The Daily Water Cooler Thread



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    quick check in - feel like heck (migraine) prolly from being up 22 hours solid - and it wasn't even for Vegas fun - airport carp. Boo.

    Back to 'real' world today, doing a mountain of laundry, hoping the windy wind (here too) doesn't blow anything important away!

    Later luvlies!! There are some Excedrin and a dark room calling my name.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Marla-Sorry you feel bad with a headache. My sinuses are impacted and I sound like I'm plugging my nose when I talk. Bad year for pollen and such here in MN. The wind was blustery yesterday and up to 50mph at times I guess. Don't lose any laundry if you hang it on the line! Bras hanging from trees at the neighbors would be a funny site!LOL

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello beautiful women!

    Wow, it is really windy here today too. I went for my walk
    at lunch and felt like Mary Poppins, all I needed was the

    Marla: I hope you are feeling better. Headaches are the worst.

    Jenny: Sinuses are bad too. Got over that in April with a sinus
    infection so I feel your pain.

    Sheila: I had a bout of your ailment my myself once. I make sure
    I take my Metamucil everyday failfully and my specialist
    said not too worry about eating seeds, the Physillium
    should take care of that. Knock on wood (my head),
    I have never had a repeat. Have you ever tried not
    eating wheat products, I mean anything with wheat in it.
    It may help. Just a thought.

    Gotta go and read the manual for the new copier. We have already
    had issues.
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    So we are enjoying 100 degree weather here in the Mid-Atlantic. AC at work is having issues.....good thing I like hot weather.

    I think my issues with diverticulitis also have to do with other digestive issues. Working on understanding it all. Comes at a perfect time...I am working on a life change and this will help my commitment!! :tongue: Funny though having more issues when trying to eat healthy...

    Those migraines are a pain....drink lots of water and rest when you can.

    i think I need a longer summer.....running out of weekends. In July - one of my oldest friends will be in the area. We met in Junior High School. Though I left Michigan at 18, we have managed to stay in touch and stay friends. Very blessed to have such a great friend. Looking forward to a day of visiting and chatting.

    Anyone else have plans for the summer?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    well Marla, I must be having sympathy pains because I woke up with a migraine today! grr. luckily mine are liveable in the sense that I can still function (no nausea, dizziness or light sensitivity) it's just an annoying constant pain in my right head for about a day and a half. What a pain, literally... haha... :happy: I can still work with them, I just go a little slower. I figure why stay home and use sick time when it's just a headache? Unfortunately I'm pretty used to them- I get them once a month or so. I'm not sure if I'll exercise tonight or not though, it hurts bad enough that I don't want to aggrivate it by getting my heart rate up... we'll see. Maybe I'll just do some yoga or something.... maybe.

    I used my HRM last night for the first time with my Gazelle- was definitely being way over-estimated before! When I logged what it says online (i had to google that one) for my height and weight for that machine at a moderate intensity was like 400 something but in actuality I burned 262. Still good, but not 400! That means I was eating a couple of hundred extra calories a day. Oh well, all I can say is I'm glad to have an HRM now so that I know what I'm acutally burning!

    Sheila, glad you've got long time friends :happy: me too. my best friend and I met in middle school and a couple of other women I don't see as often but still keep in touch with have been friends since middle school also- really nice to have those comfortable friends to turn to.

    Shirley, best of luck with your copier adventures :smile: we've got a copier/fax machine straight from hell here at my work- that stupid thing is constantly jamming- at least a couple of times a day. We all swear it's purpose in life is to make our work lives harder.. haha. So I hope yours is nicer to you!

    Well, back to trying to get some work done. Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    awwww...thx for the good wishes all...shucks! :blushing: Mine are also usually monthly and tend to be hormonal based unless I have been 'bad' and gotten into something with MSG or nitrates. Since my headache is better today, but I am feeling fussy - prolly hormonal. Hope you are feeling better Starla - I agree with not aggravating it - dark rooms - seriously.

    Still windy here too - no clothes line for me - or unmentionables in the neighbors trees!

