The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Happy Birthday JR - and Happy Friday ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes. 40 was traumatic but 50 feels fine. I thought the 40's were the best decade for me in terms of contentment so I've heard the 50's are good too. Bring it on!

    mizpaden-are the boys well? Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself too.

    Shirley- You're an inspiration to me to be taking good care of yourself at 61. I hope I can keep this up like you! My sister is 60 and she does not take care of herself so I worry about her health and longevity.

    Well a relaxing eve with my hubby and youngest son. Tomorrow eve we go out to dinner when my oldest son gets home. The middle one got to go to the Florida Keys with his Dad and family, lucky guy!

    Have a nice eve! I think Sim4 who started the thread must have given up on MFP. I've noticed people I use to chat with from other threads are no longer logging in. Well I plan to be here for a long time because I'm only 1/3rd of the way to my first goal of 30 pounds, then I have another 30 to go! So I'll be around to chat...:smile:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi gals!

    Glad to hear everyone is sticking around to chat.:bigsmile:

    JR - You mentioned Floriday Keys, my daughter and her husband just got back on vacation there. Her
    husband's work took them there for a convention. They had a great time but said everything was so
    expensive. Most of their meals were covererd by his work thank G, they went to lunch and it cost them
    $350 for four women.

    Tonight its Margaritaville in Niagara Falls, Ont. for dinner and drinks with about 16 people from our sailing club.
    Last night we had friends over for popcorn and a movie. Its no wonder it is so hard for me keep losing. It has been a
    struggle for months now. I finally got back to where I was before my daughters wedding in November and I am
    up a couple pounds. I think most of this is from water from the salt in the popcorn. My hubby makes it with olive oil
    the old fashioned way in a pot. It is so good:happy:

    I did manage to do some Halth Yoga on the Wii for 46 minutes this morning and I will be watching the calories today.
    Now for my morning coffee before I get in the shower. Have a wonderful day everyone and enjoy !!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Yikes the Florida Keys sound expensive! I'm freezing here in Minnesota and we had blowing snow and a low windchill today. I'm ready for spring! Several friends from work are on cruises for their spring break. I'm helping my youngest son clean his very filthy bedroom, going to lunch with friends, and cleaning my house. I read lots of books and knit so that will also be relaxing.

    I bought a Groupon for $50 for a value of $135 for an unlimited one month membership to a hot yoga place. When my Zumba ends in May I plan to do a month of hot yoga. I think it will feel great and help with my joint pain. In the past when I've done yoga it really helps my arthritis.

    Has anyone ever done a Richard Simmons Dance video? My friend gave me the 70's Disco Dance Fever workout. I tried it this morning and it was fun and hilarious. If you want to smile and workout at the same time, do it with Richard. He's eccentric and goofy, an interesting change from the other serious DVD's and workouts I have done. The clothes they wear on the DVD and the disco moves were pretty funny!:laugh:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Have never done hot yoga - but really enjoy the couple of yoga dvd's I have. I love how stretching feels and how I feel after. I bought a pair of the 'toning' shoes this weekend and wore them with my DVD yesterday. WEIRD! They don't feel heavy until I tried jumping around in the them and, ugh - getting up was really hard. Kind of fun too. I'm not going anywhere right now - hoping to get my husband to Vegas in May. We haven't done 'vacation' since... 1999. Those minion really hoover up the money! The weekend was pretty good - had a big errand shopping day in Omaha on Saturday - socks and shoes for everybody and a new iron for me! I'm pretty dang excited by my new sunbeam. It really puffs out the steam instead of icky little drips of water. As you can tell, I am pretty easily excited. I'd say 'happy monday', but I hate daylight savings time! So feh - monday dst - I'm not ready for you yet!

    Later my lovlies.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I've had the same iron for over a decade so that tells you how much I use it! Every time I do, I think I need a new one but don't bother to shop for one. I also want a new ironing board pad, smoothie maker, blow dryer (just bought a curling iron), bread maker, and new cookware. Wouldn't it be great to have a kitchen/home shower every 10 years of marriage to get new stuff? And yes the minions do take your money for all their needs and activities. First daycare costs if you work outside the home, then clothes and shoes are more expensive as they grow, and if they join sports, etc. that costs alot! And with boys, they eat everything in sight as they become teenagers!

