

  • I feel the same! I love my short friends with similar goals! My stats: SW:125 Reached GW:100 Been maintaining for about 6 months getting stronger and stronger! Love it! Oh, and I'm 5'1"
  • Maintenance for me is 1640 or so. I've been in maintenance for around 6 months. I've kept my exercise about the same, eat at maintenance, but don't eat my exercise cals back most of the time. I've maintained the same weight, but all of my capris that fit 6 months ago fall off of me now. I feel like the exercise has just…
  • I'd love more maintenance friends too! I'm 5'2", 100pounds. I've been maintaining for about 5 months now. I'm just working on getting ripped and strong. I'd like to concentrate on lifting, I still need to get weights or a gym membership though. :/ So, I usually do Jillian DVD's and I really like Jackie Warner too!
  • I'm 5'2", 100lbs, trying to tone and get strong. I'd love more petite friends!
  • I'm 5'2", I've been maintaining at 100 and toning up for about 5 months. MFP has me set at 1640. I seem to typically eat around 1500 and I try not to eat my excercise calories back. I typically burn around 200ish calories 5-6 days a week and I'm pretty active throughout the day. I don't know if this helps, but it seems to…
  • Thank you so much! I really like Personal training with Jackie Power circuit training, and some Jillian. I'm starting to try out lifting heavier weights. Still trying to figure out exactly what I need to do to get the body I want! It shouldn't be so complicated!
  • I'm 5'2", currently 100, my goal is to maintain between 100-105. I'm concentrating on strength training, so, if the scale goes up a little, I'm okay. I have a small frame and small boobs(A). I usually where a size 0 or 1.
  • We've been married for 12 years. We've definitely had our ups and downs. Marriage is definitely not easy, but when it comes down to it, I can't imagine my life without him.
  • I would definitely get it diagnosed. My kids get eczema patches. If we are consistent with the cetaphil cream(the one in the tub) it goes away. We just have to use it frequently.
  • So glad to hear im not the only one! I was beginning to feel a little crazy! The only thing that seems to help is when i put my "fat clothes on." then there is no denying the fact that im not close to the same size!
  • I gotta bump this to read later. I've been in the same boat.
  • Hi there! You sound like me! I've been going hard for months and these past few weeks, I just haven't found the motivation! I'm getting so close to what I want to see in the mirror. We can't stop now, summer clothes are right around the corner! Good luck!
  • This is what I was going to say! It really comes down to keeping EVERYTHING out in the open. I'm in the process of getting myself put back together after my spouse cheated and I can tell you it is unimaginably painful. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I can say that as of right now, I definitely react more to finding…
  • I can easily get too obsessed about the number, if I weigh myself often. I aim for once a week and that seems to help.
  • I know the feeling! I'm 5'2", 100lbs. At around 105, I was bony and uncomfortable. I started doing Jillian Michaels and Jackie dvds and put my calories to maintenance. I did lose a little more weight, but I'm solid and not bony like before. I'm toned and feel a lot better in my body. That's what worked for me. I'm tempted…
  • I really like Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones. The one I've gotten the most sore from, by far, is personal training with Jackie, power circuit training. I really like that one!
  • I've started adding them on my hard workout days. It really helps me avoid sore muscles. I tend to have a hard time reaching my protein goals with food alone. I definitely make sure I get there, when I've worked hard though. Good luck!
  • Wow, thanks for sharing! I definitely struggle with thinking I look bigger than I am. But when I see all these women that are my size and think THEY are little, I really don't have much choice, then to believe I am too! It is also amazing how differently we all carry our weight, even if we are technically the same size!
  • I LOVE this thread! Amazing job ladies. SO amazing to see what can be done. Getting that body back after babies have taken it over is quite a feat! Mine are 11 and 7. I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to see my old body come back!
  • I'm 31 5'2" SW:125 Reached 100lb I think I'd be happy anywhere between 100-105
  • I'm 5'2", 100lb and usually a size 0 or 1. It's crazy how different sizing is in different brands!
  • I really like the no more trouble zones for a good workout. I wish it had more than one level though. I like the buns and thigh one. It seemed like more strength, less cardio than her others I've done. Liked yoga and six pack too! I think the banish fat, boost metabolism has been my least favorite of hers that I've tried.…
  • I love this thread! I think I will be trying this to keep me on track.
  • You girls are the closest I've seen! GW:100 CW:100 Sw:125 Age:31 Height:5'2" I'm trying hard to maintain! [/quote] BackToPreBaby ... we are pretty close to being twins, although I'm older. Add me if you want. :smile: GW: 110 CW: 116 SW: 130 Height: 5'2" Age: 37 Sex: Female [/quote] I'm close to both of you (although you…
  • I definitely struggle with this problem. Can't wait to hear more suggestions. I usually just pray I have enough calories left to eat something yummy!:/
  • What a great idea! I'm somehow just coming to reaize what an effect my shortness has on the look that my body takes on. I've reached my goal weight. The more I workout the bulkier I seem to get. That is not the look I'm going for! I'm 31 5'1.5" tall started at 125lb trying to maintain at 100lb Would love to have some…
  • Hmm, that is interesting. Might give it a try. I'm 5'1", 100lbs. I've lost all the weight I want, but I'm finding that pretty much any kind of cardio is making my legs bulk up. This is really not what I'm going for. I like the long/lean, but feel lazy just doing pilates all the time!