Am I skinny fat?



  • megjeg
    megjeg Posts: 18
    Sigh. I think all of us skinny girls who aren't hard as a rock feel "skinny fat" from time to time. In reality, I think there's a lot of factors that come into play. First of all--you could just have some loose skin from prior weight loss or pregnancy that keeps the skin from looking tight. Me for example--my stomach is as tight as it's gonna get without a cosmetic procedure because I have some loose skin from the weight loss.
    Also, like everyone is saying--weights make a huge impact on looking tight, not just skinny. I'd recommend doing a full body circuit twice a week *in addition* to your cardio routine. Cardio is not just for weigh's extremely good for your heart and overall health. Everyone should do matter how much they weigh

    I don't think that's the case with me, since my highest weight was 112 lbs. I only wanted to lose weight since I was under the misconception that weighing less would equate to me being less wobbly, but as I've now found, that's far from true. Will keep up some cardio, but am definitely going to look into lifting.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    My wife was the same, started at a size 5 at 110 and out of shape. After some weight training and lots of dedication she just bought some size 3 jeans and loves her new shape. again she has always been a smaller girl so her journey was just about getting in shape and being stronger. but she's a little more curvy now too with the added muscle weight, she's up to 120.
  • Concentrate on compound lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, rows, and lat pulldow/pullups), heavy enough you can only do 8-10 reps, 3 sets. Several really good routines: Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, New Rules of Lifting. This is a good link to see body fat percentages (at the end, she shows muscular vs skinny fat):
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Sigh. I think all of us skinny girls who aren't hard as a rock feel "skinny fat" from time to time. In reality, I think there's a lot of factors that come into play. First of all--you could just have some loose skin from prior weight loss or pregnancy that keeps the skin from looking tight. Me for example--my stomach is as tight as it's gonna get without a cosmetic procedure because I have some loose skin from the weight loss.
    Also, like everyone is saying--weights make a huge impact on looking tight, not just skinny. I'd recommend doing a full body circuit twice a week *in addition* to your cardio routine. Cardio is not just for weigh's extremely good for your heart and overall health. Everyone should do matter how much they weigh

    I don't think that's the case with me, since my highest weight was 112 lbs. I only wanted to lose weight since I was under the misconception that weighing less would equate to me being less wobbly, but as I've now found, that's far from true. Will keep up some cardio, but am definitely going to look into lifting.

    Ohhhh I see. Sounds like you just need to tone up then...maybe consider a personal trainer once a week for a little while. I did that for 3 months once and not only did I get into great shape, but I had a whole slew of weight training exercises that I still use. I also know that CrossFit is the ultimate weight lifting program, but it's intense to say the least
  • shells2963
    shells2963 Posts: 35 Member
    My only response to heavy lifting.... is don't go too heavy because once you stop and you will stop that muscle will go to fat. I am speaking from experience. A good balance of weights and cardio is great. Doing something to the Curves circuit and working the machines hard and fast every other day will build the muscles and help to get you a leaner, more fit look. Don't forget to stretch when you are done exercising because that will help elongate your muscles and keep them more pliable.:wink:
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    So haopy to wear everyone mentioning "The New Rules of Lifting for Women"! I just downloaded this to my Kindle this morning. Now, to follow this program- do you need a gym membership? If not, what kind of equipment do you need for home workouts?
  • megjeg
    megjeg Posts: 18
    Concentrate on compound lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, rows, and lat pulldow/pullups), heavy enough you can only do 8-10 reps, 3 sets. Several really good routines: Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, New Rules of Lifting. This is a good link to see body fat percentages (at the end, she shows muscular vs skinny fat):

    Brilliant link!
  • megjeg
    megjeg Posts: 18
    Sigh. I think all of us skinny girls who aren't hard as a rock feel "skinny fat" from time to time. In reality, I think there's a lot of factors that come into play. First of all--you could just have some loose skin from prior weight loss or pregnancy that keeps the skin from looking tight. Me for example--my stomach is as tight as it's gonna get without a cosmetic procedure because I have some loose skin from the weight loss.
    Also, like everyone is saying--weights make a huge impact on looking tight, not just skinny. I'd recommend doing a full body circuit twice a week *in addition* to your cardio routine. Cardio is not just for weigh's extremely good for your heart and overall health. Everyone should do matter how much they weigh

    I don't think that's the case with me, since my highest weight was 112 lbs. I only wanted to lose weight since I was under the misconception that weighing less would equate to me being less wobbly, but as I've now found, that's far from true. Will keep up some cardio, but am definitely going to look into lifting.

    Ohhhh I see. Sounds like you just need to tone up then...maybe consider a personal trainer once a week for a little while. I did that for 3 months once and not only did I get into great shape, but I had a whole slew of weight training exercises that I still use. I also know that CrossFit is the ultimate weight lifting program, but it's intense to say the least

    Thanks for the advice :).. Will check it out!
  • megjeg
    megjeg Posts: 18
    So haopy to wear everyone mentioning "The New Rules of Lifting for Women"! I just downloaded this to my Kindle this morning. Now, to follow this program- do you need a gym membership? If not, what kind of equipment do you need for home workouts?

    I'm totally getting this!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    My only response to heavy lifting.... is don't go too heavy because once you stop and you will stop that muscle will go to fat. I am speaking from experience. A good balance of weights and cardio is great. Doing something to the Curves circuit and working the machines hard and fast every other day will build the muscles and help to get you a leaner, more fit look. Don't forget to stretch when you are done exercising because that will help elongate your muscles and keep them more pliable.:wink:

    what a load of nonsense - firstly - not everyone will stop - your experience is not other people's experience - and secondly you cannot elongate muscles - you can only make them bigger or smaller.
  • I know the feeling! I'm 5'2", 100lbs. At around 105, I was bony and uncomfortable. I started doing Jillian Michaels and Jackie dvds and put my calories to maintenance. I did lose a little more weight, but I'm solid and not bony like before. I'm toned and feel a lot better in my body. That's what worked for me. I'm tempted to start lifting more, but for right now, this has given me the results I'm looking for. Best of luck!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Sounds like it. I'm 5'3" but 30 pounds heavier and I wear a size 2 (0 on good days). Granted I'm built for a girl my size so I'm the opposite of your problem. Back when I was 17 I lost about 30 pounds and got down to 105. I had to wear children's clothing because I was so small-MOSTLY because I was a swimmer, so I was very bulky. Muscle is awesome. I have to reevaluate my goal weight because I would lose all of my muscle and have 0% body fat to be as skinny as you