The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I DID say that Jenny! Thanks for the reminder. It's hard to be patient and trust the process. I think I need to stop watching Biggest Loser, lol. Puts terrible ideas of rapid weight loss in my head! I need to keep reminding myself how good I feel with a healthy diet and how much stronger I feel since I've been exercising and ignore the fact for now that the scale and measuring tape aren't moving.... it's hard to ignore that!:ohwell: And I too HATE conferences. I feel your pain :wink: Sounds like you at least got to travel for yours though, eh? I'm going to one myself the end of this month but don't get to travel anywhere! Just have to drive to North Seattle. It's the UW's ambulatory nursing care conference- I have to go every year. Blah. Occasionally I learn something interesting, and yeah it's nice to get paid to be away from work and get breakfast and lunch provided.... but I'd rather be working!!! heh. That day it'll be impossible to stay on plan and track things with no computer access and as yet to be determined cell phone reception, so I think I'll just count that day as a food diary day off and still exercise (4/27) :smile:

    Anyways, back to work :tongue:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    good job Starla - keep on keepin on. Right?

    I would never go back through high school for nuthin'. Ick.

    sigh... back to it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone from Florida.
    Weather is in the 80's and sunny.
    Getting a nice tan.
    Will be back on Saturday. Hope everyone is
    doing great see you when I return.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Waves at Shirley - sun...what is that?

    I don't whether to scream or cry. The 10-year-old stayed home from school today b/c he had convinced me he was sick. I emailed the teacher and asked her to send home his homework with the 6-year-old. She emailed back she would, and described the bad day he had yesterday with mutlple 'half-truths' and incomplete homework, etc, arGH!!!! I read that email when I was almost done at work from Hades and thought I was going to come home to workout. So, I've been sitting with him talking ad nauseum about all the things we've talked about before, and I think I have decided to cry. WAH!!!! Doesn't really help. Deep breath. I'm so drained, and still have tomorrow to get through. One caffiene IV please - STAT!

    gurl power!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    dun da da daAAAAHH! FINALLY another pound down. Was 169.5 this last wed when I weighed, stepped on today and it said 168.5. WOOHOO! I've been eating/drinking/exercising consistently all week every day- it's working for me really well for now to enter exercise in the mornings before I'm able to do it in the evenings so that I can plan meals and snacks for the day to eat back some of the exercise calories and net around 1200/day. WOORRKKKING! Lets hope that continues. Now that I've gotten another pound off I just have to be patient and not expect another for a couple or three weeks. Keep the mind positive :o) It's tough not to expect big changes quickly. That 168 makes me feel good though ;o)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    wooot!! at Starla - good job - so proud for you!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Okay ladies I'm truant from one of the sessions at my conference because I'm not impressed with what I've attended so far. The hotel is kind of dumpy but the bed is nice. My friend and I stayed up till 2:00 am talking just like the old fashioned slumber party. I'm so tired. I came back to my room to talk to you because I couldn't sit through another session that covered such basic info. Maybe I'm too old and have been a speech-language pathologist too long? Not that I'm an expert at anything but when my employer spends $200 to send me to this I could gain a little new info? Although I did go to a presentation on the ipad and its apps and how they can be used for therapy. That was pretty cool...

    Starla- I'm still in Mpls. but just drove 35 minutes to the southern suburbs to stay in the hotel where the conference is at. A few of us decided it would be ladies weekend and we'll hang out at the Mall of America tonight which is right across the road.

    mizpaden-sorry to hear of your struggles with your son. I have 3 sons and the school years are draining when you have to be on them about homework and school performance. I was lucky they are all learn easily but my two oldest always challenged teacher's authority, had their truant days, etc. Now my youngest is in high school and he is SO EASY! I deserve this! Hang in there and cry when ever you need to. I did alot of that too!

