tiffbou2 Member


  • I'm just starting week 3. I've kept up with all the workouts, but my diet faltered a bit on Thurs/Fri of last week. I'm not following her menu plans exactly, but tracking on MFP and trying not to eat my exercise points or too many complex carbs or sugars. I've had to modify a bit because I teach a high energy Zumba class…
  • I'm on week 2 and always looking for buddies :)
  • I'm the same - this is week two for me. I did the kickstart week and diet plan too and it was HARD but I lost 5 lbs the first week and I FINALLY saw the 130s for the first time since I was pregnant - almost 8 years ago! Definitely great motivation. I feel really good this week. I thought the workout 1 was fairly easy the…
  • I'm only on day two, but I'm subbing the cardio DVDs for other things most days. I teach a Zumba class that is mostly cardio 3X a week. Some people think Zumba is a lighter workout, but my class is fairly intense, and when you're the teacher you've got to give it 200% at all times! I also run 5K once a week. I think I will…
  • Hi guys, I just started this today and would love a buddy to keep me motivated. I started on a Tuesday rather than Monday to make Mondays my rest days as they tend to be crazy in my household. I am doing the whole kickstart with the 7-day diet plan. It sucks, I'm hungry, lol. My first workout today didn't seem too…
  • One English teacher to another - your story was a great read, and I bet you're an excellent teacher. :) Fabulous results - well done, you!
  • You look fabulous! I love your hair too! :)
  • I'm in the same boat - I've just started Lean yesterday. Are we meant to just start over again in Burn? I might try out Pump - I've done Les Mill's BodyPump classes at gyms and really liked it.
  • I just started LEAN today. I think I really like lean - has you doing upper and lower body simultaneously and back to 12 reps.
  • I just finished the push month of Chalean. In a 4-week period (somewhere between the burn and push phases), I lost 1.5 inches in each arm, 3 inches in each leg, and 2.5 in my waist. When I started the push month I freaked out because I actually gained weight with a VERY healthy eating plan, but that weight dropped off…
  • Thanks again for all the replies. ebuscher, this happened for me! When I weighed and posted on Monday, my weight was up from 147.2 to 149. I stayed away from the scale all week, then stepped on this morning - down to 145.6!!! Even better, I am feeling much leaner and my arms and legs are getting a lot more solid from the…
  • Thank you for all the responses and pep talks, it really does help! I will hang in. :) My husband...ack...so frustrating. He lost all the weight he was aiming to lose in these recent three weeks. He was at 184 (his highest weight ever in his life - he is only 5'8) and is now down to his goal of 174. He is eating nearly…
  • Thank you for posting this!! I had the exact same questions as the original poster. I am doing ChaLEAN xtreme, and I took a week off in between the Burn and Push phases...maybe I shouldn't have done that, but I was starting a new clean eating diet and wanted to focus on my food. I lost 5 lbs in that first week and a half…
  • Thank you very much jarrettd. We did get before pics and all our measurements taken, as well as a fitness test - we go next week at our 1/2 way point for a check in on our measurements - I'm hoping that will be the "real" test. I definitely am going to incorporate a lot of the clean eating principles into my family's life.…
  • Thank you so much for the encouragement - I'll keep plugging away! :)
  • Can anyone answer me this - do you not lose weight when you first start strength training? I just started lifting heavier weights with less reps 3X a week for 35 minutes about 2 weeks ago, and my weight loss has completely stalled - actually gone up a lb, even though my diet is better than ever. Could this be due to the…
  • Thanks for the link! Your before and after pics are a real inspiration - you've got gorgeous muscle definition.
  • Wow you look great! Zumba rocks! :)
  • This is interesting. I recently started Chalean Xtreme. I am not following the training schedule for it really - I'm doing the strength workouts 3X a week, and abs twice a week. I have 3-4 cardio days in addition to it, alternating cardio and strength days, doubllng up one of the days with shorter workouts and resting…
  • Oh ok, it sounds like maybe then the gym would have its own liability. I think your plan sounds great, but one thing I would stay clear of with older folks is going from a higher impact, cardio intense move to lying down on the floor for sit-ups. What I generally do in a circuit is alternate a cardio move with a muscle…
  • [/quote] yeah... there are generally a lot of older people which come to these classes as well as they are offered to them for free so might not wanna make it too hard on them [/quote] Just wondered - are you insured in any way by the facility you are running the class in? Just something you might want to keep in mind,…
  • Totally agree! You won't find a more accepting fitness class, in my opinion! A lot of classes are offered in church gyms or rec centers, which is far less intimidating than a mirrored groupX room in a club. My classes have 50-70 people in them every night, and I have many overweight folks, people who are "rhythmically…
  • I would love to join this next month. I just took up running again this past month. I'm trying to run twice a week, in addition to weight training and Zumba. Right now my runs are only about 2.6-3 miles in about 30-35 minutes, but I'm trying to work my way up to 10KM in an hour (I don't know how many miles that is, I'm…
  • I'm a Zumba instructor, and I agree with the above poster, that it really depends on the instructor and their level of intensity. I have been to Zumba classes where I barely break a sweat. I don't find the Zumba for Wii very intense and not nearly as fun as a live class, but I think it would be good for a beginner to get…
  • Hi, I'm a Zumba instructor! :) There is no real "beginner" or "advanced" when it comes to Zumba DVDs or classes (with the exception of the introduction to the moves DVD that comes with the Exhilarate set). Some instructors have more difficult choreography, some have more challenging fitness aspects to their classes, and…
    in Zumba Comment by tiffbou2 October 2011
  • [/quote] You can find the schedule online. I googled it once when I was looking into the program. The BeachBody site has worksheets to write your weights/reps down. [/quote] THank you - I found it! I think I will start tomorrow so that Tuesday and Thursdays will be my rest days - I teach Zumba classes those days. I'm…
  • I can't help you - but I have a couple questions about this program too! I got my DVDs in the mail today and I bought them used, so I don't know if I got all the literature or info. Are you supposed to do Burn for 30 days, then Push 30 days and then Lean 30 days? Our alternate between the 3? Also, how many days a week are…