The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Beautiful day today in Minnesota! My knees are hurting so I'm giving myself a break from walking and other forms of exercise. Took my middle son to catch the bus back to college and then went to the healthy grocery to pick up some favorite items for my snacks and meals. Going out to dinner to the italian restaurant for my youngest son's 16th birthday tonight so saving my calories for that meal, it will be high. Had a light breakfast and drinking my favorite tea for my midday meal/snack. Luckily we're eating an early dinner. My knees are sore so no exercise for me today, need a break. Tomorrow is Zumba which I love and that is quite the workout!

    Weekend is too short and back to work tomorrow. 3 day weekends would be preferable but then I suppose I would want 4 if I had that?

    Hope you are all well and enjoying your weekends!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Oh my gosh now I'm repeating myself in my posts! Between mixing up threads and repeating myself I'm losing it! Help...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Is it Friday yet?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies its Monday again :sad:

    We are getting a new cooworker this week, so it will be nice to see a new face aboard.

    Wednesday is moving day for K. who is 30. New apartment for life to move forward after break up
    with Irish boyfriend. ( we did like him):cry:
    Her aunt, uncle and grandma are going too. We will be up early to get started and then a trip to IKEA to
    buy more stuff.

    Hubby finished painting the laundry room and we are going to wait until we return from Florida to
    put down the flooring. I said what is the rush, one more week won't matter.

    Hubby went down to see old/new boat and pulled off the electrical panel to see if there is any more water
    damage and there was. He was pretty dejected when he got home. Now either the sellers will lower
    their price or we will be looking again. It all depends how much it will cost to fix the damage.
    Boats are a money pit.

    JRBANTA: We are going to Sarasota, Florida. Sun and beach and get out of the these winter temperatures.
    It has been 80 degrees so far in Florida. We are having unseasonably cold temps here in Ontario.

    Have a great Monday and keep on losing.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    Had a great weekend- Saturday evening/night out with friends, saw a show downtown seattle, dinner, drinks, fun! Sunday relaxed and didn't do a whole heck of a lot more than watch tv and movies :tongue: Took the entire weekend off from MFP!

    Back on track today; I've got to get to the store after work- going to change up my eating habits for the next 5 days or so, eat lots of salads instead of the the frozen meals I usually have for lunch and see how my body responds. I've GOT to exercise today!! Haven't done any real exercising since Thursday- been lazy :happy:

    Have a good day everyone!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Trying to learn the intricacies of this large mfg plants HR dept in less than two weeks and still do that other stuff day two. I am freaking out!!! I came home completely anxious and exhausted and went straight to my popcorn which would have been fine, except I ate two bags of it, and then followed it up with a huge bowl frozen yogurt. And it's only 4:30pm. I am supposed to be sitting working on revamping the math test and just trying to focus on anything is sending me spiraling into chaos. Ack. I only went back to outside work to be able to more easily handle my continuing education costs and the costs of the minions activities. It was supposed to be part time. I knew going to work for my sister was a mistake. I just can't say no verbally, when my brain is screaming it. Just b/c that place is her life and she has no issues working 80-plus hours a week, it is hard for her to fathom me not wanting that. ARGH! Deep breath. This too will pass. My legs are completely wasted from my weekend workouts, maybe I should pop in a yoga...just breathe...oh, look, it's snowing again.
  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    Hey everybody, I just walked over to the water cooler to get a drink and saw everyone chatting about the struggles of trying to lose weight, I have been in such a rut, I just don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I'm am a pretty active person (well, used to be I guess) but now I'm in this slump, I think its my's making me fat. I hear you on the stress eating, I guess that's recently been my MO because every time I'm super stressed I just start feeding on crap. This week I'm trying to get back on track, so we shall see....
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    hey there plc - welcome! please feel free to stay awhile - we are few, but mighty...nice! ;>)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hey plcarpenter! I think you'll like the watercooler :o) Just a half dozen or so ladies that post daily their thoughts, frusterations, enjoyments, anything really. Just a nice little community of women supporting eachother and talking about ourselves:tongue: welcome!