    Hello Shirley! Warmth and sun? We are feeling the 60's today but no sun. Weather is improving thought. I hope to work to clean up my gardens on Sunday. I saw tulips and crocuses peeking through the dirt! :)

    So have a nice evening. I need to get back on track after this conference!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Jenny, I didn't know you're an SLP! I'm an MA at the university of washington medical center's otolaryngology head and neck surgery clinic so I get to work with SLPs all the time :o) they do clinic with the laryngologists and see some patients in clinic of their own that have had laryngectomies and are learning to use an electrolarynx. Something else we have in common! It's a really interesting clinic to be an MA in, I love it. I get to assist with clinic procedures and laryngeal or nasal scoping all the time.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm home and very tired! The conference was long, too much sitting, eating and drinking. A few inspiring sessions but nothing earth shaking. More networking and seeing friends than anything.

    Starla-sounds like you love your job. That's great! It sounds interesting. I work in a school setting, birth to age 3 early intervention, special education. I use to work in a private rehab clinic about 22 years ago but then took time off to be home with my kids for a couple of years. Went in to the school system after that to have nice vacations with my kids. Been in the same job for 21 years...

    Well tomorrow I'm starting over with exercise and eating the right foods. Too many days off track and feeling very fat and sluggish. Lots of blood sugar spikes!

    Off to bed and I'll chat more tomorrow,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Back from vacation and had a wonderful week, my birthday was April 4th and I turned 62.
    My anniversay was April 6th and married 37 years :yawn: yea, long time.
    I exercised everyday while walking on the beach and managed yoga on the beach for
    two days, the rest was laying around eating and drinking. Only gained 1.2 lbs. as of today.
    I was really pleased. Guess the exercise helped plus I drank a lot of water. We drank
    2 cases of water just my hubby and me and 1 case of beer :blushing: That didn't
    count the drinks at dinner so I was pretty pleased with the weight when I got home.
    Now back to work tomorrow :sad: Vacation's are too short. Our friends picked us up at
    the airport and it was 61 degrees. So that was really nice to come home too. Today looks like
    rain. I read all your posts and I didn't realize I was in such company of some really intelligent
    women. Hope all is well with everyone and Happy Sunday. Will check in tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Shirley-you did fantastic and had fun too! Great job! Sounds like a nice trip with a combo of relaxation and activity. Our weather in Minnesota is warming up too, nice isn't it? It's in the high 60's to 70's and even muggy because a storm is coming. Iowa had a tornado that damaged a small town of 1200 but no casualties luckily. I guess that weather is coming north.

    Happy 62nd birthday and happy anniversary!:drinker:

    I'm trying to start today more diligent and getting back control of eating and exercise. This last week was a derailment for me. In the past this behavior would cause me to give up and start eating. But I'm not going to let that happen. So 3 miles walked this morning and back to serious logging of foods.

    Have a nice day everyone and I'll probably check back in tonight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Welcome back - glad you had such an awesome vacay. JEALOUS!
    It's only 5:45 and I am already stressed about the week. Gah. I did get two good workouts in, but looked outside and saw all the landscape rocks are full of grass. Ugh. Last year I spent prolly 10 hours a week pulling weeds and grass. Just what I need right now - ANOTHER job. (Sarcasm font).
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    JENNY: Thanks for the birthday wishes. I have been hearing alot
    about the tornados on the news. I hope all is well your way.

    Mizpaden: How is the job going? Hang in there it can only get better.:flowerforyou:

    Did manage to get my walk in at work on lunch today before the rain comes.
    So a little less exercising when i get home since I already got a jump on it.
    My co-workers are getting a cake for me this week for my birthday, they are
    sweet but I told them NO. They don't listen.:grumble: One of our attorneys doesn't like
    chocolate so we ordered that because he will out of the office. :bigsmile:
    Have all my laundry hanging in the basement so I will have to put everything away that
    doesn't need iroing when I get home :tongue:
    Talk to u guys tomorrow. Have a good night.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The storm never arrived yesterday but went to Wisconsin. Work was more calm today and not so much tension over our program changes. I have knitting group tonight at another member's house. Don't know what is for dinner so we'll see how I do with that. No exercise today so I'll have to do more tomorrow...

    Have a nice evening. It's sunny and blue skies here.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmoning all u Losers! ( you know what I mean:laugh: )

    It still hasn't rained today, so maybe I will get some walking
    in today. It is a gray day today.

