Busy Mom's (new group) week 1



  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    This weekend was rough on the calorie counting for me! On Saturday I had about 1100 calories left to eat after my snack at 3. We went to a wedding reception and I had to estimate EVERYTHING! I pretty much used up the full 1100 calories! CRAZY! Today we took the family out to lunch after church and once again... no caloric info on the menu and I wound up guessing AGAIN! Oh well. The important thing is: I'm much more conscious about what I put in my mouth when I'm logging everything! :-) If I want to eat something and don't have the calories left I am usually led to get a glass of water or go for a walk or something to "earn" that food.

    Having said that, I went over my calorie goal tonight because I popped a HUGE bowl of air popped corn and ate more than I intended to. I guess next time I'll measure out what I want to eat and stop when it's gone! Lesson learned!

    Remember, each time we choose to be active instead of sitting around, we have a mini success. Each time we exercise willpower and self control we win a little battle. We can do this, one step at a time! :-) Our families are worth the effort and we want to live long and healthy lives so we can roll around on the floor with our babies and grandbabies!

    Does anyone want to share their beginning weight, current weight, goal weight, and goals? Why they began this journey?

    Beginning weight: 124.5
    Current weight: 120.5
    Goal: Healthy and sustainable weight, whatever that looks like! I'm thinking about 112?
    Mini Goal: 118.5 by the end of the month

    I bought a size small nike swimsuit short-style bottoms this spring without trying them on and when I got home they were a bit snug. I told my husband I was going to exchange them for a medium and he kindly suggested that I not return them. Instead, I should take charge of my health and the body I complained to him about (but he has no problem with) and be comfortable in the small bottoms. At first I was hurt, but the truth is, he loved me enough to make me see that I wasn't happy with me. It wasn't how HE felt that mattered, it was how I saw myself. Now, I'm thankful he was willing to say what needed to be said. He was so right! I FEEL better about myself already and I love the feeling of taking charge again. No more excuses. Today is the day!

    Good luck to all of you as well.
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I didn't do great this weekend. I've been so lax about tracking my calories and I know I didn't eat the healthiest (had some snacks that were high in calories). I also only managed to squeeze in a walk this weekend; otherwise I didn't get much physical activity (I spent the weekend cleaning the house in preparation for a yard sale as well as chasing kids, but I didn't work out).

    So, time to reset this week and get back into it. I am t-i-r-e-d today and don't want that to be an excuse for me. I find it way to easy to latch on to excuses lately and can see I'm regressing in where I want to be.

    Hope everyone else is doing well for a Monday! What are your workout plans for the day?

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I didn't do great this weekend. I've been so lax about tracking my calories and I know I didn't eat the healthiest (had some snacks that were high in calories). I also only managed to squeeze in a walk this weekend; otherwise I didn't get much physical activity (I spent the weekend cleaning the house in preparation for a yard sale as well as chasing kids, but I didn't work out).

    So, time to reset this week and get back into it. I am t-i-r-e-d today and don't want that to be an excuse for me. I find it way to easy to latch on to excuses lately and can see I'm regressing in where I want to be.

    Hope everyone else is doing well for a Monday! What are your workout plans for the day?


    Kim- I've found that if I start my day working out, I don't make excuses. Find a time slot you can do and stick with it. Even if you're feeling tired, put in a dvd to exercise to, if you can go for a walk/jog do that, or whatever else you choose to do to get that cardio in. If you feel drained in the morning, force yourself to do it anyway... most of the time once you get moving you'll perk right up! The other day I had to drag myself out of bed. I kept saying, I just don't feel like exercising today... maybe I'll take a day off??? Finally I got control of my stinkin' thinkin' and put the dvd in anyway. I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred AND went on to do some cardio on my Wii Fit Plus because I WANTED to do more! So... I went from complaining and making excuses to going above and beyond my goal for the day! YES!!! You can do it too! :-) Have a plan and don't deviate from it unless you are injured! Yes we mommies will be tired, but exercise actually GIVES us energy, it doesn't SAP it! :-)
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    So has our busy moms group just gotten too busy or have we all fizzled? I've been awful and haven't been working out. Life has just been too busy. I want (NEED) to get back into the swing of things.......any motivating words?! Hubby is training for a marathon, so perhaps I can have him kick my butt into gear. I need a workout buddy to help me be accountable.

    How's everyone else doing?