yulinda Member


  • I'm 32 and I understand. I have done pills, fasts, laxatives all types of bs. Its hard to get out of this rut. The hardest step is the first one though. I have nit binged in months and each day that I don't the temptation lessens. When the urge hit you must fight it, find something else to do, distract yourself until it…
  • Just noticed my typos, that should say I understand the need to find people to vent to, smh.
  • Sorry I'm late! So how did the first day go??? What I learned is that if I allow myself to get too hungry binging is going to happen, so number on is to always have good stuff to eat with you and drink LOTS of water. That's my main suggestion. Check in and let us know how you did.
  • I don't even talk to people about it anymore because they dont have any damn thing productive to say. I have been bulimic for about 15 years, I'm 32. I understand they need to find people who vet yet. I'm here if you need an ear!
  • Well here goes. today freaked me out. I binged on a half dozen biscuits and when i tired to purge all that dough got stuck in my throat and I almost choked. I had not drunk enough water to purge it. What is worse is that I kept trying cause the thought of not being able to get rid of it was screwing with my mind. I ended…
  • That would make sense if you were still trying to lose weight. I dont eat my exercise calories because I am 40lbs overweight so I NEED to have a calorie deficit. That is not the case with you. Question do you just want to stop losing or do you want to gain a little back? If you jsut want to maintain then it is not…
    in My Intro Comment by yulinda May 2013
  • Hi. Well we have a lot in common. I am 32 and will be 33. I am also 5'2. I use to be around 143 and in my early 20's I did what you are doing now except I only got down to 127 lbs which was super skinny for my body type (a size 2) I got there by working out to the point of dehydration I literally ran out of sweat O_O Now I…
    in My Intro Comment by yulinda May 2013
  • Hi Emmy! I have suffered from basically everything you listed with the exception of the anxiety disorder and I tend to binge and purge much more frequently then under eat, although I have completed several stints of fasting. Right now I am battling my bulimia head on and am loving myself through recovery. I am 33 and have…
    in Introduction Comment by yulinda May 2013
  • There doesn't seem to be too much activity in this group, I joined a few weeks agao and the person who started this group has not been around. But I am here! I have been bulimic for around 15 years, I am in the midst of a relapse now and my goal is to not purge today then I will go from there. Feel free to friend me if you…
  • Hi im 33 and I have been on both sides of the spectrum. In my 20's i ate next to nothing and worked out for 4 hours a day to the point of dehydration. At my smallest I was a size 2 but it took so many unheatlhy habits to get me there that I was only able to sustain it for 3 weeks. I am not meant to be super thin. I have an…
  • Hi, candice. I am 32 and have had Bulimia for over 10 years and I have 3 little girls. It sucks. I am right in teh middle of a relapse and I trying to get a hold of myself. Believe me I understand what you are going through. I did therapy for a little while but I bombed on the therapist I chose so I need to try that again.…
    in Newbie Comment by yulinda April 2013