Anyone using meal replacement shakes?



  • laniwolford
    laniwolford Posts: 6 Member
    I use Shakeology and I love it have lost 20 lbs in about 2months doing beachbody. It's the only shake that keeps me satisfied
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I wouldn't waste my money on an inferior product like shakeology. Its way over priced and you can get better nutrition from a protein shake and a multivitamin. In fact, comparing shakeology to a naturemade multi, shakeology loses in almost every category.

    Personally, i find most shakes pretty repulsive in taste and get longer satiety from foods. But if you are busy, i would rather make my own smoothie.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If you have your mind made up that a meal replacement is going to fill you up and keep you filled up for hours just like a regular meal would, you will get the benefits of these..

    The downside is, these things are filled with tons of fillers, additives, sugars (real or sugar alcohols) and gosh knows what else. I am not allergic to anything and have no intolerances except to things I cannot pronounce on the labels and if makes me bloat, it is out the door.

    Meal replacements will work if they meet your nutritional goals setup in MFP and cause no discomfort... The GNC Lean Shake, expensive and filled with things I don't wont to know and gosh does it bloat, powder or pre made shakes... Use these caution.

    If you make smoothies, fresh fruit and berries (if they are in season) is good if you are going to eat it pretty quickly before it goes bad in the fridge otherwise frozen is just as a good or even in a a can like buying Dole or Del Monte fruit cocktail (you can get no sugar added, etc..)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Let's just say you don't have a shake or ran out. What do you do then? Skip the meal? Eat something else?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started that way but 1) they are not filling at all, 2) it wasn't sustainable long term.
  • Abowman806
    Abowman806 Posts: 20 Member
    I personally like shakes for breakfast. I work from home with 2 babies under 2. I was resorting to freezer meals in the morning, which are delicious but awful for you. I tried shakeology & liked it but found myself ravenous soon after. I've had a few idealshape shakes and I'm amazed by how full i feel. Simple 300 calorie shakes will keep me satisfied from 8am-12 or so. I'm having one for lunch right now, we'll see how that goes!
    I know how to control portions, i know how to eat healthy, etc. Having the convenience of throwing something in the blender while i take care of two babies makes this mama very happy.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    calimom06 wrote: »
    Is anyone else out there using meal replacement shakes ? I recently started using Idealshape shakes and find that they are very effective for controlling hunger and cravings. But I'm also tempted to try Shakeology. Has anyone tried either of these or any others? And what were your results? Thanks!

    I LOVE Shakeology. I've been using it about 5 days a week for over a year. I add unsweetened coconut milk, and 6 oz plain full fat yogurt and it holds me over for 4-7 hours. It also improves my digestion and makes me feel good. My husband has gotten hooked on it too and he doesn't typically like shakes. He likes the strawberry best and my favorite is the chocolate. Neither of us are much for the vanilla, but my sister likes that one. There's a new latte flavor that I want to try soon.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    If you have your mind made up that a meal replacement is going to fill you up and keep you filled up for hours just like a regular meal would, you will get the benefits of these..

    The downside is, these things are filled with tons of fillers, additives, sugars (real or sugar alcohols) and gosh knows what else. I am not allergic to anything and have no intolerances except to things I cannot pronounce on the labels and if makes me bloat, it is out the door.

    Meal replacements will work if they meet your nutritional goals setup in MFP and cause no discomfort... The GNC Lean Shake, expensive and filled with things I don't wont to know and gosh does it bloat, powder or pre made shakes... Use these caution.

    If you make smoothies, fresh fruit and berries (if they are in season) is good if you are going to eat it pretty quickly before it goes bad in the fridge otherwise frozen is just as a good or even in a a can like buying Dole or Del Monte fruit cocktail (you can get no sugar added, etc..)

    Shakeology doesn't have added sugars or fillers. I'm really picky about ingredients. It's a mix between a protein powder and a super food powder.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    No such thing as super foods btw
  • xmaplegunmanx
    xmaplegunmanx Posts: 47 Member
    I know someone said to stay away from Slim Fast, but it was on an amazing discount at Walmart this week so I bought two packages. I used to drink them when I worked early and didn't always have time to eat. They keep me full until the next meal and they're really tasty. Yes, they do have more sugar than a lot of them but I very rarely go over my sugar allowance in a day when I do drink them so I am still doing ok.

    I think you have to take into consideration what works for you and your regular eating habits. The 'breakfast' shakes however are all super disgusting in my experience so don't even go there! Haha.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    erinkeely4 wrote: »
    gia07 wrote: »
    If you have your mind made up that a meal replacement is going to fill you up and keep you filled up for hours just like a regular meal would, you will get the benefits of these..

    The downside is, these things are filled with tons of fillers, additives, sugars (real or sugar alcohols) and gosh knows what else. I am not allergic to anything and have no intolerances except to things I cannot pronounce on the labels and if makes me bloat, it is out the door.

    Meal replacements will work if they meet your nutritional goals setup in MFP and cause no discomfort... The GNC Lean Shake, expensive and filled with things I don't wont to know and gosh does it bloat, powder or pre made shakes... Use these caution.

    If you make smoothies, fresh fruit and berries (if they are in season) is good if you are going to eat it pretty quickly before it goes bad in the fridge otherwise frozen is just as a good or even in a a can like buying Dole or Del Monte fruit cocktail (you can get no sugar added, etc..)

    Shakeology doesn't have added sugars or fillers. I'm really picky about ingredients. It's a mix between a protein powder and a super food powder.

    Super food..... please explain.
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    So I just started on idealshape and have honestly never had a meal replacement shake so delicious. That being said, has anyone successfully lost weight on their meal plan? It seems like a lot of food...
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    I tend to find shakes/smoothies leaves me less satiated. So they haven't been "worthy" of my limited calories for a long time. Did finally get my DD to start consuming my awesome homemade plain yogurt when I added raspberry jam (easy sugar source for a picky child) to frozen raspberries and blended them together! She likes it for breakfast now (small, frequent eater so it fills her up).

    One of my close friends who is a Lifetime WW loves one of those shakes though - that's her breakfast every morning and has been for about 3 years now.

    For me, I like my plain yogurt with yummy, crunchy granola. Mmmm.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I make smoothie meals. Because of all the fiber, this takes a really long time to drink and keeps me full for hours.
