

  • Hiya. Not sure if anyone is about any more, but I'll stick a post in anyway. :bigsmile: Hope everyone is ok. Statia is probably getting ready for Thanksgiving I guess. I was moaning to my better half last night that I wish I was American. Some of my American friends on facebook are posting of the run up and what they are…
  • Hiya all. Sorry I haven't been around as I have been mega busy. I have finally been offered a property that is suitable so I am still packing up to move. (hopefully be moved within the next 2 weeks) I got to day 5 of level 3 and lost 10 pounds which I'm totally happy with. :bigsmile: I will probably be offline for a while…
  • Hiya. Level 3 day 5 completed. :bigsmile: Congrats on your weightloss Monkey, Glad you finally cracked it. :happy: Yep, the winter's are really bad for back and joint pain but that said, winter is my favourite season of all. Just wish it would snowed more where I am as I love the snow :bigsmile: Happy Birthday Monkey!…
  • Morning everyone! Hope everyone is having a happy Monday morning. :happy: Well done Gail, Nothing keeps me from my bed either, especially now winter is on it's way. :laugh: Statia, My disabled house is not because of my surgery, I have Stickler Syndrome which causes joint problems, eye and ear problems, I also have nerve…
  • Hello hello. I'm still about. Just been super busy and super tired lately. I am hoping to move soon so I've been packing up things and boxing things. I hate moving :grumble: I am waiting for a disable adapted house, so I could just get a phone call at ant time so I want to be ready. Still doing my shred, although I didn't…
  • Thanks Monkey. Do you know If Statia is ok? It's been a while since anyone was in here. *Tumbleweed rolling* :tongue: Sorry to hear that you didn't lose anything this week so I really hope that the switch around of your diet kick starts things again. Didn't do my shred yesterday as I just didn't seem to have the time, but…
  • Hiya. Thanks guys, It's really appreciated. :happy: Not sure how they break the stones, but it's keyhole surgery. It's the surgery that worries me, but still, There's nothing I can do at this point so I'm not going to worry about it. :bigsmile: Well, I bought a HRM which came this morning, I tried it out during my shred (…
  • Good question. I love juicing too. :happy:
  • Ah right, Got it now.. Thanks so much. :bigsmile:
  • Hiya. Sorry I haven't been around much, Have been feeling a bit down after Tuesday. :frown: Did my shred on Tuesday morning before going to the hospital but didn't do it yesterday as I went through a phase of thinking 'what's the point'. Went way over my calories too by eating crap. :frown: But today I woke up feeling…
  • I'll keep on plowing on then. Thanks guy's. I knew I couldn't be the only one but it's nice to make sure. :bigsmile: Good Luck with your weight losses too. :happy:
  • I was looking at Jillian's six week six pack, thought It would help alongside my 30 day shred... It looks harsh, but if you want a challenge you could try that. Maybe it only looked harsh to me though as I'm still a bit blobby. Lol. :bigsmile:
  • Hi, Just realised that I didn't come in here yesterday.. Haven't a clue why though. :huh: Anyway, did my shred yesterday and again today, day 6 level 2. I'm sure I'm getting worse though... can't seem to keep up as much as in the begining. Not sure if my chest is causing it though as I'm still clogged and wheezy. :frown:…
  • I agree! Someone I know nearly died twice on the operation table 2 weeks ago because of an enlarged liver. She is going back to get a balloon fitted. After the first time, I would never have even thought of going back for more. I'm 238lb and would never consider surgery, I just get off my bum more now. :happy:
  • Hi guys. 30ds L2 D4 I think. Lol. Well I think your all doing brilliantly, Well done for going back the second day, I know a lot of people give up. I did once, A few months back I did 11 minutes of Level 1 and didn't do it again. :frown: I found this site, started again and have stuck with it with the help of Monkey and…
  • Thanks guys. They sound great.... I usually have turkey mince here, but ran out. I am going to try the turkey burgers soon though. :bigsmile: .
  • I hate my Wii fit plus. My weight is different every time I step on it. :angry: For instance, on Tuesday I jumped on to find out that I have lost 3lb, Yay I thought. Then Wednesday I dropped another 2lb. Even bigger yay. Thursday I gained 2lb and today I gained another one. Once it told me I lost 7lb in one day then the…
  • Oh I love Domino's "dribble" They are just gorgeous....... yum! Yeah, I have a hard time sometimes, Yesterday I was nowhere near, I even had a cornetto and a mars bar (felt ill after the mars :sick: ) and I was still under.... Oh well, I hope today is the same because it's friday and I have a bottle of Black Tower white…
  • Morning all. My day 3 is all done. Level 2 is a really good workout, Can't believe how much I sweat with this level. Sorry Monkey, pointy stick has been put away......................... For now. :tongue: Just wondered if anyone has problems with hitting their daily calories? I always seem to be way under even though It…
  • Someone mention pointy stick? :tongue: I'm usually about with a friendly nudge.... To be honest I'm on level 2 day 2 and I don't think I would have got this far without the support from Statia and Monkey. Stick in here and you won't go far wrong. :bigsmile: I haven't scared my sister Statia Lol, She's getting a cold…
  • I have thought of my cough in a positive way... It's got to be helping, surely. Lol :bigsmile: I don't have a problem with weighing in every month. Before I found this site I use to go without all day and have one meal in the evening which I rarely finished. So basically I didn't really eat anything. I was never fussed…
  • Morning all. Day 2 all done and dusted - Yay me :bigsmile: My back and abs are really aching this morning, Hurt's to move. Did any one else have this or is it because of my raging cough as that uses the same muscles too? :frown: Hope you get your 2lbs Monkey. Congrats on nearly losing a stone anyway.. That's great in…
  • Done my shred, Counting it as day 1 again of level 2 as I missed a day. Struggled through the cardio and didn't push myself as hard because of my chest, but my heart was banging all the way through so I hope today still makes a difference. Wore me out though. :yawn: I do smoke still Statia but I am hoping that once I'm…
  • Morning. Feeling slightly better this morning. Cold seems to be dying on me but my cough is still raging. I am hopeful of doing my shred later, That's if my breathing will let me but I'll see how far I can get. May even sweat the illness away. Lol. Hope everyone is well. :happy: Edited to poke my pointy stick at Monkey.…
  • Hiya all. Monkey, I'm so glad your Smudge is better this evening. Must be a relief for you. :flowerforyou: Statia, you take care with that wrist of yours, Do what the doctors say and maybe modify some moves. :flowerforyou: No shred for me today. Bloody cold has wiped me out and all I have had energy for is crawling into…
  • Hiya joimichele. Hiya tahoe. I started level 2 today and I have never sweated so much in my life. It sure is a hard workout but well worth it for the feeling of having done it afterwards. I was achy for a few days but it does go. :happy: I was thinking of starting Jillians yoga meltdown tonight. Do anyone know how many…
  • Excellent choice! :bigsmile:
  • Here's mine. Shannon Nolls - Lift (which has been used on the biggest loser australia) I know you're hurting Feels like you're learning 'Bout life the hard way And it ain't working Seems like forever That you've been falling It's time to move on You're life is calling, yeah This was never meant to be the end Close the book…
  • Thanks Statia, It's good that we have friends in here, I need all the help I can get. You and Monkey motivate me all the time, probably would have give up by now if it wasn't for you two and this thread. :bigsmile: I found level 2 awkward too. My belly gets in the way with some moves. :blushing: Yes miss angel. I will be…
  • Well done weezy! Glad you kept it up and to get Steve joining in too. :noway: Welcome to the tread! :bigsmile: