The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    ok so this article helped:

    ooooo this article's even better!

    I think I'll maybe stick to rum and diet coke... says it's 65-100 cals per 8oz glass depending on the rum and then no fat or sugar. hmmm.... another site recommended flavored vodka and diet sprite...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Starla- I like Captain Morgan's Rum the best. How many calories would a wine spritzer be? That's 1/2 white or red wine with 1/2 club soda and add a wedge of lemon. Refreshing and I think lower calorie but not sure of the count. I think Michelob Ultra (low carb beer) is also lower in calories if you like beer. I do!!!!!! Have a fun weekend, sounds like a great time.

    Shirley- osteoarthritis stinks doesn't it? I take Aleve some mornings when I wake up sore. Why do doctors say to keep exercising for the joints? I just hurt more and more but I do understand I need to lose the weight to take the stress off the joints. I fear the damage is already done... Maybe when I've lost about 35-40 I'll feel less pain?:huh:

    I want to get my bike out and tires filled with air this weekend so I can start putting some miles in biking. There's a regional park just a few blocks from my house that has nice paved trails and grass trails. I prefer the smooth paved ride! There's another trail system that is also a nice ride and both keep me off the busy streets and car noise.:smile:

    Walked 5 miles with my Leslie Sansone DVD today and it felt good to use the resistance bands for strenght training and toning. Quite the sweaty workout and very energizing.

    Have a happy friday tomorrow and enjoy your weekend. I'll be checking in. Suppose to be rainy and cold on Saturday. When will I garden?:cry:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    oooo, so jealous - so many fun things going on out there! ...and BROWNIES!!!!

    Me? "I need a general helper starting on May 2." "Have you gotten senior management approval?" No. You need that. And then? Then (during all my free moments b/c also can't let production grind to a halt b/c I am not keeping up with control documents) I will dig through the pile of applications look for somebody to call in who is willing to actually work in this hole, do three hours of paperwork and get scheduled for testing which will take 10-14 days to get results in. So, Monday? How about - No. Idiots.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Got up at 5:30 am to see the Royal Wedding. Very big here in Canada since we are
    still under the British thumb.

    It was fabulous !! Won't say too much unless someone is seeing it later.
    I cried it was so beautiful and you can see they are very much in love. :heart:

    Starla: Here is a suggestion on the drinking low cal alcohol. Try any of the light beers, Bud Light Lime
    (a personal favorite of mine) or Millier Chill:drinker: Flavored vodka with Soda water,
    less calories, 65 cal per shot. The tried and true wine spritzer with mineral water or club soda
    (another personal favorite) hmmmm, I beginning to sound like a lush.
    Hope that gets you through the day. Have fun !!

    Weather here gloomy and cloudy calling for rain again. We are having more rain than the last
    April rain month of 1961.

    Waiting for my Sophie (black lab) to arrive and stay overnight.

    Have a great Friday everyone !!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    OH MY GOD, exciting news! finally FINALLY a freakin change. It's been a long time. I measured this morning and i'm .25in down on my waist and .25 in down on my upper arms and around half a pound down.... WHOOOO! weighed in at 167.8 this morning :happy: :happy: I looked back in my food diary from this work week and noticed I've been staying under the amount of carbs that MFP sets for me- usually around 200/day give or take some so maybe that's my key- less carbs. I'm not a LOW carb fan beacuse I just don't think it's natural... but I could shoot for a little less than normal, like between 150-200 a day and see how I respond. I've also exercised everyday this week doing something sweat inducing for at least 30 minutes, usually 40 and added a new dvd- crunch bikini body. Kind of a mix between dance aerobics, circuit training and pilates. It makes me sore :smile:

    Thanks for the alchy suggestions ladies! I'm probably gunna go with rum and diet coke with lime.

    Excited to go out this weekend! WHOO! I don't get out and have fun very often- I tend to be a homebody :smile: I really enjoy staying in with friends rather than going out but tonight and tomorrow will be nice for a change. I just have to watch it with the alcohol! No one wants a hangover. I read a suggestion to have a seltzer water or sparkling water with lime in it between drinks that way it's still fizzy and better than regular water in the way that it'll still feel like a drink :smile:

    anyways, here's to a great day ladies!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yay for you Starla - so happy for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning Ladies:

    Royal Wedding Fever still happening here. I cry everytime I hear them say their
    vows. They have already imitated her dress in Santa Monica, CA. I saw it this
    morning on the Today Show.

    I watched the whole thing again last night and saw one show in between because
    there wasn't much on except the wedding.

    My hubby comes home today and Sophie goes back to her mom and dad. :bigsmile:
    She is a big dog and kinda slobbers over things like my chairs and me. Our backyard
    was such a mess with water and mud I had to put her on a leash and take her in the
    front yard to do her business.

    So now its get in the shower and go for a walk today, the sun is shining and no rain to
    been seen today. :bigsmile:

    Have a good day to all !!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I was so tired last night from a stressful week at work that I didn't turn on my computer to finish logging. Besides I went out for Asian food and chowed so who wants to log that?

    I vegged on the couch and watched Katie Couric's Special and 20/20's coverage of the Royal Wedding. I've always been infatuated with the royal family, Diana, Will and Harry but am not a royal watcher per se. I was in London when Di and Charles got married and that was fun. I was Diana's age, 19, at that time and could not comprehend the decision she was making to make that her life. I had just finished my sophomore year at Michigan State University and took my Humanities credits in the overseas program at Bedford College in London. It was the summer of a lifetime, backpacking on weekends and going to the continent for two weeks when class was over. It sure was royal fever that summer for everyone. Thousands of Americans, Canadians, etc all over Europe.

    Rainy and gloomy here today in Minneapolis. Trees are budding, grass is turning more green, and my hyacinths and tulips are more than half way up finally. Still haven't done yard work due to snow, cold and rain. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice. Slept in until 10:00am! I took two Tylenol PM which must have knocked me out and then with the rain I was lulled to sleep longer. My hubbie Russ kept the house quiet and the pets away since he knows I'm dealing with a lot of work stress. Thoughtful of him!

    Still in my robe at 11:00am and drinking coffee. Maybe a little shopping or just reading on the couch today. Really should fit in exercise but not too interested as of yet. Tomorrow I'm getting my bike down from the hooks in the garage and taking a ride if it's nice.

    Well I'm done for now and hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.:flowerforyou:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Wow! That had to be crazy and amazing being in England when Di and Charles wed. I have never been out of the country and am not sure I am brave enough to try it!

    The weather warmed up a bit and the wind leveled off today. I got two hours of weed pulling done (really it's mostly grass growing in the rocks), went to the 10-year-old soccer game, had lunch with the fam at El Pueblito (mmmmmm....first time in awhile), did strength dvd and later on cardio dvd (hate that the strength training doesn't burn very many calories, and wanted to counteract some of the yummies from lunch), finally broke down and pulled all the screens off so I would wipe down all the inside of the windows and the sills...not to shabby of a day. Unfortunately, tomorrow I'll start worrying about Monday and will find myself not enjoying anything - but hey today was pretty good for the most part.

    Later ladies
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    mizpaden-You were so productive today and did great with your exercise too. Hope you counted the calories cleaning screens and sills too!

    I made it to the gym today and did 30 minutes of biking on the recumbent bike and 30 minutes on the treadmill. Felt good and then came home to hubbies great dinner he prepared. I told myself if I was still on this journey by May and still motivated to keep working towards weight loss then I would buy a heart rate monitor. I just ordered one tonight and can't wait until I can try it at Zumba next week. Tomorrow I get my bike down from the hooks in the garage so I can start riding in the regional park near my house.

    Work is still stressful and this week will be a %$#! My boss is a dictator and the climate in the work place is disrespectful and demeaning at times. I have so many years in that I can't leave due to tenure, retirement pension, etc. So onward...

    Have a nice Sunday. I hope we all have wonderful weather.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    ow. Sitting out at soccer on the first sunny/windy day of the year - sunburn nose and cheeks. The downside to being quite productive? the day after. Hello, legs. We're feelin' you. And arms, face, and back. I ordered a new set of dvd's from my fav lady MIchelle Dozois ( I'm not anything like those hard-bodies and never will be, but it doesn't even bother me. After working out with these and feeling the endorphins that come after - I finally get it. I finally get why people do crazy things like run.

    I'm also wondering if I can convince the minion that getting Zumba for the Wii is something being bought for them and then I can use it!

    Jenny - don't you dare 'go' anywhere. Even if you take a break from logging, we need you hanging around with us, handing out compliments. I so totally get the work crap thing. But don't let them 'win' by taking you away from something good in your life.

    Today's outlook? Making lunch for the week, read the paper, drink more coffee, pretend it's not Sunday.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Did I miss something, Jenny where are u going? Stay right here we need u. Motivation is the big
    thing on this site. We need all the yelling and finger pointing we can get to keep on this journey.:tongue:

    Did washing throw rugs, scrubbing floors and vacuuming today because of two dogs who left me
    a mess of dog hair and dirty carpet. So I cleaned the carpet in spots where it needed and the stairs.
    That was my exercise for today. :happy:

    Raining again today but Saturday was beautiful so I guess we take it as it comes. It is finally MAY, I
    hope the weather knows it and it starts getting sunny and warm. :drinker:

    Did manage yesterday to do some gardening, cleaning up all the leaves and such it really looks nice.
    Now the backyard is next when it dries up a bit. :grumble:

    Working for a living sucks:grumble: but that is why they call it work and we get paid for it.
    I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already where did the weekend go.

    Have a great day everyone and smile :laugh:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm not leaving MFP I just wish I could leave my job but not going to happen. We are a two income family and it has to stay that way for a long time to come. I just wish I was closer to taking my full pension so I didn't have so many years left in this particular job. I foresee that when I retire I will do something part-time for $ but it will be something like working in a book store or other type of fun retail store. Interact with people but make some supplemental income.

    I am on this journey for the long haul so I'll be here to chat for a long time. I enjoy chatting with all of you too much and find the encouragement from everyone so motivating.

    Shirley-I wish I had the energy to really clean my house well. My pets' hair is so hard to keep up with. I swear my cat makes a point to sit on every furniture surface. I could vacuum the furniture daily but I don't. Snowflakes today again in Minnesota with gray and gloomy skys. Temps weren't above 40 or so and the wind was brisk so windchill had to have been low 30's. So much for yardwork...

    So have a nice evening and enjoy every minute since work awaits in the morning.

    I've had updates on my mother this week and it's not looking good. She is in late stage dementia and we have been waiting for her to pass on since December. Yesterday she never woke up all day but did wake for breakfast this morning briefly and then went back to sleep. This afternoon she was awake but not present in the moment but gazing trancelike into space. I suspect her body is beginning to shut down but time will tell. I pray for mercy that she will die in her sleep peacefully but so far no answers to my prayers these past months.:cry:

    I'll talk to you all later.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Oh Jenny - I'm so sorry your mother is not doing well. I can't take away your pain - but always somewhere nearby if you need someone to listen. :brokenheart:

    I'm relatively new to being a dog owner and of course the one I fall in love with has hair that seems to jump off his body (bulldog). Turns out they shed worse than most any other. Oh well. He's still worth it - the big sourmug. I luv that big squishy face. :smooched:

    Got most of a workout in, but didn't make it through the final ten minutes - too sore from yesterday. I have been grazing bad today - pre-stress from looking at the week. So stupid. I saw a board out there for binge and emotional eating - I bumped it and keep thinking I should start haunting it too.

    I saw this post this morning and think it is very fitting for closing out our Sunday...

    The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now.
    If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges.
    It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.
    Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have
    and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special,
    special enough to spend your time with...and remember that time
    waits for no one.

