

  • I believe we have lost not only class, but civility. And it's a shame, because it doesn't have to be that way. Regardless of technology or velocity of life, we need to treat each other better. Even a simple "please" and "thank you". Not in a sniveling, permission-seeking way, but as acknowledgement of humanity (from one…
  • I enjoy Seapoint Farms Edamame. I like it bold and spicy--so I get the Wasabi flavored.
  • I mention this because I think that for many, excess weight serves some kind of psychological purpose. Hence phrases like "Building my walls", "can't let anyone come close", even "comfort food"! It's being exposed to life. The notion that okay, the party's over. Time to get on with doing that which I need to do. BTW I do…
  • If you've got yourself caught up in an occasional craving, enjoy it. But get right back on! I'd say, don't try to compensate beyond what's comfortable. I'm willing to bet the following is true of most of us who are trying to get (back) into shape: 1) We try like maniacs to eat right, exercise, etc. 2) We lapse, and get mad…
  • Sure, it burns calories. That's not the problem. It's the snacking afterward! (Domino's delivers, but that's another story....):laugh:
  • It is an omelette, sort of--for those of us whose omelettes always come out "messed up", this is just another way....
  • Excellent job! Beautiful then. Beautiful AND healthy NOW!
  • Wow...how inspirational! It motivates me even more to accomplish my goals. Not only that, but it should inspire you in ALL areas of your life. You can do anything you set your mind and heart to. Proof? Here it is! Congratulations!
  • I don't know if there really is a limit to the number of eggs you eat a week. Of course, like any other food, they can be overeaten. But I believe that most people not only could enjoy, but also benefit from, eating more eggs. Want more than one a day, or seven a week? Go ahead. Unless you have a medical condition which…
  • "Stop, Dave. I can feel my mind going. My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it...I can feel it..." HAL9000 (being deactivated) from 2001: A Space Odyssey HELLO DOCTOR NAME CONTINUE YESTERDAY TOMORROW…
  • If a woman has them, well, it depends. I am not a fan, but if she's otherwise (!) attractive and the tattoos are not too excessive, maaaayyyyyyybeeee. (I do know a few beautiful women who have one or two.) This is kind of a moot point, as I am married. My wife does not have any, and I've told (begged) her, for the love of…
  • I find that recording everything helps, because if you think about a binge, you know it's often left to "chance" when you'll stop. It escapes your conscious awareness. I have found that if you put the "forbidden food" in front of your awareness, you might enjoy it better, knowing it was a decision and not "the devil making…
  • I have always liked hot and spicy foods. I do believe it helps to increase metabolism. As important (for me), it adds interest to the flavor of foods. A kind of healthier "zing" which can replace less healthy "zings" such as fat, creaminess, sweetness (sugar), etc. It helps to "satisfy the taste buds".
  • Your motivations are your own. I cannot begin to know what they are, even if it were my business. Just remember how beautifully you are created, and that you are already "all that"! That said, and without judgment, I pray a speedy, and easy recovery for you, and that you move forward with your life in grace and wisdom. And…
  • Well put. Especially the "vavoom" part. I should tell my wife Eileen. No wait--it's ME who's trying to get in shape!
  • There will be those in your life, a husband, too, who will sometimes grow distant. These people might really love you and care for you, but subconsciously, they are hurting. They may feel that you are achieving a great goal, something really special, and your growth is outpacing theirs. If you know that they really care…
  • According to the charts, I'm not too fat--just too short! I should be 9'6" tall! Seriously, I am 6'2". Or 6'3", if you ask my wife. Whatever it is, I'm already delighted with it.