    Mizpaden- sorry to hear your day was so rough :o( you'll get to a point where those rough days won't throw you quite so far. At least you were positive and thought "YOGA!" That's excellent for calming and feeling strong again.

    well, got home today and had an unexpected visitor drop by.... so I haven't exercised!! Just ate a nice healthy dinner (and I did very well on food today if I do say so myself!:wink: ) so after the food settles I think I'll try to get a little workout on the gazelle in, something's better than nothing right! At least I ate well today :o) Anyone else tried the atkins treats? I tried today for the first time their peanut butter cups- sugar free, low carb, still fatty... but what a treat alternative!! really yummy. I also bought the atkins protein shakes to try for breakfast to try and break me from my sugar-filled slim fast for breakfast habit. OH, and I definitely got to the store for some healthy salad fixins so that I can have better lunches.

    :happy: good day over all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm here but busy day. Last night was my son's 16th birthday dinner at Buca de Beppo's Restaurant (fattening Italian food) but his actual birthday was today so my hubbie made his request of beef enchiladas with red sauce. So two bad eating days for me. I did do Zumba tonight but it took all my energy to do that. Probably have wacky blood sugar from my high calorie/sugar meals. Tomorrow I'll get back on track since the celebrations are over now.

    Leo,my dog, has recuperated and is back to normal. Don't know what that scare was about but I'm glad he's still here.
    Welcome plc-we are a nice group that just check in and encourage each other when we do well and when we need a boost.
    Starla- sounds like you had a great weekend and your off to a great week.
    mizpaden-sorry work has you stressed. Doing yoga should help...
    Shirley-have fun in Sarasota!

    Night Night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    starla - you are doing so well!!

    jenny - glad to hear Leo is feeling better, that's got to make you feel better, glad you enjoyed celebrating with your boy - that's what is important

    shirley - moving stinks, but enjoy being somewhere different

    waves to plc whom I hope we'll see more of too

    deep breath - off for tuesday trials and tribulations!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome PLCarpenter :flowerforyou:

    We are trying to keep this thread strong so welcome and share.

    Tomorrow is moving day for my daughter, which I have mentioned. We are leaving at 7:00 am to
    get an early start. I will let you guys know how it went.

    Trying to get laundry done and ironing, yes I still iron :cry: I have to do my husband's shirts. My packing
    is mostly done just some last minute things. The weather here has been sunny everyday but cold.
    Weather in Florida is in the 80's. I am probably repeating myself:ohwell: but I can't wait to lie on the
    beach. I will be tracking my calories, hubby is bringing laptop, (just for me) what a sweetie. :love:

    I am in the Wii Challenge on this site, and jogging is the challenge for this week. I did 6 minutes and
    thought I was dying, but then I did 25 minutes on my bike to get my 30 mins. in. Not my favorite
    challenge. My hubby says I am becoming an exercise monster. LOL

    Jenny: Glad to hear Leo is back to himself again. I feel sick when dogs aren't doing well. They are so

    Starla: Sounds like you are doing great on your weight control. You have a very good attitude.

    MizPaden: I hope your job gets better, they usually do with time. Then you will be sailing through your
    day and this shall pass. Sounds like a lot of responsibility.

    Well my lovely ladies, I will close for now and have a wonderful day.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Didn't get any exercise in yesterday :o( blah!

    Struggling with hunger this morning, grr! already have had my morning coffee, protein shake, a banana and a pear. Planning a nice healthy salad for lunch :o) I probably just need to down some water. My brain's taunting me asking for pastries PASTRIES, YOU NEED A CHEESE DANISH!!! ... hehe. I will not give in though. It's so EASY working in a hospital getting the bad foods, no matter the healthy things I pack and plan for the day there are always available goodies near by in the gift shop and cafeteria. Oh well, I'll munch on my veggies and drink water!