    So, stop waiting
    There is no better time than RIGHT NOW to be happy.

    Happiness is a JOURNEY, not a destination.

    So -- work like you don't need money,
    Love like you've never been hurt,
    And dance like no one's watching.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    JENNY: So sorry to hear about your mom . :brokenheart: I lost my Dad from dementia in October,
    he was 93. He lived in Florida and we live in Canada so it was long distance
    care giving. He was at this nursing home for 5 years. Every year I thought I
    wouldn't see him again and he kept on going. Now he is at peace. He did
    recognize us every time we came to visit. Just luck I guess. There isn't much I can
    say to make you feel better, but i know what you are going through. :heart:

    MITZPADEN: Loved your post and it is so true.

    Today it is raining AGAIN, I feel like I am repeating myself. It will be like this until Thursday. It is MAY
    after all :grumble:

    So have a good Monday all and I will leave you with this saying:

    Three Rules of Work:
    Out of clutter find simplicity;
    From discord find harmony;
    In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
    Albert Einstein
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Happy monday ladies :smile:

    Jenny, Sorry to hear about your mom. My grandmother has a much milder form of dementia so I understand a little. It's hard to watch. Hopefully God will take her back soon so she can be free of that broken brain, roam free and be herself again with the angels.

    Mizpaden, You're always so busy! Sounds like you're doing well though, we all indulge here and there- at least you're still exercising!

    Shirley, sounds like you had a full productive weekend of cleaning and gardening, great job! Good extra exercise too.

    Well, my weekend was full and fun! I definitely indulged when out to dinner both friday and saturday nights but was very good about drinks- nothing full of sugar and calories and I stayed away from deserts. And my dinner's weren't the wrost choices I coud've made so not too bad! The only bad thing is that I haven't exercised since Friday after work... oops! Ya know what though, I think for now I'm going to treat exercise as part of my work day routine. It worked well last week, that way I can treat the weekends as if I exercise- great! if not- already had five workouts this week. I'm a creature of habit so until I REALLY get into the workout daily thing I think it'll be good for me to do it afterwork and treat it as that's just how it is!

    Gotta get back to work!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    So glad you had a fun weekend Starla - I'm envious!! :bigsmile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Not exercising but relaxing this evening. I can't just go go go all the time with work, then exercise, then laundry, etc. It's not the end of the world if I only exercise 5 days instead of 6.

    I couldn't believe when the news special came on late last night and Osama had been killed. I was listening to public radio and they were interviewing families of 9/11 victims. They had mixed emotions from happy justice had been served to grief all over again as it brings back the day and time following the disaster. As much as I'm not sorry he's dead I worry about what retaliation we will experience because of his death and how many victims this time... Why does the world have to have such evil people? What makes these people that way?

    Well I read on WebMD that eating a warm bowl of oatmeal raises seratonin levels so that is tomorrow morning's breakfast. This week is tough at work and I need all the help I can get. I'm not riding my bike tonight, it's freezing here. Hopefully tomorrow eve?

    Hope you are all well and enjoying yourselves. No updates on my mother today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Crikey - five days a week is still something I'm REACHING for. I'm lucky if I get my three in and when I do - I pretty much pat myself on the back. On school/work nights I am 1. exhausted, and 2. running kids hither and yon. Since I am usually up by 5 am, doing it before work is just not realistic for me.

    Be proud of your FIVE or whatever number workouts!!

    Has anyone tried any of those 'align' type products that are supposed to help regulate your system with probiotics but without having to eat it? They are on sale at Walgreens this week and an extra coupon in the paper. Still kind of spendy - but thinking of trying.

    Got pissy with my sis/team leader yesterday. When I was on my way out, I made the comment about having a hard time getting up and facing the days right now, she responded, "oh, it's not that bad..." Yeah. That's why people are fighting amongst themselves to be back here. Whatever. I am liar anyway right? (Different day/story).:explode:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Hey gals - who wants to challenge ourselves to take new pics like Starla's?