The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Welcome Bmorrow- a few of us are here and a few new people have joined. It's a small group but very supportive and nice to check in with.

    I'm very hungry right now but have to fast until after my morning dr. appt. I will need to work hard not to make a bad choice after the appt. when I will be starving!

    Well I better get ready to go. Taking a half day off of work so don't go in until noon.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    good luck at the doc's - I bet your numbers will be great!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Didn't check in yesterday. Had an ok day though- acutally exercised! I really need to get myself to do something more often. It's so easy to talk myself out of it beacuse I have to wait until the end of the day (not willing to wake up earlier than I already do at 5am to exercise.....). Felt good though, I'm determined to do something tonight, maybe a dvd of some kind. Saw part of an informercial for p90x that got me curious........ I may google that today if I have a chance :o)

    Jenny, I also make the worst of decisions when I'm HUNGRRYY! usually after work, I get home STARVING and gorge on something terrible while making dinner. bad habit. I've only gotten past it by making myself have my afternoon snack late- like an hour or so before leaving work. good luck!

    Today's another busy clinic day at work so I'm going to keep on trying to have a positive mind frame and make sure I get enough water and have my late p.m. snack so that when I get home I actually DO one of my exercise dvds and don't talk myself out of it.

    I'm happy with how healthy my diet is and how I feel but it's frusterating how slow my body's losing and changing. Measured again today and nothing's budged! Easy to get discouraged, I'm trying really hard not to. I KNOW that I need to exercise minumum every other day. I need to up the ante for myself on the exercise front beacuse no matter how healthy I eat and how close I stay to my calorie count nothing's really changing. Beginning to wonder about the function of my metabolism! You'd think after a month of eating regular light meals and staying around 1200-1500 cals on average combined with my age I'd be losing something but I've only been maintaining the initial 5lb loss I had almost 3 wks ago. Maybe I need to bite the bullet and eat less natural sugars. I've been averaging 3ish servings a day of fruit- always makes me go over in sugar. Maybe it's what's holding my metabolism back, who knows....

    blah. complaining. :o) gotta get back to work.

    Have a good day ladies!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome Bmorrow to our little group :flowerforyou:

    Afternoon Gals:

    Well we made it through moving day. Got up at 6:00 am and
    never got home until ll:00pm. What a long day but my daughter is
    settled in and the apartment is really cute and perfect for her. I
    hope she stays awhile, like I said we are getting too old for this.
    We did have two guys who were movers and that made the day a little
    less stressful. My hubby said this morning he feels like he had been
    hit by a truck. After driving almost 2 hours to get there then putting up curtain
    rods, a shower caddy, putting a chair together, (yes we also went shopping)
    and hooking up the cable for the TV and moving small stuff he is bone
    Off tomorrow for me to get my pedicure done before our trip to Florida.
    We got wet snow today and I hear more snow on the weekend.
    Florida here I come !!!!

    I will be checking in everyday when I am gone, hubby is bringing his
    laptop. So I will talk to u ladies while I am gone.
    Until then, have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Well my dr. appt. went very well. She said I'm her best diabetic patient because I'm losing weight and exercising consistently. My A1c is down from 6.0 to 5.6 which is normal range (average glucose levels over 6 weeks or so).

    Starla- even though you are eating healthy sugars through fruit, you may want to try to stay within MFP's recommended sugar intake for your goal plan and see what happens. I know I'm very sugar sensitive and when I limit my intake I feel good and begin to lose. Maybe worth exploring???

    Shirley-Have fun in Florida. I hope you have great weather. You deserve it. We are expecting more snow on Sunday...Oh well

    I hope you all have a good night!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Got my pedicure this morning and had to walk in the wet snow with flip flops on.:ohwell:

    Have a great week next week everyone, I will be checking in if I have time. I will be tracking my calories
    and exercise, hubby is bringing laptop. :bigsmile:

    I was up a pound this morning because I had two sticks of Venison pepperoni last night, which our friend makes, and
    it is delicious. So salt was my enemy. :grumble:

    Talk to u soon and keep losing. :love:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Thanks for the advice Jenny, I think I'm going to have to look at changes. It's hard to stay under the 30 sugars taht MFP allows. There's sugar in everything! Must be such a challenge to be diabetic. Congrats on your A1c levels! AWESOME!

    Shirley- so jealous you're going to the sun :tongue: It's quite gloomy in Seattle right now!! Have fun!!

    Ah Friday. Glad it's here. Work's slow today so it's dragging on. Went out to lunch with co-workers to a mexican restaurant on lake washington behind the hospital- YUMMM!!!! but dangerous. Had at least 900 cals in one sitting. WHOA! Will have to exercise again today and try to make up my overage :blushing: oopsie! It was way worth it though. SO good. I didn't have any sour cream and only a little guacamole and a few chips but the calories really racked up in the huge carne asade burrito!

    Will make up for it tmrw! :wink:

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    amazingly I made it to Friday - mostly intact. (sarcasm font) I got a good dvd workout in last night and tonight. Unfortunately I have to work tomorrow - but it should only be a few hours. Lots of laundry and the weekly sanitizing/hose down. The sun came out today, even though it was really windy, I'll take it.