    Got all my laundry done and will do ironing tomorrow and I
    should be done for a few days anyway. You know laundry never ends.:tongue:

    I did some Wii Dance 2 when i got home from work, I am so sucky at this.
    I am in a challenge here on the MFP and my scores are so low compared
    to the rest of the group. I guess I am not as coordinated.

    Tonight for dinner we are having omelettes (sp) and peameal bacon ( that is
    Canadian bacon) because a guy from the Gas Company is coming over to
    check out some things in the house so that is a quick dinner for us.

    Have a great Tuesday and get out there and get moving !!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Yawnn....I am soooo's supposed to be 70 today, but then snow on Friday. What the heck? Nebraska. nuff said. I clinging to getting through today, because it is.... hair color day! YAY!! Buh-bye gray - for a little bit anyways. Ate a couple of 'cuties' oranges and they kind of made my stomach hurt - acid. bleh. or stress - bleh. yawnnn....:yawn:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hello everyone! Been a little MIA from out thread :ohwell:

    I had a decent weekend- exercised and logged food diligently and wonderfully saturday but took sunday off of both - but I don't think I did too bad of a job! Yesterday I was pooped when I got home- so I didn't exercise like I had planned and as a result went around 200 over in calories.. oops! I got to work, was here for a couple of hours and then got a call from my mother- she locked herself out of our apartment (my mom now lives with me... not able to work a job that would let her have enough money to have her own apartment) and it was too cold yesterday to make her wait around for me, and she doesn't know any neighbors in the other apartments.... so off to home I went! I'm lucky enough to have wonderful coworkers and an amazing job. Yesterday clinic was just slow enough that it was no problem for someone to cover while I drove the half hour or so home to let her in and then back to work. Worked out well! Mom and I certainely learned our lesson though about needing to hide a key outside somewhere. I rent a privately owned condo so there isn't anyone on the property with keys- so mom made a few copies yesterday of the the key and we quickly buried one in a pot on the back patio (ground floor apartment) so that this doesn't happen again! It's funny how roles reverse as we age. I never had that particular issue happen to me when I was younger but I could see it happening to someone's kid and having to leave work to let them in the house, ya know? Anyways though it made for a long day so that was my excuse to not exercise... too tired... :ohwell: I'll do much better today! I've eaten wonderfully so far and plan to go home and use my trusty gazelle while I watch tv (that's why I like it so much! I get a good sweat from it and watch tv at the same time :happy: ) My goal for the week is simple: Don't get on that darn scale in the bathrooM!!!! I want til the week after next, the day before I go to my nursing conference on the 26th, because that weekend I have another night out planned with friends, so I'd rather weigh before all of that and then stay in that blissful place of what will hopefully be happiness until I weight again a couple of weeks later. It's so hard not to get on that scale!

    Shirley, glad you had such a wonderful time! With all of your hard work you deserve it :happy: happy belated birthday and anniversary!! and I'm tempted by the wii workout games! Haven't actually tried any but i've been thinking about it...

    and oh my god, 60's or 70's guys? I would LOVE THAT!! I actually had to scrape frost off of my windsheild this morning. Even on the days we do get sun here in Seattle it's still a chilly 50-something. blah.

    Anyways, back to the grind!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Working a little later to put in conference hours and meeting hubbie for dinner. My son has a late track meet so we have a little date at a Chicago Style hot dog, etc. restaurant. 10 minutes and I get to leave work. Did 3 hours beyond my duty day.

    I hope I can fit in a walk tonight. My exercise has been very inconsistent due to too much on my schedule in the evenings. Not liking this because it interferes with my progress for weight loss. Crazy!!!!

    Sounds like you are all doing well with exception of weather coming to Nebraska. We are due for the same weather in Minnesota. Ridiculous! 60's today and sunny so things are looking up for atleast awhile.

    Bye for now!:happy:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Rain possibly turning to snow! Please stop! I managed to walk 3 brisk miles last night which did help my stress level. Zumba tonight!
    I hope you all have a nice day...:flowerforyou:
