

  • I will be there see you all then
  • I take a once a day multi vitamine seems to work for me..... that is all I take have been reading too much about taking a lot of vitamines together.
  • you should take evyones advice on this point.... dont quit now you need a calorie tracking site more then ever. upper body weights are good and will not affect your knee or hips. there is much you can do to stay in shape and lose weight wkith out hurting or doing any more damage to the knee or hip. set new golas to see…
  • thank you that big red obese on my medical chart is what made me start weight loss it is the small victories that keep me going. :flowerforyou:
  • I lost 60 pounds over a period of a year I lost my motivation about five months ago and started to gain weight. I have gained 20 pounds in this last five months. Have just started tracking and exercising again about two weeks ago. The thing that got me started again was looking at all the new clothes I had bought that I am…
  • add me I would love to be friends and get some support going. I lost 60 pounds but gained 30 back so am really trying to stay on track this time could use the support. and any helpful hints would be appreciated.:smile:
  • Good luck to you all I have been on a while but kinda got off track.... This is a great site easy to use and easy to pick back up when you go off course. Say Hi sometime if you need encouragement. It works
    in Im New Comment by dajn44 February 2012
  • wow amazing that is a serious workout you can see the diffrence.... Think I am going to try that was it hard to keep motivated and did you miss any days
  • suggestion!!!! I know this sounds standard but it worked for me.... I have lost over 50 lbs. have gained 10 of it back so that is why I am on this website trying to get back on track. what worked for me was to put my weight loss in perspective. shoot for 2lbs a week and dont beat urself up if you only lose 1 lb or none as…
  • Add me as your friend I need someone to help keep me on track. I lost 60 pounds and have kinda gotten off track. Gained 10 of ikt back so am trying to get motivated. We can help each other. This is day two for me have set a goal of losing the ten pounds I gained and then will work to lost gthe last twenty which I have been…
  • I am in ...I know I am starting a little late but here goes. I have a very competative nature and I have been trying to eat more clean so today starts it. Thanks for the websites I will go there and look at some foods that I can and should not eat. Will weigh in on Mondays Thanks... any support will be appreciated. SW 189…
  • I agree with all you just said it is all about focus. It is a mind set staying on track..... You know what to do it is just making yourself do it and stay on track. Have started back today. Lost 60 pounds gained ten beack because I stopped doing all the right things and got lazy. am now refocused. Keep posting it helps
  • good luck add me as a friend I am getting back on track lost 60 pounds then quit tracking what I was eating so have gained about ten back. Am back on Track will watch what I eat and could use some support. I will not allow myself to go back to the weight I was I have to stand strong.