    Sheila and Starla - am envious of your much long term friendships - that area has always been such a struggle for me - very introverted growing up

    Can you believe it's the 1st of June?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I know right?? Where the heck did the last half a year go?? and when the heck will summer come to Seattle?! It feels like freakin winter here. blah.
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Morning all

    So yesterday it was hot and humid at not working well....they did something....freezing today..and it is only 8:30. Plus side we shouldn't hit 100 today - should be normal around 80. Looking forward to the weekend. Need to get the kayaks out and cleaned. July we are taking a week at a state park to go kayaking and biking. Hubby and I will have 10 years married. I envy those that have those really long marriages and are still happy.....I must say that this is my second time around and I am married to my best friend.

    Wishing everyone a great day. You are in charge!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning my Lovelies:

    I hit the 170 mark this morning, down 21.2 lbs. and still going. Yaaay Me!!!

    Weather here is a little chilly only the high 60's. Still better than wet and muddy.
    My garden is finally looking good and the beans and radishes are coming up nicely.
    My flowers look beautiful too.

    Sheila: Lots of love on your marriage. Its always better if he's your bestfriend.
    We have been married 37 years now and he is very good to me. I cannot
    complain. Two beautiful daughters 28 and 30.

    Starla: Headaches are a pain (literally). I don't get them often. I hope you feel better

    Hoping to get my lunch time walk in today.

    Have a great day ladies.

    <<<<You must do the thing you think you cannot do>>>> Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Very exciting- I finally it the 10 pound mark, YAAAYYY!! stepped on the scale here at work , fully clothed of course, and it said 164.8 so minus coffee and protein shake this morning with clothing- easily 164! WOOHOO!!! I also measured myself this morning and I've lost 1/4 inch off my waist and hips so here's my checkin (you know I like sharing my numbers and being more accountable for them!)

    height 5'1"
    SW: 174
    CW: 164 (thats 2 pounds down in the last 30 days, yay!)
    GW: I decided it should be 144 for a 30 pound loss
    bust: still 40.5 (darn knockers won't budge in size. wish they'd shrink a LITTLE!)
    waist: 33.77 (down 3/4 inch over the last 3 months)
    hips: 42.75 (also down 3/4 inch over the last three months
    arms: 14 (up 1/4 inch, but that beacuse i"m stronger!)
    thinghs: 26 (also up about a 1/4 inch- but ditto- gaining muscle for sure! the fat'll slough off soon enough :o) )

    YAY!! and I must repeat myself- I really do credit my tracy anderson dvd being added to my routine for finally making some changes, no matter how small!

    ahhhh, so satisfying. What a great way to start a day (much better than crappy yesterday!) when I woke up I still had a small amount of migraine left but it feels gone now so that's nice. I did end up skipping exercise last night and just resting on the couch in a dark living room and watch tv for the evening- probably why my migraine's not so bad this morning. It's funny- going home after work and lounging all evening used to be my normal routine, it was just what I did. Now I'm so used to going home and exercising for 45-60 minutes it felt odd not to- also made the evening feel SO LONG! haha. And oh my gosh you guys, I ENVY 60's or god forbid 70's- here it's rainy, cold and 50's!! BRR! Summer feels so far away. Still feels like february out there!

    Shiela, I love kayaking!! previous years though my arms couldn't take it for very long- I'd wake at night with so much pain when I over did it, but now that I've been training I'm hoping I can do it this summer without feeling like my arms are going to fall off and shrivel up from the pain!

    Have a good day everyone!!
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Shirley - I too have a son that is 30. He lives in NYC. I have plans to see him after I come back from vacation in July. Taking the bolt bus to NYC. Going up after work on Friday and coming home Sunday afternoon. How awesome to hit that 170 mark.

    Star: I am also on the short side. 5' 1/2" Have to add that 1/2". We don't live on the water but we have access a few miles from our house to a nice quiet cove off the Chesapeake Bay. Last year, I had no core and couldn't kayak at all. I am so excited for this year.

    I can't believe it is time I blink it will be September.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sheila: Have fun in NYC. I haven't been there yet, would like to go
    this Fall. Still talking hubby into it. Let me know how your trip went.

    Posted one more picture of our new boat. Check it out on my profile. :bigsmile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Ladies I'm here but having a bad day so I won't vent and bring everyone down to my sad state.:grumble:

    Enjoy your evening and congratulations on your successes this week. Way to stay on track!:drinker:

  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Shirley - Beautiful Boat..what a way to relax.

    Jenny.....we all have bad days and not so good days to go along with our great and fantastic days. Just a little bump in the road.

