

  • It is not just you-i feel like the scale never changes. It only changes if i don't work out at all and I know that just can't be good for me. But ever since I got back to working out a little, i've consistently weighed more than I was weighing before. BLAH.
  • Is anyone doing anything for Valentines Day?:heart:
  • we had marvelous weather yesterday-i think it was early 60s. i spent some time outside reading. WAY TO GO on your jeans! How awesome is that? And Im so sorry about the deaths in your family, JR. So excited for this week! A whole new week to hopefully do well with. I completely concur on the food points. Im not a sweet…
  • I like JMs 30 Day Shred. I enjoy her workout DVDs. Some of them are very intense but the shred has a nice pace. It IS really weird when you start to make the switch away from or towards other foods and then you have some of something o9u haven't eaten in awhile. Alot of times, for me, it never tastes as good as I remember…
  • This weather is so crazy! Constant cold coming and snow out of nowhere! Yesterday wasn't much of a day for me-didn't get any working out done but at least stayed reasonably within my caloric limit. Tried to weigh myself but, much to my chagrin, I seem to have gained weight. I've stayed below or at my low caloric daily…
  • It's been a good last week for me. Been doing what I can to find healthy foods and have really stuck to my somewhat minimal work out goals. It's amazing what even small amounts of movement can do for you! Im thinking I may just try to weigh in at the end of the month rather than continuously throughout the week.
  • No kids yet, here. I just have to deal with our dogs! Today was a much nicer day than usual, too bad they can't say that in Dallas....anyone here a football fan?
  • With all the rain we got here today I wasn't able to get out and take my dogs or myself out for a nice walk so I ended up doing two separate sessions of bicycling on the stationary. Argh! We had beautiful weather on Wed and now it's all gone! Things have been pretty well these last couple of days. I'm happy with that. I…
  • Welcome Welcome! No snow here, actually (North Carolina). But my family in Texas was telling me things are all iced over there. Can I just say how happy I am that yesterday and today I actually made the time for a small workout? Nothing special, really. Certainly nothing hyper-demanding but it's all a new tactic of mine. I…
  • Just hang in there! I know exactly what you mean about exercising and eating right and how difficult in is when you feel people are constantly judging you for it and doing nothing to help. It sounds like you've got a great routine down and I think it's wonderfully strong of you to be as committed to your goals as you are.…
    in Frustrated! Comment by slm4 January 2011
  • Yum! Well, I don't know about any specific snack recipes I use....I definitely am a fan of Cooking Light! I know I'll eat PB&J on rice or wheat cakes. Those are always tasty. I also like PB&Banana. I've been giving my husband PB&Apple Slices to take to work because he never ever eats enough fiber. Ah! Another Monday. I…
  • I am very well! No exercise today but busy busy all the same! I was doing great this week but today I have been snacking alot more than usual......
  • Are you away on a trip? It sounds like you've been away for some time. Don't you hate eating on the road? It's ridiculously hard to eat healthy.....
  • Wow honey you look amazing! I love your shirt, btw! What's the secret behind your success?
  • I'm no doctor, so I couldn't tell you about your weight loss but I know that it has really concentrated amounts of artificial sweetener, which really does your body no favors. Plain water's the best. If you're having trouble making that transition, you should try to put smaller amounts of crystal light in the water you are…
  • So much to do today! I have not been very good about getting time in for fitness this week. I've been doing okay on my food, but just haven't gotten around to working out much.....
  • I'm more of a salty. I love pretzels (hard or soft). I love baked lays. I just really have to watch those items or avoid them altogether. I did alot of lunges four or so days ago and now, where my jeans hung on me more loosely, they no longer do. So frustrating! I just can't understand it.
  • For snacks I know I'll give my husband some hard boiled eggs or a half a cup of veggies. I've also packed him apple slices with some peanut butter to dip in or a handful of almonds. Of course, I give him granola bars, too, or multigrain fig newtons and, if he's anything like yours, I showed up with lunch only to find him…
  • i read the wildest thing today on metabolism-it was featured in the Daily Mail. It talked really about how you just want to make sure you elevate and keep your BMR high so that you'd always be burning calories throughout the day but it gave all this advice that I guess I'd be leery of because it talked about using caffeine…
  • I know what you mean about the yelling-I'm not sure how much I'd like that in person but the DVDs I have of hers show a bit more of a toned-down side. She still gives a hard workout but without the yelling. But yes, she can be a bit intense. I haven't heard of Michele D.-maybe I'll check her out sometime...
  • Everyone keeps mentioning this Zumba thing and I must confess I have utterly no idea what that is.....?
  • momstime-I KNOW what you mean about being a busy individual but working at home. It's incredibly difficult and challenging and it IS much harder to not snack all day. I was really struggling with the daily grazing last year. It was beyond ridiculous. It got to a point were I'd eat a meal and turn around and open a bag of…
  • What adorable children!
  • Alot of these diet pills end up being so dangerous for your body. its not worth it-just exercise and watch what you put in your body and it will thank you in the long run.
  • I'm very short so my numbers just look like they're low...Here are my stats for our post: I weighed in this morning at 118 and hoping to lose about 20 lbs. Good luck everyone!
  • For the most part, yes. I started eating mostly vegan around Nov and Ive been really surprised how easy and delicious it is! I love it. So far I have a bunch of rudimentary recipes or just make normal ones with alot of morningstar products, as I'm sure you're familiar with. I eat alot of tofu. I still haven't been able to…
  • I'm proud that I'm making a concerted effort to eat a certain amount of calories and consume healthier options. I also was able to make it out for a walk with my dogs today, being a little warmer than its been and not raining so I'm thrilled I was able to do that. Darren-you are right to be proud of the water-I went…
  • super hippie chik- Oh my gosh, I love sweet potatoes! Your recipe is very similar to one I use, but I bake them instead.. You can slice them up, like chips/crisps, and throw them in the oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes and they're wonderful. I will put agave on them or a tab of honey and maybe some cinnamon. Are…
  • Hey Clare, I'm so glad you joined the forum! You should go to the Motivation and Support thread where there are some weight loss groups. I just joined one that is focused on getting ready for Summer that iluvsparkles started. Some of those can be really helpful and you can post there frequently. Good luck!
  • oh my gosh, and there it is, i wrote "loose" instead of "lose" in my first sentence........ugh!