    Today I've GOT to exercise- been too long. No excuses today! so that's today's first goal: get some exercise in!!

    second goal- drink WATERRRRR- only got down about 40oz by the end of the day yesterday.

    third goal- DONT GET A PASTRY!!!! craving sugary fatty things today :o)

    Shirley, Sounds like you've got quite a busy time ahead! But hey, helping with moving can be great exercise!! Make sure to bring healthy snacks to munch so you don't loose energy! and hey, becoming an exercise monster's a fantastic thing :o) better than being called a couch potato!

    Jenny, two bad eating days isn't that big of a deal :o) sounds like my past weekend! Probably why I'm struggling with hunger today! At least you enjoyed yourself! The whole goal is to learn "everything in moderation", right? SO GLAD to hear Leo's doing better. Must've been some wacky doggie bug or something... or maybe the big man upstairs just decided it wasn't Leo's time afterall :o)

    Have a good day ladies,
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    whew do I feel better than I did this morning. I think my blood sugar was low or something?? I've downed 60ox of water so far and had 3 squares of hershey's extra dark chocolate with cranberries, blueberries and almonds. not hungry constantly any more- feel much better!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Woot at Starla for staying away from the pastry - YOUARESTRONG!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing very well today and very busy. I ate well today and was over on my sugars because I ate an apple and a yogurt. I can live with those choices because they are good foods. Walked 3 miles with Leslie Sansone's DVD and did the resistance bands as part of the walk. Those were hard for me today because I hadn't done her workout since last week.

    I was even a little productive at work. A family cancelled our appt. this morning because child was sick so I managed to finish writing a report and did some other paperwork that needed to be done. So a pretty good day...

    Shirley-hope moving your daughter went well for all of you. Your husband is a keeper if he'll bring his lap top to Florida just so you can stay in touch, log, etc. Very supportive!

    Starla- Congrats on staying away from the pastry! Well done! I'm fighting the urge to have a piece of apple pie tonight. I have the calories left but it would increase my sugars and I watch those because of Type II Diabetes. I got my A1c results back and my count went down to 5.6 from 6.0 so I feel good about that!

    mizpaden-Work sounds stressful and working for your sister can contribute to it because it is family. I couldn't work with or for either of my sisters. Love them dearly but they would drive me CRAZY!

    plcarpenter- hope you're still are you doing?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    nnnnggghhh... should have logged those stupid 'puffins' before I ate them. Thanks daycare(sarcasm font)! They were delicious and I would have had one anyway, but not four had I been thinking. sigh....aaaannnnd back to the fun and exciting world of learning two people's jobs in three days (more sarcasm font)

    at least I got through my cardio interval yesterday - but did something to my hip - it is ouchy today

    way to go on your productivity jenny - hug leo for me - and working for my sis is a terrible idea just like I knew it would be. Like you, LUV her dear, but she lives to work, I don't. Saying no is hard - saying no to family might just be impossible.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    mizpaden- What's a puffin? Hang in there with work, it has to get better! Working for family must be challenging but at least you get to go home to a house that isn't your sisters! Good job on getting your workout in! I'm not exercising today. I'm backing off a little and resting a little more so my knees recover. Very sore this week and climbing stairs has been a real treat, ugh!

    Well my oldest son, the adventurer, leaves on the Amtrak train tonight for Portland, OR. He's going to visit his girlfriend and then head towards Alaska to see if he can land a job fishing or in a cannery for the summer. He's on "hiatus" from college right now finding himself. He did 2 1/2 years and dropped out to figure out what he wants to do. Hopefully he'll go back in the next year or so.

    I had a good day and stayed away from candy at work. Yay!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Puffin - is like a turnover type pastry filled with yummy things like strawberry, apple, etc... one or two would be a wonderful treat on splurge days - four was a bad ideerr.

    really hoping my hip 'shapes up' pain wise over the course of today - I really NEED to workout tonite - something hard and sweaty that will clear my mind too.

    Yay for self-control on the candy Jenny - woot!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    AaaaHaaaa! I found you! You can run girl, but you cannot hide. Glad to see you again!