    Happy weekend my lovlies - you keep me going!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Okay I'm crabby and tired so not much to say tonight. Work stunk, bad news at a staff meeting, and went to happy hour for drinks and appetizers after work.:drinker: After 2 large beers I'm tired and my brain is on overload. So nothing positive to say other than good night, have a great weekend and I know I will feel better tomorrow after I clean my dirty house! :grumble: Night Night!:yawn:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    sorry you had a yucky day Jenny - know that I feel your pain for sure right now about work-crabbiness. BLECK! Yesterday was icky at home - I was having a fit about my boys and their general slobiness and the husband told me to take a valium - and that just sent me over the edge. I ranted and raved and then burst into tears. And then I ate my emotions. Awesome. Today the 3-5 grades sang at church, so got to see the 10-year-old do that. Came home, made my turkey meatball for the lunch and the big pot of veggie soup that I meant to do last week. Smells good. Did my cardio interval and am having a chocolate pudding cup.Not as good as my fave chocolate froz yogurt, but not a danger food either. Time to study and then try to take one of my online tests. Later me ladies! Marla
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    mizpaden-what are you studying for school? I've had the same reactions when my husband tells me to "chill out" or "settle down". Makes my blood boil... We went to a movie today but I took my own popcorn but snitched movie popcorn too. Two pieces of pizza for dinner but I'm okay with it. I'm on track for where I expect to be in all this. I'm not real strict with myself as long as I'm exercising. Hope your week goes well. Work is going to be awful this week but this to shall pass...

    Have a nice Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    have been doing 'continuing education' working towards a different degree for Medical Transcription. Became really enamored of the idea of working from home. The boyz still take a lot of time with hither and yon stuff, that even tho they are in school, it would be wonderful if I could have that flexibility to do those things. I really only came back into this workforce to pay off what I was putting out for tuitiion and books, and it has become way more encompassing than I wanted and I should be putting out feelers for those types of jobs, but am too tired at night to do it. Soooo.... who knows. I really enjoyed the classes and experiences I had so far with the transcription stuff, but will I take it any further?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies :o)

    Had a GREAT eating weekend. I'm trying to pay more attention to how much sugar I take in (i.e. less fruit :cry: ), and I exercised both days! I'm striving to get in a workout at least once a day.. hard to get myself to do it! Another challenge is eating my exercise calories.... really hard. I exercise at the end of my work days, before dinner. Once I've entered exercise I usually have like 800-1000+ left over for dinner. ack! never able to get that many in and still have a healthy balanced dinner. I'm now going to try entering the exercise that I plan to do in the morning when I'm also logging breakfast, snacks, and lunch for the day. Maybe with it already logged and having already eaten some of the calories it'll motivate me that much more to do it :wink: heh. we'll see how it goes.

    A coworker made some rice krispie treats with chocolate chips in them. AGH! Couldn't resist. Had a largeish square :ohwell: it was worth it!! At least it's not the WORST thing I could splurge on... I'll just accept that I'll be over in sugars today. I did awesome over the weekend usually only going 5-8 over for each day.

    Jenny, great job taking your own popcorn to the movies!! Really hard to resist that movie popcorn.

    Well, off to the rest of my day :smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    mizpaden- I've heard there is a real need for medical transcriptionists (sp?). Stick with it so you can make your own hours and be your own boss. I could use a job like that about now...

    Starla-nice watching your sugars. How does it feel to eat less sugar? Can you feel the difference? I usually can because I'm sugar sensitive (addicted) to sugar. If I have a lot of extra calories after exercising I may eat half back but don't worry about getting them all. Sometimes I'm just not hungry or it's too late in the day and I wouldn't be able to sleep.

    I went a little over my calories today. Too much rice, an avodado and an egg mcmuffin for breakfast due to running late this morning... Tomorrow is another day, right?

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    just got back from blood pressure check and I am a good girl. 122/76. We decided to not drop my beta-blocker right now since things are unusually stressful/hectic at work. Down 4 lbs (only) from six months ago. I told him I was bummed by that since I am logging and exercising - and I know it must be b/c of sugars/carbs.... but still.... he told me just to stick with it. Sigh.... I know... If it were easy - everybody would be thin! All in all - I should be/am happy. I was starving and grabbed a subway egg sandwich on my way back - it smells wonderful.

    Way to go on your excellent weekend Starla - you are truly an inspiration!

    Jenny - I'm not giving up on the classes, I'll keep after it - one of these I will find the ambition to get out there and find me a trans job and just go for it!

    Hope Shirley is enjoying FLA!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi ladies :smile:
    .........didn't exercise yesterday........ lol, I guess trying the enter-exercise-in-the-morning thing wasn't so good to try for the first time on the day my period started! Was too drained of energy by the time I got home yesterday to exercise. I went a little over in calories, but not horribly. I'm trying it again today and I feel better today than I did yesterday so it's looking good; planning on my old friend the Gazelle for a half hour tonight.

