The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Very sore from jogging and walking outside yesterday. I should probably take an ibuprofen. Shirley - glad you are going to the Dr. You'll feel so much better if they give you something to get rid of your sinus stuff. Sounds like you are managing to eat healthy even though that must be a challenge and you probably aren't too hungry. Good luck with your floor installation. We need new flooring badly in my house too but I'm waiting for the dog to pass away, probably in the next year...:cry:

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Have a nice day!:flowerforyou:

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Home from work and saw the doctor, confirmed sinus infection.
    So I am on antibiotics and nasal spray. Will start them today.

    Have a great Monday, its gloomy here today and it snowed yesterday
    big flakes, but now its gone. Spring please come back :sad:

    JENNY: Sorry to hear about your waiting for your doggy to pass, it makes
    me sad just thinking about it. :cry:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Glad you finally went to doc Shirley and hopefully you will soon be feeling better.

    I am SOOOOO tired today. gah.....zzzzz.......
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    oh my gosh, starburst jelly beans are some serious crack! they're so yummy:smile: good thing they're fat free, low calorie, and I'm able to limit myself to about 15 after dinner! I figure there are much worse things, I really enjoy them, and they're so sweet I can't eat more than 15 or so.... so that's a good thing. On the other hand if I use dark chocolate as a treat the chocoholic in me wants more more more!! I think jelly beans are the safer choice. Anyways, that's been my issue this past weekend, needing a treat daily(last week was satisfied with sugar free jello pudding snacks) this week I'm letting myself enjoy a little more than that. everything in moderation!

    shirley, super glad you went to the doc :happy: no reason to suffer when there are lovely meds out there to get rid of it!

    I had a slightly indulgent weekend, had my first hamburger in two months (the worst kind too- mcdonalds angus burger with fries!) I figure i've been so good for two months I deserved a REAL treat day. On sunday I was very good- ate healthy but didn't count until the end of the day to give myself a break but still be loyal to the food diary process. Back on track today! Went to the store and stocked up on my healthy eats (had pretty much run dry on my healthy options) to help me get back down the proper lane this week :smile:

    Then there's Thursday the 21st..... potluck at work I organized as a goodbye party for one of the doctors. I think i'll be able to make SOMEWHAT healthy choices that day- the theme I chose is make your own taco or burrito so I can just be strict with myself by having mostly veggies in it.... and a tiny tiny piece of cake... or at least that's the plan!:tongue: we'll see how it goes....

    Off to do my sweaty,difficult power yoga!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Starla-They had a taco bar for my 50th birthday celebration at work. It was yummy and easy to just build a salad with some meat, veggies, and salsa. Should be a good meal!

    Shirley-hope the meds are working. Feel better soon.

    mizpaden-I know how you feel. I was dragging today and I had plenty of sleep on the weekend! I don't know if it's the weather or just how busy life seems lately. By the time I fit in exercise, errands, chores, work, etc. the day just flies by. I'm not even tending to little ones like you are... My youngest takes his driving test in the morning, yikes!:noway:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!:yawn:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Options want

    power flickage equals oversleepage - oops - feel slightly better - so I'll take it

    back to the madness - later me lovlies!:ohwell:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies:

    Back to work today and still barking like a dog.
    Feeling a bit better today but not enough energy to exercise yet.
    Watching my intake carefully but there is no wiggle room when you don't
    exercise. I feel like such a slug.

    My hubby went down to our sailing club this morning to test the engine on the new/old
    sailboat we are planning on buying. It worked fine and we are owners of a new boat.:bigsmile:
    We still have to sell ours.
    Now the fun begins. We have to do some work on it and I have clean the inside and get the cushions
    steamed cleaned. But it will be fun this summer once this damn weather starts to warm up.
    It has snowed the last few days. :grumble:

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.:wink:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I am CRABBY so nothing to say this evening.:grumble: Congrats on your new boat Shirley!:drinker:

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Good morning everyone! We woke up to winter wonderland again today April 20th! I'm wearing a black turtleneck sweater that should have been put away by now but it keeps me warm and fits my mood. Yay for Zumba tonight! I need it...Hope you all have a great warm day.:bigsmile:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    somebody took my ruler - that is so messed up

    can't believe you have snow Jenny - what a spring!
    it is cold here too - it's weird going to soccer and such wrapped in coats and blankets
    I just ate a twizzler and it's only 8:15 am - :frown: oh well
    I've got five payroll issues to dig in to today and I totally don't understand any of them :indifferent:
    back to paradise
    Hoppy Wednesday!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We had pouring here last night and my backyard is a flood. :sad:

    Where the hell is Spring:cry:

    JENNIE: I am also wearing a black turleneck this morning with Spring pants. This weather is making me crazy.