    Spring break from my public school job this week. Not going anywhere but doing things local with friends, exercising, cleaning my house, driving my son to track practice, etc. Daylight savings time is a killer for the first week so I'm glad it fell during my break. Hard to get out of bed in the morning but of course my old black lab helps me with that!

    Enjoy your day...
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Gals:

    Back to work this morning, and I can feel that damn Daylight Savings Time. :grumble:
    A little snow today, but they say it will get warmer in the high 40's later this week, we can
    only hope.
    Weekend went fast as usual and here we are again.
    Its almost lunch and I am starving right now. Made chicken chili over the weekend so
    I am looking forward to munching on that.

    MIZPADEN: Nice to see you got a new iron. I hate to say it but I iron every week. Husband's
    shirts etc. and my work clothes.
    I would love to have a shower for household goodies after 37 years of marriage. (that will be next month):tongue:

    JR: I remember those teenage years, I thought my youngest would never live to the next teenage year she
    was driving us crazy from 16 to 18 years old getting into trouble.
    Now she is 28 married and has done a complete turn around.

    Going to open up my mother-in-law's house, she lives in Northern Ontario, this weekend, so she can come back in a few
    weeks. She is in an apartment right now near to us but nearer to D's sister. We have to turn on the heat and water etc.
    She shuts everything down for the winter. Her front lawn is right in front of the lake. The guys will be going ice fishing while
    my girlfriend and myself will be shopping. It will be a fun weekend.
    We are taking the laptop so I can track my food but exercise will not be happening as my friend has bad knees.

    Have a great day girls!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I definitely think we should have showers at least every 10 years when staying married! I'm already over 15 and most of my stuff is just shot. I am starving already too - stupid dst!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    We need new towels, bed sheets, kitchen cookware, flatware and on and on! Oh well...

    Have any of you tried that Wrigley's Dessert Gum? 5 calories per stick and comes in Key Lime PIe, Strawberry Short Cake and Mint Chocolate Chip. Keeps its flavor for a long time and curbs the cravings for something you don't want to eat. I'm not typically a gum chewer but a stick of this once in awhile takes care of my sweet craving.

    Have I already written this on this thread? Deja Vu! I'm losing it I think. If so have patience with me. Dementia is rampant in my family...:cry:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    no - first mention of dessert gum - may have to try that - have a terrible sweet issue. Off to the ortho today for the 10-year-old. I am glad to be able to do this for my kids. This sort of stuff wasn't in my families budget when i was a kid. The husband's younger brother is coming over tonight and I have a lasagne ready to go in the oven. And bread. And dessert. Sigh. Deep breath - hopefully I can keep it between the buoys and not go completely overboard.. Eat a serving. Eat a serving. Eat a serving. Good day all! RAH!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Never tried this dessert gum you are speaking of. Will have to try it sounds delicious.
    I had a free coupon today for a donut at our local coffee shop and
    guess what I did, I got one . A sour cream donut with my tea this
    morning . Then I went into my tracker to track it and it was 340 calories.:cry:
    Now I will have to go on my bike tonight to get rid of the calories. What was I
    thinking (hits head with hand):ohwell:
    I did enjoy it though :tongue:
    I have to weighin on Thursday for St. Pat's Challenge and this is not a good way
    to finish the race. Oh well, I have already started the Easter Challenge so I can
    keep motivated and the battle continues. :sad:
    Have a lovely day you lovely ladies !!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    You ladies are doing great and do deserve to treat yourself once in awhile. This is a journey and we need to pamper ourselves at times. So enjoy your donut ( I love sour cream old fashioned donuts) and the lasagna and dessert. I went to the Penzey Spice store today and bought some new spices. I treated myself to coffee with cream and mint/chocolate mix in it when I got home. I also have a craving for chocolate cake with a white butter cream frosting. If I had the ingredients I would make it but that would be one big sabotage of myself... So maybe some dessert gum?

