

  • I made this recipe today with fresh picked raspberries, blueberries, black raspberries, and mulberries and they turned out great! Do you have any idea how to figure out the nutritional content such as sugar, carbs, and calories per pan....or how to track it on here? I tried looking under homemade fruit roll-ups and…
  • Add me! I'm from Wisco!
  • Thanks for all of the suggestions! I can't wait to go tomorrow and enjoy this amazing weather! I will also be bringing my laptop so I can STILL do P90X while I'm camping...
  • How do you compress tofu? And how do you know if its fresh?
  • I should also mention that my diary is open to view and I think anyone can view it? I'm not 100% sure.
  • I agree with this! I do the same thing or else I get wedgies when I run! lol
  • Well, I ended up getting an email from her this morning and she turned in the assignment at 11:57 when it was due at midnight. She was mad that I called to her 8:30 to see how the paper was comming. She was also mad at me that I was with my boyfriend and his friends and we were drinking. She thought it was irresponsible to…
  • I wish I could buy fresh fish but I live in Wisconsin and all the fish at the grocery stores they sell as "fresh" has been previously frozen and thawed :-( I will be going to San Diego in a few days and hope to get some fresh fish there to cook and eat! :-)
  • I'm a full time college student and I'm so busy with homework and studying and clinicals and working I really don't have time to work out. I'm also kinda like you and really don't know what to do once I get to the gym. I have no idea. I get to the gym once a week because it is on campus and I have an hour and a half break…
  • My fiance of 4 years left me because I got diagnosed with cancer 2 months before our wedding. His reason: "I'm really in love with you and want to marry you but I don't want to be with a girl that is going to lose her hair and be sick all the time. Oh...and I guess I should tell you that I've been sleeping with my coworker…
  • OMG! I haven't had chocolate in forever...its time for me to stop depriving myself and make some cake!
  • I'm the same way! I try to not weight myself every morning when I wake up but then I drive myself crazy if I don't do it! I guess its a nice thing to see how my weight changes from day to day and I do get so excited when I see I lost 0.2 lbs but I know doing that every day is not accurate! ;-)
  • Aw girlie...cheer up! Some girls just aren't made to be ladies like you and I! I really don't have any advice for you because I'm much like you from the sounds of it and really try to be a great friend and get walked over all the time. I would just suggest living under a rock and giving up on have female friends as I have…
  • The reason why I say I can't drink plain water is because I finished chemo therapy for cancer in June and drinking water tastes like metal to me. It tasted like metal during chemo and after chemo it STILL tastes like metal. Chemo affected my taste buds and when I try to drink plain water it makes me vomit...unless I'm at…
  • I've seen commercials on TV for Mio and it looks like it adds flavoring to the water. Has anyone tried that yet?
  • Do you mind sharing what you have for meals and snacks? I have a 35 min. drive to school 3 days a week so I'm looking for foods that are healthy and will keep well, especially on mondays when I have class from 8am-5:30pm!
  • Where do you find time to workout with homework, reading, and studying? I feel guily putting down the books and going to the gym and then when I finally do workout, once I'm done working out I just don't feel like picking the books back up! I have no motivation! lol
  • I can't survive without coffee! I'm a nursing student in a very intense program and I can't survive lectures and clinical rotations without coffee!!!