

  • Great deal, thank you!
  • I'm in the same boat as you and continue to struggle. I go through spurts where I'm dedicated and work out after my kids go to bed (9:30/10:00), but then I'll hit a bad stretch where I'm not sleeping well and am tired at that point at night and I fall off the bandwagon. I unfortunately don't have any good advice. I too…
  • Ok, I'm hopping back in the saddle. The last week has been crazy and I had just given up. Between birthdays, a sick child, change in daycare & other stress, I had not had the opportunity to focus on tracking food & exercise. Yesterday was my birthday, so I got the indulgences out of my system. I'm ready to focus again.…
  • Ok ladies....for those of you who are moms who work full-time, how do you find the time to work out? I am REALLY struggling with this (and have been for a while). When I do workout it's been at 9:30 at night after my kids go to bed. Most nights, however, I'm just too tired at that point. I've tried to set my alarm to get…
  • Hi All! My name is Kim & I'm a 30 yr old mother of two - a 5yr old girl and a 18 month old boy. I work fulltime in the HR field and am supporting a husband who is training for his first marathon. This is helping to fuel my desire to get back into shape after having my kids. Stats are as follows (hope I measured…
  • I think this is excellent, thanks for organizing! Looking forward to participating...could use the extra motivation. Will need to take my measurements & will post tomorrow. Will add you as a friend.
  • Count me in as well! I'd ideally like to lose 8 more pounds and then want to continue to maintain & tone.
  • So has our busy moms group just gotten too busy or have we all fizzled? I've been awful and haven't been working out. Life has just been too busy. I want (NEED) to get back into the swing of things.......any motivating words?! Hubby is training for a marathon, so perhaps I can have him kick my butt into gear. I need a…
  • I didn't do great this weekend. I've been so lax about tracking my calories and I know I didn't eat the healthiest (had some snacks that were high in calories). I also only managed to squeeze in a walk this weekend; otherwise I didn't get much physical activity (I spent the weekend cleaning the house in preparation for a…
  • Thanks! Tracy I sent you a message. I'm a 30 yr old mom of a 5 yr old girl & 17 month old boy. My husband & I both work full time and finding 'me time' is almost impossible. I have horrible mommy guilt. I have a few leftover baby pounds that won't fall off, so I've been turning to MFP for some motivation. Looking forward…
  • I know you wanted to keep it small - still too late to join? Was hoping for another mama's group to pop up.....finding the life balance very hard, starting to lose motivation. Let me know....
  • I'm 17 months out from my 2nd c-section and am working to trim down my belly. My mid-section where my belly button is seems so stretched out. I'm not certain if it's fat, or if it's stretched skin. Depending on what I wear, I too feel like I look like I'm in the early stages of pregnancy - rockin' that lovely pooch. I've…
  • ak248902 - I ended up missing virtually a whole week and picked back up with Level 2 where I left off. Amazingly, I didn't struggle. I would say at least attempt to pick back up where you left off - if you can squeeze some moves in over the next few days until then, it's at least SOMETHING to help keep you limber. :) I too…
  • After almost a week of not doing the 30DS, I did it Sunday night & last night and felt good! I'm working on level 2 - not sure how many days I've done on level 2 as I had done it for a few days prior to my 'hiatus'. :) Going to kick it up to level 3 probably this coming weekend! I have the No More Trouble Zones DVD and…
  • Aaaggggghhhh, I've fallen off the shredding bandwagon....I haven't shredded in a few days and I'm so disappointed. I've had family in from out of town and we've been so busy. By the time I have some free time at night to workout, I am utterly exhausted. I need to get back into it tonight. I am already seeing a change in my…
  • I heard about these on the radio yesterday morning & just happened to notice them while in the grocery store yesterday, so I picked up a bag of the salt & vinegar. I agree with the previous posts, they are good, but strong! I keep them at my desk at work for those days where I get the munchies & need a healthier…
    in Popchips Comment by sunnikim June 2011
  • Did D4, L2 last night and I must say, I rocked it! :) I took Wednesday night off and I think that really did help me rest up. I was able to keep up and only had to stop once. I can tell my endurance has gotten better and I'm more stable. I briefly tried 6lb dumbells (typically use 2lb; 6lb is the only other set we have)…
  • I had to take another day off last night as I was just exhausted and wanted to go to bed. I'm finding that I need a day of rest once a week; I don't think I can do this 7 days straight. I did do some cardio on the elliptical yesterday on my lunch break, so I didn't totally slack off, but by the time I got the kids to bed…
  • I too am at a point where I feel like I've hit a wall motivation-wise. I did day 10 yesterday, L2. Today, I decided to do some elliptical training on my lunch break and it felt GOOD! It was nice to mix it up. I think my wall is a mental obstacle (sure, my body is TIRED, but mentally I think I'm wanting to pull out of the…
  • Incredible pictures! You look awesome! I read some of your blog and I love your attitude and sense of humor. I hope you write in some way, shape or form in your daily life as you excel at it. Your outlook is inspirational! Thanks for sharing!
  • I completed D6, L1 last night and I must say, it's the first day that I struggled with energy. I was tired in general, but forced myself to do it last night and I had to take quite a few breaks. I'm hoping tonight's workout goes better. Other than that, after almost a week I can already feel/see a difference. My clothes…
  • I started 30DS on Friday as well and am loving it! It's a tough 20 minute workout for sure. I can already feel a difference, just 3 days in. When does everyone intend to go to level 2? I figured I would give it a good week, maybe a week & a half before I go to level 2. I tried it once before & like many, didn't stick it…
  • I got an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read your post because I could have written it myself. I'm currently struggling with the same issue; I'm a mom of 2 (a 4 yr old and a 4 month old) and work full-time. I have tremendous guilt for taking time in the evenings to exercise.....even 15 minutes on the…
  • If going to the gym 5 days a week and working out is considered sedentary, I'm in trouble. I may (and I stress MAY) be able to squeeze in two, 20 minute home workouts a week between working a desk job & taking care of a 4 yr old and 3 month old, so I guess my activity is considered.........comatose?!?! ;o) I'd put you in…
  • I did the same thing last night (Papa John's pizza & ice cream!), but am going no where near the scale today! I'm loading up on the water for the second day in a row (I should everyday anyway) to help flush out all the sodium that's been in my diet the last few days. I'm learning my body definitely responds to high levels…
  • Congratulations & Happy Mother's Day to you! I have a 4 yr. old and a 3 month old and life is so chaotic right now. Sleep, exercise, eating,'s so sporadic that you want to shout it from the rooftop when any of it happens. And if you start to see a pattern develop, you feel like you've won the lottery!…
  • HUGS to you! I can empathize as this past September I began a 19 week journey on complete home bedrest while pregnant with my second child. I was allowed to get up to use the restroom throughout the day and shower (using a shower stool) every few days, but otherwise I was confined to bed in a horizontal position. This was…
  • I started the 30DS over a week ago and noticed a difference after just 3 days. Unfortunately, I fell of the exercise bandwagon and caught a cold and haven't done it in several days. I want to start it up again and keep it up. I have a feeling that if I was seeing a difference after only 3 days that I'd love the results…