do you ever look down and your body looks bigger than when y



  • Gavlar84
    Gavlar84 Posts: 19
    I tend to look bigger in the evening...sometimes I feel like I haven't made much progress - even after 20lbs lost
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I still think of myself as if I am as big as when I started, and like maybe some higher being is playing games with me, changing the sizing labels on my clothes! lol I logiclly know that I've lost and I am smaller but my brain acts very strangely. I still see myself as being bigger than other people too, even when they are bigger or the same as me

    Maybe I'm a tad mental though!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    All.The.Time. Feel bigger now than when I was my biggest. Makes no sense
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Love this thread. I am the opposite. I have lost 25 pounds and even although my measurements tell me I am a normal uk size 12 and everyone says I look great. I am considering putting on some weight cos I feel I look too thin! I think that I am just considering myself against what I was like before and am not used to seeing myself thin.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Eeeeevery day.

  • DeenieWeenie
    DeenieWeenie Posts: 149 Member
    Every day! *Sighs* In fact, I like myself better in the mornings. lol
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I actually pulled out the measuring tape last night (something I havent done in several weeks... maybe even first time this year)

    I could swear my stomach looked larger, even though I know its smaller... and yea, it measured smaller.
    I think its because the upper part of my stomach/lower chest is flatter now.
    plus you get used to seeing yourself in the mirror everyday.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Yep, same here. I think its because the stomach fat is the last to go. I know I have lost fat on my chest, arms, legs and on my midsection too, but that sticks out more prominently now cos I'm not quite so doughy everywhere else.

    It sucks, but for the vast majority it is part of the process and that gut is gonna be the last thing to go... patience and persistence (I have to keep telling myself!)
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Yep. I feel like I post this nearly daily here, but I truly see myself as looking like the guy in the apple suit on the fruit of the loom commercials. LOL Huge belly and tiny limbs. I keep hearing "Oh my word, you are so TINY!" and I just cringe because I don't feel any smaller than I was 13 months ago.
  • sdpursley
    sdpursley Posts: 63
    every day!
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    Yes! Every day! I've lost 12 pounds but I can barely see where it went. I look in the mirror and I still see things the same as they were 12 pounds ago :/
  • skinnygirlhiding1
    skinnygirlhiding1 Posts: 26 Member
    Happens almost daily.
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    When I look down, all I see is boobs. It's a "problem" I'll never mind having.

    Like :wink:
  • Always. I have fat days, boney days, short days, tall days, good days, bad days and every other type of day. **sigh**
  • rjbrowne
    rjbrowne Posts: 28
    So glad to hear im not the only one! I was beginning to feel a little crazy! The only thing that seems to help is when i put my "fat clothes on." then there is no denying the fact that im not close to the same size!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    A lot of the time this happens to me too. I'll look at myself one day and think 'hey, you're looking really good!', and then a day or two later I feel as though I looked like I did at 140 pounds. Same weight, same measurements, clothes feel the same as they did a couple of days before, but something in my brain goes *click* and suddenly all I can see is the heavier lazy me again.

    I'm right there with you (though I weigh more.)
    I'm trying to measure by "hey, my back no longer hurts when I get up in the morning," and "my clothes still fit." I'm pretty sure I'm in the "look better with clothing" camp right now (though I'm striving for a "look good nekkid" rating.)
  • A lot of the time this happens to me too. I'll look at myself one day and think 'hey, you're looking really good!', and then a day or two later I feel as though I looked like I did at 140 pounds. Same weight, same measurements, clothes feel the same as they did a couple of days before, but something in my brain goes *click* and suddenly all I can see is the heavier lazy me again.

    I'm right there with you (though I weigh more.)
    I'm trying to measure by "hey, my back no longer hurts when I get up in the morning," and "my clothes still fit." I'm pretty sure I'm in the "look better with clothing" camp right now (though I'm striving for a "look good nekkid" rating.)

    yeah I defenitly don't feel comfortable without, or with very little clothing. It feels like everything is magnified if I don't have anything on. I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking I've gone crazy! Maybe it's because I've been overweight for years and years and started my lifestyle change only last year...I hope one day my mind can catch up with the rest of me and finally be happy with what I see
  • tanklissa
    tanklissa Posts: 70
    Yes - every day I feel this way.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Every day. This morning I was looking and saw saggy skin and the first thought was 'Great. Now I'm fat -and- wrinkly'.
    But a few things happened to set me straight.
    1) I was running late and grabbed the first pair of black pants I found. They wouldn't stay up....they were size 10 (I'm now a 4).
    2) When I was out for my lunchtime walk I saw a girl in a dress and thought 'She has great legs. I wish I was small enough to wear something like that'. Then I realized that I was smaller than her. I could wear a's not my body, but my 'fat' mentality that's holding me back.