    Ladies - All around us we are surrounded by negativity. I subscribe to the Positive Quote of the Day. Today's quote was very appropriate.

    To think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline - training - is about.
    -- James Clavell, in his novel "Shogun"

    This message goes right along with our journey in changing our lives. Everyone have a great weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    Sheila - thanks for the good thoughts - some days are certainly harder than others

    Jenny - don't think you can't vent - b/c I sure know I want to and do when I need to!

    to Starla - AGAIN - you are a losing machine - you go gurl!!:flowerforyou:

    so humid here today - ick. I know Starla is beyond ready for warmer - I hate it - would gladly change temperatures with you.

    I have been having these body image issues resurface after last weeks visit to Vegas. I was in a place where even though my ultimate goal is more pounds down - I was feeling like I had been achieving my exercise goals and getting stronger and a bit more fit. Until I start walking next to these thousands and thousands of double-zero bikini girls, I am insecure and just another overweight tourist joke. I look at the one picture I allow my husband to take and delete it. Sigh...I didn't gain anything probably due to all the walking, but I feel like I came back 10 pounds heavier - in my head. Bleh. Screwy summer schedule is also messing up my exercise routines and that isn't helping how I feel. Gah. :grumble:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    ....aaannnnd the weekend is off to fantastic start - was supposed to be off to see me dear niece play softball tonite, but minutes into my drive, I get a call from one peeved off husband with the 6-year-old screaming in the background. And that wasn't even why he was peeved. Apparently the 10-year-old threw up the bird today at daycare (not as an insult, but to be funny - idk) and then lied about doing it. Third behavior in a week. The 'boys' were all set to go to the water park whilst I was at ball game, but of course you can't take a kid who has to be conseqeunced (freaking again!). Hence the 6-year-old screaming. I go home. Six year old happier, I'm at my wits end with this streak of lying. GAH!!:angry:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Shirley-the boat looks beautiful and ready to sail. Have a great time this summer!
    Sheila-thanks for the positive quote. I have an app on my iphone I enjoy that gives me daily inspirations to ponder. I usually read ahead to ponder several.
    Marla-little boys are a challenge aren't they? The teen years are wild too but then turn into the most amazing young men and you feel so proud. Hang in there and know that time flies very fast.
    Starla-cruising on that exercise. Hope you're burning calories for me too since I haven't had time lately to do any! I plan to ride my bike with a friend on Sunday and tomorrow is shopping with my 16 year old for shorts, flip flops, etc. I'm going to put my suit on and lay on the deck this weekend too. I need a tan!

    Enjoy your weekend ladies!:flowerforyou:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Took the boat out for a sail last night, sails great, I was at the helm and loved it.:happy: We have
    a wheel with this boat and the other boat had a tiller. Big difference. I love it so far!
    We gathered later with some other members for drinks and chatted. Then my hubby and our
    friend Tim went out for dinner. I had liver and onions. It was delicious. I didn't
    eat it all and will some for lunch today. (doggy bag):tongue:

    Hubby back down at the boat today to do some more work, I stayed home to get some
    things done and then tonight I have a wedding shower to go to at 6:00 pm and I wonder
    why I have to watch everything that goes in my mouth. The temptation is always there and
    we just have to make good choices. A couple of beers last night, liver and onions and
    some popcorn when we got home and I am up a pound.
    Now today I will have to watch all day so I can have a little tonight. Life is a ***** sometime. :sad:

    Jen: When you are down we are hear to listen.

    Starla: Great day, you are still doing great at your weight loss.

    Marla: The time with your boys will fly by and you will wonder where did it go and what you might have
    done differently. My girls are grown and gone and I wonder where did it go:heart:

    I am wondering what happened to May and it is already June.

    Well gotta go and get to the bank and give myself a manicure, my nails look awful.

    Have a wonderful day Ladies. :love:
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies. I expect to stay same this week..finally have an appetite and am feeling ready to start exercising again.

    I too make my husband delete my pictures....and yet I know he thinks I am beautiful.

