ischmelle Member


  • Hi Darton, I'm struggling with food addiction right now as well. It is a difficult struggle because like you said, you can't cut food out you just have to control it. And, unlike alcohol and drug addiction, society doesn't support your rehab. Especially during the holiday season I would hear, "Its a treat. Once and a while…
  • Congratulations!!! I can't wait to join you in onederland! :) Way to keep at it.
  • Me! Me! My girl is 5 weeks old and I am the heaviest I've ever been! I'll send you an invite. :)
  • This!! My final straw never seems to be my final. At this point, I'm working on a whole box of straws!!
  • I have a really similar story! My girl is 5 weeks old and I didn't care how much I gained during her pregnancy. So, 60 pounds later, I had an 8 pound girl and am currently the heaviest I have ever been. And I've put on weight since I gave birth too, after the initial loss. I wanted to post cute family pictures over the 4th…
  • Our girls are really close in age megnut! I'm looking forward to the day I can sleep through the night again. :)
  • Hi Amber. I know the post is older, but I just found it when I searched for c section posts! I just had a section 5 weeks ago and am starting to look at working out again. What has worked for you? Did you do any specific core work?
  • I'm 22 weeks and just under a 20 pound gain, so I think you're on track. I have been tracking my calories recently (after the holidays were over ;) ) and have them set to maintenance. I do the same though, I use the calorie tracker to make sure I know how nutrient dense my food is, not so much to track my calories. I tend…
  • My first meeting went well. It was just to get to know each other. We have our first real appointment at the end of next week. The doula we hired is a perfect combination between my husband and myself. She gets that I want a natural process, but understands that he wants to consider intervention if needed. I think she will…
  • At my first doctors appointment she looked at my weight and told me that according to my BMI, I should gain no more than 15 pounds. I've already gained 10 of that! :s More working out for me! I am going through a Certified Nurse Midwife team instead of a traditional OB/GYN. Maybe that is the difference? Maybe the docs…
  • mtoasty79, we are in the same boat! My pre-pregnancy weight was 185 and I'm 34. My doctor wants me to keep my weight gain to 15 pounds, but at 16 weeks I already hit a 14 pound gain! Yikes! I have no idea either how to keep the weight down for the rest of the pregnancy. I set my calories back to maintenance, I started to…
  • Caroline_g, that happened to me too! I took my pregnancy test 4 days after my wedding. What a surprise! I just wanted to be sure so that I could have a pint with a piece of mind, but instead of getting another beer I got a baby instead. :D I am at a complete loss with my calorie goal, but as of today I have it set to…
  • Welcome blueboxgeek! Best of luck for a happy, healthy pregnancy!
  • Thanks for all the advice! I just had another one yesterday. They seem to be coming more frequently now that I am 11 weeks and I was really hoping they would start to taper off! I am going to cut out sugar, which I need to do anyway, but I think it is triggering them. I would like to try acupuncture though. I already see a…
  • I am a similar height and weight to you (34 years old, 5' 3" and 185 pre-pregnancy) and I struggle with the same thing. I recently just had my first appointment (I'm 11 weeks along) and the midwife told me that due to my BMI she wants me to gain no more than 15 pounds! Yikes! In the first semester I've already gained 2!…
  • I'm set for a low gain amount too due to pre-pregnancy weight. I'm still really early, around 11 weeks, and only gained 2 pounds in the first trimester. That's good, but I'm worried about the next 2 trimesters! I've increased my working out, but it's hard with all the fatigue! My plan is to watch my sugar intake, which is…
  • Relax, its suppose to be a rollercoaster! And, if you are eating well, just listen to your body. If you are hungry, then eat. You need to reconcile yourself to the idea that you WILL gain weight. Again, you are supposed to. I completely understand not wanting to gain TOO much though, I have that same worry. But you can't…
  • Hi everyone. I recently found out that I will be a May mom as well, due May 19th. Simply_Sarah_ - It sounds like we have the exact same story! I usually have horrific menstrual cramps and I am so nervous about the baby because I am 9 weeks and have had very few symptoms with the exception of being extremely tired. My…
  • I have nothing to offer you there. I am totally unmotivated to work out. I am dying for Spring to be here so I can just get outside and move around! When I do feel the spark of motivation, which isn't often, it is the fact that I will be strong. This time when I lost weight I wanted to focus on weight lifting more than…
  • I second the thanks for setting this up! I would love to check in here every day and see how everyone is doing. I'm on day 2 as well. I had a small victory of avoiding soda with lunch, but lunch was a heavy burrito, so I'm pretty sure that's a wash there. But, I still have half a day to get all my water in and to get a few…
    in Welcome Comment by ischmelle March 2014
  • I'd love to do it with you! I'm getting married the weekend before you. In fact, funny enough, September 13th was our original day but one of his friends is getting married that day and set the day before us! I'm finding out when trying to book things that apparently September is the new June for weddings! I have had a…
  • Congrats on your wedding! I'm getting married on September 6th and while there is still snow on the ground it seems so far away...but it's not! My MOH freaked me out last week by saying "It's just over 5 months away!" What?!?! How did that happen?!?! I really thought the motivation of getting married would be what would…
  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. My first day in the weight room was yesterday and it seemed that the whole way there i had a mantra running in my head say "Please let it be empty. Please let it be empty." Well, it wasn't, but I went in anyway and did my first day of strong lifts! Hopefully I can continue being confident as I…
  • I completely understand how easy it is to cave! ( funny pun on words!!) I feel so much better when I eat Paleo, I enjoy how I feel and that in and of itself should be enough motivation to not stray from the course. However, sugar and grains are a power draw and I find myself caving needlessly. It's especially tough this…
  • Isn't it annoying with well meaning co-workers buy donuts for everyone in the office?!? "You can have just one" they say. Ummm, no. I obviously can't. That's why I am trying to lose weight in the first place!!
  • Me too! I feel like it's what every bride says. :laugh: But, if there was ever a time to do it, this is it! I have about 30 pounds at least to go. I'd be happier with 40, but I could probably settle for 30 with a great corset! I hate trying on dresses right now because there is NO way I want to be this size on the actual…
  • Fresh veggies are always a go to for me. I love celery, cucumbers and carrots raw and love to snack on them. If you are forced to do fast food, I always opt for the unwich at Jimmy Johns. I love the number twelve, minus sprouts.
  • Are you using it to cook or eat in a raw form, such as salad dressing? For cooking, I use the grease I save from cooking meat like Bacon. It gives a little flavor and I know it is a safe fat to reheat.