    Jenny, haven't noticed a difference on less sugars lately except that possibly I'm less hungry? Not sure. Need to give it more time. Still disappointed that scale's not moving dang it. Considering trying a low carb diet for awhile, see how I respond. Scared of it though! I love my fruit, grains etc. and the first phase all of that's cut out- tough stuff! I'll be thinking some more on it....

    Mizpaden- you'll get ridda that beta blocker eventually! None of us like being on pills... and with all of your exercising and healthy diet after awhile your heart won't need help to have good blood pressure :smile:

    Wishing I was somewhere warm like Shirley!!! It's so cold and rainy and windy in Seattle right now :indifferent: Of cuorse we don't get a REAL summer til july/august.... so I've got awhile to wait for that warm weather. (and can't afford a vacation right now!)

    .....back to work! and I WILL exercise after work today dang it!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Well I hope you all exercised extra for me too. Another cruddy day at work and I chose to be bad at dinner and eat chicken wings and hojo fries from Wing Joint. Now I'm having a glass of wine (or 2) before bed because I have to go back to work tomorrow and deal with all the bull%# again! So I got a hair cut after work, ate a ton of food and decided no time for exercise. Total rebellion!:grumble:

    I WILL do better tomorrow and get back on track. I go to a speech and hearing conference for my work on Thursday - Saturday. It will be by the Mall of America so I will get my walking in Thurs and Fri. eve at the mall when we go out for dinner and shop. Even though we only live 35 minutes from the mall, my coworkers and i are staying in a hotel both nights so we don't have to drive through morning rush hour to get to the conference on Fri. and Saturday mornings. Should be fun!

    Thanks for exercising for me. I'll do some extra tomorrow to pay you back!:bigsmile:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    oooohhh, the mall... I haven't been there for - mmm - 15 years! Have fun at your conference and try to just blow by the BS. Today is my last day with the current HR gal who is outta here. My systems/control desk is covered in crap I'm behind on and now my HR desk is covered in crap I don't know how to do and am behind on. They haven't even started interviewing yet. Fan-freaking-tastic.
    The 10-year-old was in tears again last night while we were reviewing his homework. We are picking on him, making him re-do his errors, why can't we just leave it be... more awesomeness. My car is acting up. Whoo! And instead of dealing with any of it, I am sitting here doing this and eating my fiber one with almond milk. Well, if I don't try to take care of me, no one else will.

    Go gurls, go!!:smokin:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    well, stepped on that scale today and half a pound down! That's of course after two weeks ago going up a pound... so now I'm at 4 1/2 lbs lost since starting just over a month ago. Not bad for a month. It's so hard to get disappointed by the weight not dropping faster. You watch all these weight loss shows where they do kind of unhealthy things to loose rapidly so you easily get it in your mind that that's how it should be. Not so! Real world, a few pounds a month is phenomenal. I think at the rate I'm starting I'll be lucky to get 1-2 a month, but at least I'll be loosing slowly but surely! I also wish I didn't look at the number 169.5 and get disappointed. It's nice to be down half a pound, out of the 170's but 'dang why isn't it dropping faster' is what my inner voice screams, while my brain knows the answer. Oh well. Just gotta keep reminding myself that my body will loose it slowly but surely :wink: It's so hard to be patient sometimes!

    BLAH. Going to work out again tonight to keep the process going!!!! I have to- I already logged it and have eaten some of the extra calories! :tongue: so far that process is working well by the way. It's easier to get it done when I'm motivated by having already said I'd do it and eaten some of the calories! I'm still struggling with my sugar levels. Regularly go over by about 5-10 after my gain from exercise. (MFP allows me 30 sugars a day before exerise). GAH! It's tough. There really is sugar in EVERYTHING!!!

    Today's amazing goal has been to avoid the doughnut/pastry tray awaiting me in the staff lunch room. DANGER DANGER my brain screams when I see them. How many calories? so much sugar! lol. I definitely think differently about food now that I've got MFP telling me how much is in everything! I had a bit size taste of a cinnamon roll but was amazingly able to stop after that, being satisfied with just a taste :smile: really tough!

    Better get back to work ladies, have a great evening!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hello ladies! I've been so busy with so many distractions this week that I'm not getting my exercising in or being very strict with my eating. Tomorrow I go to the conference and hopefully will walk either outside tomorrow eve or at the Mall of America. I did pass up a piece of Costo cake today so that was a good choice but I chowed on a burger and grilled potatoes at dinner, I was starving!

    Starla- didn't you say in the beginning you would be happy with 2 pounds per month? If so then you have done fantastic and if not you still have. I think 2-5 pounds a month is success. I looked at your diary and you're doing so much better on your sugars. Might want to monitor sodium and see if it making you retain fluids if you want more rapid loss? Or just don't worry and be patient because it's happening slowly and surely!!

    mizpaden-Isn't work a pain in the XXX? God what a week here can't be over too soon for me. Whiny coworkers, pettiness, in fighting, bad news, and not getting work done have been my work environment. Working with all women is sometimes a definite downer, feels like I'm back in high school. That is not something you could pay me to repeat in my lifetime.

    Well have a nice weekend and I may not comment again until Saturday unless I can get internet at my hotel. I will log food on my app if I need to.
