What real women look like.



  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Very cool
  • This is so awesome. I'm giong to share with every woman I know! Thank you :)
  • Ha! I did the search for my stats and there was a picture of me! I'd forgotten I uploaded it ages ago. :)
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    This made me want to drop my goal weight another ten pounds.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    It's really hard sometimes to see ourselves for who we really are (and how we look like too). I think we often have a worse impression of ourselves than what others may think.

    I found this website http://www.mybodygallery.com

    It is basically a website where women post pics of themselves but the main thing is you can filter photos of women by
    Pant size:
    Shirt size

    and see how someone in your own size would look like which might give you an idea of what you may also look like.

    The site's goal is to help more women see themselves more clearly.

    I don't work for these people or have any association with them but i find it a really interesting idea and helpful for those of us who suffer from self image issues.

    Thought i'd share. Let me know what you think.

    This may be the most interesting thing I've ever seen here. Thanks!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    It's really hard sometimes to see ourselves for who we really are (and how we look like too). I think we often have a worse impression of ourselves than what others may think.

    I found this website http://www.mybodygallery.com

    It is basically a website where women post pics of themselves but the main thing is you can filter photos of women by
    Pant size:
    Shirt size

    and see how someone in your own size would look like which might give you an idea of what you may also look like.

    The site's goal is to help more women see themselves more clearly.

    I don't work for these people or have any association with them but i find it a really interesting idea and helpful for those of us who suffer from self image issues.

    Thought i'd share. Let me know what you think.

    This is the most interesting site I think I've ever seen.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    that sight was crazy!!! great evidence that your WEIGHT alone doesnt tell you much... people at the same weight'height and some look fat and unfit while others look great!
    It made me feel a lot better about myself.
    I was SHOCKED at how unhealthy a lot of people looked at my same weight and height!!! Sure, some may be lying...but mostly it just looked like the difference was that there are people who exercise and people who dont... :)
  • Interesting site! Thanks for sharing
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    This made me want to drop my goal weight another ten pounds.

    I did the same thing once I saw the site, kind of a bummer lol
  • dasblondie
    dasblondie Posts: 100 Member
    wow...have to agree that was a little bit of a bummer...it just made me want to lose 10 more lbs than i originally thought :(
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    i like that site, and the idea behind it. But i'm apparently the ONLY woman who's my size. Awesome.

    I did find my goal though! Yahoo!! She and I are the same height/weight, but she's a size 6 pants, i'm a 12/14, and she wears a small shirt, i wear medium. Have to work on that...

  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I don't know if I should feel good or bad about what I've seen on there. I just clicked 150 lbs (I'm 145) and all of those women were thinner than I am. :grumble:
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    A lot of the girls there at my height and around my weight look better than me :( Damn my belly fat Haha
  • I'm not too sure about it. In my filter some women were NEVER 68 kg and 5'2" and had toned abs, some were way heavier and about American size 14 at least. Funny though x
  • HoneyRiot
    HoneyRiot Posts: 27 Member
    That's a cool site. My search results got a mix of women who were very overweight looking and others who weren't. Some people are out of shape and others are mostly in shape but weigh the same, which is something to keep in mind. I've lost weight and look slimmer, but I still weigh the same because I replaced some of the fat with muscle. Oh, and no one ever guesses my real weight, they all put me at being 20lbs lighter than what I am.

    I am going to keep referencing that site. It's a really good motivator!
  • Wow, thanks for sharing! I definitely struggle with thinking I look bigger than I am. But when I see all these women that are my size and think THEY are little, I really don't have much choice, then to believe I am too! It is also amazing how differently we all carry our weight, even if we are technically the same size!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member

    That white bikini makes me look really pale.

  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Not gonna lie, that site just totally made me feel like I'm delusional--but not in the "I look so much better than I think I do way" more like in the "Oh God, THAT'S what I really look like??" way. Bummer.

    nooo don't think like that. i went to that site a while back and so many of the women looked larger or even smaller than i look. everyone carries their weight sooo differently. some people have more muscle mass. don't let it make you feel less great about yourselves!

    I agree!! It is the media that is delusional!! All the airbrushing and photoshopped images that we are bombarded with on a daily basis!!! This shows us that we are REAL people! I love it!

    This site actually made me realize that my goal of 125 is TOO thin! No wonder I am not loosing any more weight!

    Thank you!~

    I definitely don't compare myself to airbrushed models whatsoever. Not worried about all that. I know I'm a real person, but I really didn't think I looked like the other women with my same stats...made me a bit more self conscious than I already am!
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    I tried it and it said there were no pictures that met my criteria? WTH? LOL:noway:
    HAHA. So why don't you add yourself ?
  • roxxie03
    roxxie03 Posts: 29 Member
    Very COOL!!! Thank you for sharing!!