    MITZPADEN: Hang in there the ruler will show up. :tongue: Have a better day today!

    Is everyone ready for Easter ?:drinker:

    Woke at 5:00 am this morning coughing but did manage to get back to bed before work today. Off on Monday so I
    am working today to make up for the time.

    ***Live Today as if it were your Best Day. Appreciate the potential in each moment***

    Have a wonderful day you beauties.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I have a new love: russell stover sugar free toffee squares. mmmmm. only 70 cals & 5g fat per square. perfect treat too beacuse you have to eat it in 3 or 4 bites beacuse it's so crunchy.


    busy work day :smile: I like it that way. Yesterday I logged 11,000+ steps again on my pedometer! Love when that happens. Dedicated to exercise again tonight! Got in a good sweat the last two days in a row, think I'll do my gazelle again tonight. Working hard to continue healthy healthy snacks and salads for lunch; been doing great so far! Hopefully between that that my diligent healthy eating i'll see a difference on either the scale or measuring tape!

    And of course everyone's odd spring weather continues :tongue: been SOO cold here, definitely feels more like winter!

    Better get back to work, nothing else to write about!
  • Jlcit
    Jlcit Posts: 3 Member
    This sounds great! I too am looking to lose weight and try to fit in excersie. I am a mom of two boys with a busy schedule. I too am a scale watcher and have tried zumba a few times. It is very fun. Looking for support on this weight losss journey. It doesn't come off as fast as it use too.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hi jlcit! This is a nice little thread :smile: just some women that talk about our daily goings on, struggles, triumphs and encourage eachother! We all check in like once a day and update everyone else how things are going. Glad to have you!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Welcome jlcit! This is a very supportive thread. Just a few of us but we like to check in and share our triumphs and struggles. I am a mother of three boys ages 23, 21, and 16. I love Zumba and am doing it twice a week right now. I live in cold Minnesota and it snowed last night. No spring for us!

    Starla-I love the Russell Stover sugar free chocolate and the Weight Watcher sugar free chocolate candies. Just eating one can really feel like a treat and satisfy the sweet tooth. Great walking during your day! 11,000 steps? You're cruising on the job, well done! My job stinks right now so I've been stressed and crabby. Zumba was a stress reliever tonight. I think it is keeping me sane since I feel so good after I do it.

    Talk to everyone tomorrow! Have a nice sleep.:yawn:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    welcome!! I hope you continue to come to our little thread - very supportive and encouraging is our general thing - I am mom of two boys 10 and 6. Can get pretty gross at my house!

    Spent an hour weeding last night and didn't even get the front done - it started raining on the drive in, so I prolly won't get more done today - we'll see

    Bought a box of gingersnaps thinking I could use those to satisfy my unending sweet tooth without losing control. We'll see. Those are a very nostalgic snack - makes think of Gramma K - mom's mom. She luv'd those!

    Great job on those steps Starla

    I really am thinking about that Wii Zumba - anyone ever done that?

    Running late - better get after it
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    OM! Perp. walk.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Finally feeling better today and coughing less and less.
    Did 1/2 hour Aerobics on the Wii last night and it didn't take much to
    start up a sweat. :tongue:

    Mizpaden: Have not tried Zumba before and I know you can get it for the Wii
    I do have Wii Dance 2 and talk about working up a sweat.
    I see alot of people on this site doing Zumba or thinking about it.
    If you try it let me know how it went.

    Welcome Jlcit, hope you like our little group. We are small but strong:bigsmile:
    I am a mom of two older women, 30 and 28 and live in Canada.
    My youngest just got married in November.

    Have a good night ladies. Remember American Idol kick off tonight. Whomever is interested:tongue:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, potluck day at work has come and gone :smile: we had a nice spread- I decided to just take the day off counting in my food diary- would be so difficult. It's only one day! I'll be good the rest of the week until Easter. There was yummy pulled pork and shredded chicken and all the fixins you could think up for burritos and tacos and of course a cake- which I enjoyed a small piece of :ohwell: oh well, it was fun, yummy and I'm sure calorie and fat filled :smile: Still plan on exercising tonight though! Work off some of those extra calories. Also planning a nice, light salad for dinner considering the heavy lunch I had!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Glad you enjoyed -sounds yummy!!