Anyone using meal replacement shakes?

Is anyone else out there using meal replacement shakes ? I recently started using Idealshape shakes and find that they are very effective for controlling hunger and cravings. But I'm also tempted to try Shakeology. Has anyone tried either of these or any others? And what were your results? Thanks!


  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    You will likely get a ton of people reply, "Eat Food," in a condescending way. Honestly, I think if it works for you, go for it. They will claim it's not a long term solution and you're not learning portion control, but I assume you're not drinking them for every meal. And they are quite convenient when life gets busy. I have not tried Shakeology because the price is a big deterrent for me. I have been happy with ones I have used that were so much cheaper. $5 a shake seems like way too much for me. Good luck!
  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    Cheri1218 wrote: »
    You will likely get a ton of people reply, "Eat Food," in a condescending way. Honestly, I think if it works for you, go for it. They will claim it's not a long term solution and you're not learning portion control, but I assume you're not drinking them for every meal. And they are quite convenient when life gets busy. I have not tried Shakeology because the price is a big deterrent for me. I have been happy with ones I have used that were so much cheaper. $5 a shake seems like way too much for me. Good luck!

    I guess I never really answered your question. I have been using a nutri ninja blender recently mixing up a fruit and vegetable smoothie adding a scoop of protein, chia seeds, and some wheat germ. This morning it was around 350 calories, 30 grams of protein, and just under 20 grams of fiber, I think. I can't look at this screen, and my diary at the same time. Lol. I drink about half on my way to work, and then the other half around 9:30 or 10:00 as a mid-morning snack.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Things off the internet or from sales people will drain your bank account. Eventually consider going to walmart and seeing what protein shakes they have to offer.
    Stay away from slim fast and carnation drinks since they have too much sugar.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    What JanetYellen said ^^^^, I like the Wal-Mart Strawberry Body Fortress whey protein shake using 1 scoop and water, I throw in a banana and ice and it is as good as a lot of Strawberry shakes I used to have and at 170 calories and 30g protein it's a meal for me.
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Ideal shake was rated one of the best meal replacement shakes out there. My wife and I use it and overall they are very good. I tried shakeology once, a friend gave me a sample and I thought they said it was chocolate but it tasted like flaming garbage soaked in old gym socks. But that is my opinion.
  • gooz71
    gooz71 Posts: 97 Member
    Skinnygirl Protein Shakes! Just discovered them and they are so good. 11.5 oz only 80 calories, 12g of protein and 0g sugar! Not full of "chemicals" either. You can find them at Walmart but I have to order them online where I live.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Not against meal replacements, but you could buy whey protein and a multivitamin and save yourself a lot of money.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I did use shakes long ago but never found them satisfying. I do make my own smoothie most mornings for breakfast using unsweetened whey protein, greens (spinach, kale or powder), fruit and almond milk. I am full until lunch.
  • mizzmercury
    mizzmercury Posts: 30 Member
    I have tried a bunch of different types. The two I like the most (currently anyways) are the Body Fortress strawberry and Empowered Nutrition berry flavor (although the Empowered Nutrition does NOT taste good if you plan on using water). I have tried Herbalife but it just didn't work for me, financially or taste-wise. I also have friends that sell Shakeology but it's too expensive for my budget.
  • katieclon
    katieclon Posts: 43 Member
    I drink a shake for breakfast! I've been experimenting with different brands, but I've found that I like the ready-to-drink shakes that come individually packaged. Right now I'm drinking one by EAS that is the flavor "Chocolate Fudge" and it's the 100-calorie one. I blend it with 4 ice cubes and Greek yogurt. It tastes AMAZING. It's less than 200 calories and it's almost like I'm drinking a regular milkshake. :)
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    I didn't like any of the ones I tried, Best thing I found.. Look up smoothie recipes, go buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies and make your own. They are loaded with nutrients and you can play with the recipes till you find one you like. I try to start with LOTS of Spinach and Kale, then add whatever else it takes to make it taste good. just watch how much fruit you use, It is good for you but loaded with sugar.
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    if you google DR Oz smoothies, there are like 100 smoothie recipes there with calorie count
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    gooz71 wrote: »
    Skinnygirl Protein Shakes! Just discovered them and they are so good. 11.5 oz only 80 calories, 12g of protein and 0g sugar! Not full of "chemicals" either. You can find them at Walmart but I have to order them online where I live.

    A protein shake is NOT a meal replacement. A protein shake is a protein supplement.

    OP - I've done the meal replacement thing and lost weight. It was easy - too easy. The problem with meal replacements is they don't teach you what you need to know for maintenance. I'm fat because my portions are too big. Logging real food teaches me what real portions look like. My .02
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I didn't like any of the ones I tried, Best thing I found.. Look up smoothie recipes, go buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies and make your own. They are loaded with nutrients and you can play with the recipes till you find one you like. I try to start with LOTS of Spinach and Kale, then add whatever else it takes to make it taste good. just watch how much fruit you use, It is good for you but loaded with sugar.

    Just want to add in the winter, it may be cheaper and even more nutritious to use frozen fruit.
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    Hey lizzy, I live in Florida so I can get fresh fruit pretty much year round, but it's interesting .. you said "more nutritious?" I always thought freezing decreased nutrition, can you elaborate?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Hey lizzy, I live in Florida so I can get fresh fruit pretty much year round, but it's interesting .. you said "more nutritious?" I always thought freezing decreased nutrition, can you elaborate?

    The theory (I can't cite a study or anything to back it up) is that frozen fruit/veggies can be picked at their ripest, and hence, most nutrient dense state, frozen and shipped.

    Vs. "fresh" (but out of season) fruits and veggies that are picked when they are under-ripe and allowed to ripen in the transit time, etc.
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member

    The theory (I can't cite a study or anything to back it up) is that frozen fruit/veggies can be picked at their ripest, and hence, most nutrient dense state, frozen and shipped.

    Vs. "fresh" (but out of season) fruits and veggies that are picked when they are under-ripe and allowed to ripen in the transit time, etc.[/quote]

    Very interesting and makes perfect sense, It's funny, I grew up farming with fresh fruits and veggies always available, we canned or froze what was in season to last all year, yet I never really questioned the nutritional implications.. If you wait until the food is at it's peak it would be rotten by the time you shipped it.. THANKS
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Hey lizzy, I live in Florida so I can get fresh fruit pretty much year round, but it's interesting .. you said "more nutritious?" I always thought freezing decreased nutrition, can you elaborate?

    The theory (I can't cite a study or anything to back it up) is that frozen fruit/veggies can be picked at their ripest, and hence, most nutrient dense state, frozen and shipped.

    Vs. "fresh" (but out of season) fruits and veggies that are picked when they are under-ripe and allowed to ripen in the transit time, etc.

    This^ I live in New York so this time of the year our "fresh" fruit travels a long distance.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There was an article I read the other day that agreed frozen fruit and veg had a better nutrient profile than fresh produce because it's picked and snap frozen asap. Whereas our "fresh" produce isnt very fresh by the time it hits the stores...
    i don't know about America, but here fruit and veg can sit in those fridge holding places for up to 3mths before being shipped out :confounded:
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I substitute a meal a lot with a GNC Lean Shake. 170cals 25 grams of protein. I get the ones already premade that come in the bottle. I keep them at home, work and in my gym bag. Very easy to grab and go