    Have a nice evening!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    I already did my 55 mins. DVD Strength training and sweating like crazy.
    Have to get showered and dressed and going to make soup today.

    I want to try some clothes on before we go to Florida and see if everything still
    fits. :tongue: Then hubby told me last night the survey for the old/new sailboat passed but
    he wants us to go and really look at it again. So D. wants me to go today and look at the
    inside again. So I said, why don't we go out for dinner too and he agreed. :bigsmile:
    Now I don't have to make dinner. :happy:

    My oldest daughter finally likes an apartment she saw, so now she just has to wait and get
    her references approved and we hope she gets it. We are hoping to get her in earlier than
    April 1st because we leave for Florida on April 2nd. I would like to get her moved in and then
    I will have the Friday off to finish packing or see if I am missing anything.

    We better get this butt moving and get my day started. I am still tired from the time change. :ohwell:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Today I did low impact aerobic dance with Richard Simmons. It is truly hilarious but I definitely sweat when doing it. Then I did 20 minutes strength and cardio training with Jillian M's 30 Day Shred. Since I was already sweaty I vacuumed my house, mopped and dusted all but the basement. I'm pooped so I'm off to shower so I can run some errands. I have a plant to put in a bigger pot so I need to find a pot and some potting soil.

    I would love to be by a pool or on the beach right now taking it easy. Oh well, I'll get things done around here before going back to work on Monday.

    Hope you all have a nice day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    wow - you two were so productive - I feel tired just reading them! I'm glad it's Thursday and the weekend is drawing in - I'm so tired - really wanting to try to find that hour I 'lost'. The corned beef the husband just had to have didn't make it in the slow cooker before I left - so it looks like green pancakes for dinner - Erin Go Braugh!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Even though I'm part Irish we are not eating Irish today. Tonight we are going to a Lebonese Deli that has great rice and meat dishes, pita bread, and tabbouli. This was one of my "staycations" for my son and I during spring break. My husband decided to join us even though he is skeptical of liking the food. Last night out to eat for awhile. Too many this week with my birthday, my craving for Vietnamese broken rice and chargrilled chicken last night and now the deli tonight. A budget buster for sure!

    Very sore muscles from working out yesterday. Today is more cleaning (my teenage son's room) and sorting clutter that has taken over my table. This will be my exercise for today unless I feel differently late afternoon.

    Sun is shining and warm temps today! Yay! Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Enjoy JR - you deserve it too!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Ladies:

    Finally got my walk in over the lunch hour today. The temps were 55-56 but windy so I did
    have to wear gloves.

    Tonight packing for the weekend at the mother-in-law's to open up her house for Spring and Summer.

    Last night went to see the old/new boat, had to climb up a ladder because it is on a cradle. Not my
    favorite thing to do. Anyway, it does have some leaks and my hubby has to fix them at least 5.
    Inside they took out carpeting and now the walls where the shelves are rough and look like crap.
    So carpeting will be going back in. We are still pondering about this, the survey was done and this
    is what he found. Hubby can do the work and some painting has be done too. So it will be a work in
    progress. It has everything we need and the price is right. So the sauga goes on.

    My daughter finally found an apartment (whew!) she can destress now. We will be moving her in on
    March 30th. Mom gets to clean. It is in an Old Victorian style house, I saw it on line looks nice and she loves it.
    So have a happy green day, I'm not irish I am German, but today everyone is Irish. :bigsmile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    The Lebanese Deli was great and my husband loved his entree. Go figure! Tomorrow I will wake up and do my walk immediately after my coffee so I get it done! More cleaning but not the whole day. It's warm out so I think walking the dog in the neighborhood would be enjoyable for both of us.

    Good night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    stupid scale. At home it was fine - but when I get in here for the 'official' weigh in - it's up. Guhg. Sigh. I must remember - I am not trying to focus on the number - I want to be strong, healthy! But, sigh... Me and that number still fussin' with each other.

    I am hoping to get out here a bit early today, workout and then enjoy a bit of the day with boys. They have been begging to get their bikes out - I think it may be nice enough to give it a try, as long as the wind stays down. Onward!!