    One of my best friends came over this afternoon. The last 15 years have been extremely difficult for her. Starting with being diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. Many of the medicines back then were aspirin based and she is allergic to asprin. Within 5 years confined to a wheel chair. She made do and we did as much together as possible. About 4 years ago was diagnosed with throat cancer. In order to undergo radiation therapy, all her teeth had to be pulled. Because of her limitations she spent over six months in the hospital and rehab center. Another year of physical therapy at home. Just as she was recovering they discovered colon cancer and had to remove part of her colon. The surgical site became infected and she has been healing slowly. During this time she is not allowed to take her arthritis medicine - it conflictswith her healing. It has only been recently that she has been feeling well enough to leave the house. Her and her husband came over. The guys played golf and we played cards. After being up and out for over 5 hours she was exhausted. She is only 62 years old. After spending the day with her, my issues are so minor.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Sheila- Your friend has been through so much! Wow! It's nice she was able to get out and spend time with you. I guess my issues are very minor also. Puts life into perspective doesn't it?

    I treated my self to a mani/pedi yesterday and will have a professional do my hair color and highlighting next week. I usually color my own hair and it looks pretty natural. Not too gray yet but my hair has turned dark with some gray strands so I color it to brighten it up. Hubbie and son gave me a gift certificate to a salon so on my weeks off I'm going to schedule a massage too. It's been a horrible work year so I'm pampering myself before I start work again July 11th. This all sounds frivolous when i think of what Sheila's friend is up against:frown:

    Shirley-So now you're a skipper! How fun! Enjoy your summer and get your exercise so then you can indulge at parties too.

    Spent a lot of money today...bought a used car for my son to drive to his activities, shopped at Mall of America for his summer clothes (he's out grown everything!), and went out to dinner with hubbie and son. It was a nice day but now we have to spend frugally with exception of my pampering I have scheduled, LOL!:bigsmile:
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    aw Jenny it's good you were able to get out and splurge for yourself a bit and the upcoming hair fun - yay!! You've worked hard and need to enjoy a bit too.

    Sheila - as Jenny said wow. I'm glad you are able to help your friend to do some of the 'normal' things that fall by the wayside when being so sick. Bless you!

    Shirley, I finally looked at your pics - so fun - bet your having a great weekend.

    Last night and today the 10-year-old and I have 'bonded' lots today. He came to work with me, to the bread store, the nursery, the jewelry store, etc. He's got a notebook and pencil, a workbook, and a reading book as his options for the weekend. We also agreed he would make an apology letter for his bad behavior. Please, please, please let this get through that brain of his.

    Night luvs!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Marla- How's it going with your son's grounding/detention, LOL? Just know that the frontal lobe of the brain in boys takes much longer to develop (this is where we learn and remember consequences of our actions...). The latest brain research says the frontal lobe in males may not be completely developed until 25 years of age or so. Some longer I think...My ex husband was probably in his 30's I would bet!! LOL!:laugh: There is a great book out there called "Parenting With Love and Logic" and it helps explain behavior to parents but also helps set up natural consequence responses when kids do stupid things and that may teach them a lesson and how to make better choices the next time. Google it and see what you think.

    My bike ride was great and then I laid on the deck to start my tan. I accomplished all that I had planned today and that was it! I should do some paperwork but don't know if that will happen. Maybe I should just get that done at work:laugh:

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    wellll....after slogging around with me for the better part of Saturday - the boy looks at me and states that he now thinks, "you work pretty hard." awww, shucks.

    I think I have made inroads to how we feel about this behavior - I told him that any more of this business will find him kicked out of daycare and spending the summer on the farm with Grandpa. And for my little E-boy (all electronics all the time) that didn't sound like a good deal. We'll see.

    I totally hear you Jenny about their frontal lobes - I sometimes think that my 38-year-olds lobe is still undeveloped!

    Last summer we finally had all of our crew up and going on two-wheelers and I was so excited to go family bike riding. Until we did it a couple of times and I spent the next three days in agony b/c my garage sale beauty of a bike really isn't meant for someone like me to be riding it for a length of time. I have tried to leave as many hints as possible to the family that a newer bike for mom would be a good idea for a present - but so far no luck - and I have given up riding the other - too much pain!

    Today starts two weeks of camp craziness for the minion and trying to work and get them to various places in town at different times - yay.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Monday Afternoon Ladies;

    Got my walk in this afternoon at lunch. Done

    Busy weekend, Saturday night bridal shower. I met a lady from this MFP site so we are
    communicating now and trying to motivate each other.

    Sunday, sail pass and a 50th anniversary on the same day.

