

  • Dont feel bad, we have all been in that position. I am in the same position myself- sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Sounds like you made a pretty good compromise. I would just add the dry mix then add the other calories to it. You know what we all have days when we go over our calories, so if you did,…
  • I agree with everyone else. Looks like your sugars are high on a regular basis
  • I saw this also. I can not imagaine even trying that thing
  • To be female. I hate those those kinds of days. Just sip that wine after daughter goes to sleep and everything will be ok. I hope daughter is feeling better soon
    in Bad day!!! Comment by marsha73 June 2010
  • To be female. I hate those those kinds of days. Just sip that wine after daughter goes to sleep and everything will be ok. I hope daughter is feeling better soon
    in Bad day!!! Comment by marsha73 June 2010
  • my wii fit is pretty accurate. I use it for my weigh in's and compare it with a scale at work( I work in a nursing home) they are pretty close maybe a pound off .
  • I'll be your friend:smile:
  • I hate shopping at Wal-Mart for clothes- they never seem to fit right. I always seem to have to buy a bigger size even though at other stores I am pretty much a size 14. Wal-Mart I normally have to get a 16 for it to fit. I normally try to steer clear. I do a lot of shopping at JcPenney and have not had any problems:happy:
  • you will drive yourself crazy if you weigh everyday. once per week:sad:
  • I would eat it. Sounds good. Try adding green onions and chopped Roma tomatoes
  • I agree- it's nice to have the fella's behind us cheering us on. I haven't seen very many of them on here though.
  • hang in there. You are doing everything right. I have been on for almost 3 weeks and I have only lost 4 lbs. keep your head up and keep plugging away. Try not to weigh yourself everyday, I know it's hard- lock the scale away some place and only take it out on "weigh day" our weight fluctuates daily from water weight. hang…
  • thanks for the info- signed up
  • after I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, I started checking out how much was recommended daily. Especially after my feet and hands started getting really swollen- especially in the mornings. It is hard to to make those changes, I am trying: my 1st step was to not cook with salt which that is easier now, my 2nd step…
  • I checked with the American Heart association website- they recommend 1500 mg daily
  • HOWDY, I am from Texas also. welcome
  • I try to make something new at least once a week. I will have on hand something my daughter does like but I tell her she has to try the "new food" at least one or two bites before she can eat the food she does like. This works for me
  • I went way over yesterday, I am just going to chalk it up as a bad day and start over today. I did get in my exercise, but I was craving some good old comfort food- tomato soup(homemade) and a good old gooey grilled cheese sandwich. I walked 2.5 miles yesterday and just ate and didn't worry about it.
  • Thanks for the help
    in pedometers Comment by marsha73 May 2010
  • welcome- I am new here to, I will be friends
  • New here, I need to lose around 40-50 lbs I just started trying to lose after I went to the doc this past week and I had to be weighed. Could not believe how much that scale said. I need to get healthy and lose weight for the sake of my child.
    in New Here Comment by marsha73 May 2010