is a really good game. When I first had it I did the preset program but now I just customise my own. I also used my own HRM as well as the one that came in the pack. It didn't say exactly the same amount of calories but to be honest it wasn't that far off. No more than 50 calories anyway, and certainly closer to the truth given on MFP database anyway lol.
    In fact reading this thread ha made me want to start using it again tomorrow
  • kategottli
    kategottli Posts: 20 Member
    I've been using it for a week and LOVE IT.

    I've starHi there!

    I set up a workout group today and am looking for other MFPers who use it on xbox. If you'd like to join:

    username - mfp2012
    password - mfp2012

    Hope to see ya out there!

    I'm far more "into it" than I ever was a cardio DVD. I've hit the point where I'm not very sore anymore (my intensity is MEDIUM). and I can tell by where I do feel pangs of soreness that those are muscles I wasn't used to working (I'm a runner).
  • deiradinn1
    deiradinn1 Posts: 1
    Much rather be cheated on the calories burned, I overestimate calorie intake and underestimate calories burned. Keeps me in check. Sometimes I just do exercises faster or totally off the wall just to see my calories burned. Bought the PS3 version at GameStop yesterday for $9 with all accessories.