    Food temptation and drink all weekend. Weighed today and I am up. Surprise, Surprise :tongue:

    Digging deep this week to get that off again. The object is to lose not maintain as yet. :tongue:

    Sheila: My heart goes out to your friend. :heart: I can't image going through all she had been doing. :heart:
    The scary part is that I am 62 like her and it really brought it home.

    The key ladies is to take care of ourselves first, because if we don't, we can't take care of our families.

    Jen: When you are tanning make sure you have that sun screen on.

    Marla: I never had boys so I can't relate on their behavior. My girls gave me enough gray hairs.

    Starla: Keep going girl you are my motivation to get me through this summer of eats and drinks.

    Have a lovely day ladies!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just to remind everyone, when we reach page 20 we have to do another Link.
    I don't know if it continues automatically or you have create it.

    Just saying.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Shirley-Yep I always wear sunscreen and typically don't lay in the sun at my age now. It was a treat to take my book and ipod to the deck and be lazy and get a little color. I was a lifeguard when I was 18 and did some damage to my skin based on the amount of freckles and moles I have now at 50. My momma told me but I wouldn't listen.....

    Today is high 90's here so quite miserable. Tomorrow will be close to 100 I've heard. My car was 98 degrees when I got in it after work. Can't wait to work in a building without air conditioning starting July 11th:mad: :explode:

    Marla-my friend just bought a new bike at Walmart. It's really nice and she paid about 150 I think. She did add a new seat (gel seat) for $24 additional that she also bought at Walmart. Hint louder and more frequently to hubbie!!!LOL!:laugh:

    Another report written today so two to go. Still have to finish packing my files and odds and ends for the big office move to a different building. We have an after work BBQ on Wednesday to come together one more time before the big move. A young coworker is hosting it at her house. Hope the bosses don't show up and put a damper on it by being there.

    I brought home a report to write but really want to relax and have a nice cold beer. Oh what should I do?:bigsmile:

    Well time for dinner. Hubbie is grilling brats, yum! Have a nice evening:drinker:

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,861 Member
    107! One hundred and seven degrees!! Cripes.
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Hey Ladies....not doing so good....gave in to emotional eating......a close friend - had her son-in-law (who is more like a son) die unexpectedly of a heart attack yesterday morning. He was 29 and left behind his wife and two kids. He is younger than my son. So prayers for the family are welcome.

    Just means that we have to live each day to the fullest and to the best of our ability. When you get home tonight....hug your family a little tighter.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    SHEILA: Don't worry about the emotional eating. I have been on a roller coaster ride
    most of my life. That is why I am here. To try and be more aware of my
    eating habits. I was just saying to my hubby last night on these party
    get togethers I have to take a look at all the food that is there. Take one plate
    and take what I want and stop. Not continue going back for more.
    That is one thing I am working on before this summer and all the social
    gatherings we will be going to.
    Sorry about your friends son, that is really young. :heart: My girlfriends son-in-law
    had a heart attack at 39 and we thought that was young, but he survived.

    Managed my walk today at lunch 25 mins. We had a rain storm this morning again, but it
    cleared up this afternoon and now it is beautiful out.

    Our Clematis which grows on a trellis is not doing so well. It is a red Clematis and I think it is too
    delicate for full sun in our backyard. We are going tonight to purchase something that can
    take full sun and is hardier. Its a tough year so far for flowers and gardens because of all the

    Trying hard to get down from the 3 lbs I gained this weekend. Down one lb. so far and still going.

    Have a good day you all!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,408 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Sheila sorry about your friends son in law. So young and very sad. My co worker's husband is battling cancer and now it has spread and the tx is not working. He is around 30 or so too.

    Shirley-sounds like a plan to just take one plate and be done. Is it disposable plate or china at your gatherings? If they are disposable just throw in garbage as soon as you finish and then hold a drink in your hand and mingle away from the buffet:) Or..take a tiny taste of all that you want and then tell yourself "I know what it tastes like so I don't need any more of that food", then throw your plate away. Good luck and stay the course!

    Marla- hotter than XXXX here too in MN. The wind is blowing hard and it is a hot wind with grit in the air, ugh! Suppose to cool down tomorrow and towards the weekend.

    We're having shrimp and chicken kabobs on the grill and I'm hungry. Not too good at my eating today. My salad from Wendy's was too high in calories and sodium. I'm not even going to log my dinner. Paper work to do later on...

    Have a nice evening...
This discussion has been closed.