The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I took my 'snow' day Tuesday. Feel all discombobulated - day off - but it was worth it! Had a great, lazy (did workout) day with the rugrats. We were spared the blizzard-y snow - but it's a bit nibbly here. Well - warmer today at only 15-ish below wind chill. (Nebraska). Might get double-digits tomorrow. Woo! Our Live Healthy Nebraska team is top of the leader board for weight loss at the plant. WHAT!!! Kudos to team Fortissimo - can't believe that aren't even in the top for activity time. I think the other bozos are padding their time. Eh. Whatever. I'm proud of us, especially me since I didn't even want to do it in the first place!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Here from Ontario, Canada I would like to join the group. I have been on this site since July 2010. I have lost actually more than
    15 pounds that is on my tickler.
    I have two daughters and a husband. Trying to to stay warm this winter with all the snow and yesterday freezing rain and snow.
    I am on a plateau with my weight right now and struggling to get my matobolism up and going again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    I would love to share on a daily basis and hope more people join.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Welcome Shirley61! You're further ahead than me with losing weight. Plateaus have always been my downfall because I see so little progress with the scale. This time I'm going to work through it. The advice I've seen from others in your shoes includes changing what you eat (new foods rather than the usual), changing the intensity of your exercise or changing up what you do for exercise (swim instead of walk, bike, etc.). Celebrate your progress so far and even the little losses and how you feel. We can all encourage each other along the way...:smile:
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    Welcome Welcome! No snow here, actually (North Carolina). But my family in Texas was telling me things are all iced over there. Can I just say how happy I am that yesterday and today I actually made the time for a small workout? Nothing special, really. Certainly nothing hyper-demanding but it's all a new tactic of mine. I find that the times I've worked out really intensely I've struggled with feeling very hungry so I'm trying to do cardio, but not so much that I get all that hungry from it. Just enough to get me moving and raise my heart rate. Some stationary biking and then lots of walking!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I wasn't able to fit in a workout today so I'll have to walk some miles on Friday and Saturday when I have more time. It's probably time to go back to the gym now that the New Year Resolution people are fading out by now. I need to get on a bike or elliptical and do something different for cardio. Weights would be good too but not sure I want to start that yet. I'm hungry right now and want something good and sweet. Trying to fight the urge but feel I'm losing...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Happy Friday all! It supposed to almost 30 degrees tomorrow. A veritable heat wave! Even my dog was ready to request a transfer somewhere warmer. My motivation is very high right now to get three GOOD workouts in this weekend (Fri thru Sun). Praying my folks don't sabotage it. I luv them dearly, but their way of dropping in for visits b/c they are bored reap havoc with my schedule. Please, please, please - I'm actually praying to be able to get my workouts done. NEVER thought that would occur. Motivational thought for today from "Michelle Dozois Fitness" Exercise because you love and respect yourself.
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    With all the rain we got here today I wasn't able to get out and take my dogs or myself out for a nice walk so I ended up doing two separate sessions of bicycling on the stationary. Argh! We had beautiful weather on Wed and now it's all gone! Things have been pretty well these last couple of days. I'm happy with that. I have a goal of seeing if I can make it to March with a fairly intact exercise and eating plan. I'm really trying for it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    It's actually kind of foggy here, no snow falling and temps are warmer than last week. Too messy to walk outside. I'm going to shake up my exercise today and go back to the gym. I feel like riding a stationary bike and doing the elliptical, maybe some weights... I've been browsing recipes on I found a cinnamon granola with dried cherries that you make on the stove top so I'm going to make it today. I like granola in my yogurt or for a snack. I seem to have energy today so I need to take advantage of it.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Have slept maybe 4 hours in the last 36. The 6-year-old mini-B had the yucks - so it's been a blur of washing, disinfecting, and cuddling. I would (and try to do) anything to make them more comfortable - but almost four hours of Pokemon cartoons should be cruel and unusual punishment. This morning he is up and bouncing, so yay for that. I am lethargic and achy and no where near where I should be for a Sunday. woo. Does anybody know how to set up an intravenous drip of caffeine?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I remember those days! My kids are much older but there were times when sleep deprivation and having to care for them when they or myself was sick was a challenge. Hang in there and try to have a low key movie day where you can lay down and watch or something. No Pokemon allowed? LOL I never could stand watching that or Thomas the Tank.
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    No kids yet, here. I just have to deal with our dogs! Today was a much nicer day than usual, too bad they can't say that in Dallas....anyone here a football fan?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Not a fan but watched the game. Go Packers!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    No football for me. The husband did monopolize the big tv all day - tho I did kick him off long enough to do a dvd workout. The 6-year-old seems to better - hopefully he does ok in school and hopefully the 10-year-old doesn't get it. I am crashing from lots of chocolate this weekend trying to stay conscious and feeling ravenous and nauseous at that same time. Yay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Getting frigid again outside here in Minnesota. I'm tired of winter and ready for some sun and green grass. The days are staying lighter longer so that is encouraging. Lots of exercise on the weekend but ate lots of munchies during the super bowl. Go Packers! Zumba was a blast tonight as usual. Love that class and hope they keep offering it. If you get the chance to take a Zumba class it's really fun and a great workout.
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    It's been a good last week for me. Been doing what I can to find healthy foods and have really stuck to my somewhat minimal work out goals. It's amazing what even small amounts of movement can do for you! Im thinking I may just try to weigh in at the end of the month rather than continuously throughout the week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I agree about not weighing in. I'm going to wait until early March and then weigh again. I'm toning and feeling like I'm losing inches with exercise but the scale is too finicky for me!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I wish I had the strength to not weigh. I find if I don't weigh, I also tend to slack off, thinking I'm eating ok.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Yeah I've done that in my past. The less I weigh in the more I eat and get out of control. Right now I feel in control and am logging daily so I'm going to focus on the exercise and calorie intake instead of those frustrating numbers on the scale. I'm a very slow loser!! So we'll see at my next weigh in the first week of March if this strategy helped or hindered my progress. I have high hopes I will see progress and success!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    way to be jr!! I wish I was a slow loser - I'm more of an amoeba slugging along in snail's slime loser! But it's a journey. RAH!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    That colorful description probably fits me also. I could compare myself to a road runner climbing up hill with weight gain and a turtle going downhill for the loss. It's always a pound or two up and an ounce or two down. Hate it so boycotting the scale and concentrating on my energy levels, how my clothes feel, and sticking to my plan. Very curious to weigh and see how I'm doing but not going to. I want to see if I'm down 3-4 more pounds by early March. I'll be pretty bummed if I'm not though.