turtlebeth Member


  • Yeah, we only need one more person to enter their starting weight and we are set. I'm so excited to see the first episode tomorrow!!! I really think Bob Harper is going to shake things up this round. I hope we all get some motivation and food tips from every episode. I'll be here to chat during the shows, so hopefully…
  • Hi everyone, I am Beth, in my late 40's, mom to 4, grandma to 1, living on the Washington coastline. Full disclosure, Andy (our team leader), is my big brother. Hey bro! My goal during the BL show is to get back into a healthy eating and exercise routine. I've gained back about 20 since my grandbaby was born helping to…
  • My goal is to get back to doing my 10,000 steps a day. That got totally sidetracked with the birth of my grandbaby who had major health issues. I am her main caregiver while her mom works. I actually put on 20lbs this year sadly. Now that her health is better and she is almost a year old, I plan on getting my steps in and…
  • Beth Washington State Pacific Time Zone 47 How many pounds want to lose during the show? 15 lbs Would you be willing to be a team leader? Full-time caregiver to a baby, so I'll have to pass this round. Good luck everyone. I'm excited to see how Bob Harper shakes things up on the show this season!
  • I don't know what brining is, but it sounds salty?!? I'll be cooking the turkey in the oven like every year, slow and all day with lots of juices basted back over the bird. Works for us and makes ton of leftovers. Yummy
  • Hi sloth. My name is turtle and I am a peanut butter addict. We all have our demons and mine is sitting on that shelf calling my name, begging me to grab a spoon and indulge. I resist, usually, but to banish it forever from my house? Nay, I say. I tried that once and my 16yo daughter took the whole peanuts in the other…
  • Spending a week with a nomadic herd clan in Mongolia. Mining for opals in Coober Pedy, Australia. Skydiving Running a marathon in under 4 hours. Holding a political office in my community. Weighing 124 lbs. Publishing my book. Being recognized as an authority in my field of business.
  • Wow!!! What a difference! Keep up the great work!
  • I've had 4 9-10 lb babies via home birth, weighing 302 on the birth of #4. This is a problem I have dealt with since then, 18 years ago. I am finding that the leaking is lessening as I get more exercise and tone up. Hoping it improves as I reduce size. I do the kegels too, ans it also seems to help.
  • You win. I am speechless. If I knew how to do those little faces people comment with here, it would be a row of frowny faces and head shakes.
  • I eat the cheese, all of the cheese. I fit it into my calorie and sodium count every single day. I don't need chocolate, but I do need cheese...
  • I get up three hours before everyone else at home so I can get my workout done. I want that rug alarm so bad I can taste it. Unfortunately, that's exactly where my 80 pound chocolate lab sleeps, so me thinks it would never actually go off! Or maybe it would and he would bark his head off and I would totally be awake…
  • Awesome for you! Personally, I plan to celebrate getting to 250, because that is my first goal and it has been a real struggle getting through this first section of weight loss. I am thrilled to read when anyone gets to whatever little or big goal they have set. Rock on peeps, we got this!
  • Go to Walmart in the sewing and quilting aisle. They have an 8 foot tape measure for quilters. I got mine there!
  • This! I love my choc lab/pit mix but he's only good for a few blocks then lays down wherever he is and wants to rest...
  • 220, what I weighed when I got married in 1989. Four kids and 25 years later I am here, currently at 267. When I get to 220, I'll believe my GW is possible. Until then, I simply plug away day by day trying my hardest to make the wise choices.
  • Our little town abuts the Olympic National Forest. Until monuments are deer, and can be recruited for the cause, we are outta luck LOL.
  • Don't know if they'll let me put up this link, but in 1980 (i know, I know) I had this pair of jeans. I weighed 124 and was 13 years old. For some reason I could never throw those jeans away. Somewhere along the way they disappeared and ever since I started losing weight they are what I have envisioned being able to fit…
  • OMG, the food on the cruise ships is ridiculous! We did an 11 day cruise to the Baltic and I was floored at the options. I saw people piling their plates ten inches high. I was like there's no way that tiny person can eat all that food. She did and went back for another round! Yikes! I avoided the desserts because I wanted…
  • That's awesome! I too am setting achievable goals rather than saying, I want to lose 143 pounds. You want to wha???? No, that's not possible. Well, 25 pounds is possible and that is what I am aiming for. When I get there, I'll choose another goal. In the end it all goes away and we get to where we want to be. So, you go…
  • Taylor Hicks three weeks ago at a casino in WA state. Paid $40 and got exactly 40 minutes of him on stage. Totally disconnected and unenthused...
  • Thank you, just.... thank you. This is EXACTLY what I needed today, in this moment. I have things to do. Out of here.
  • I had a period that lasted 6 weeks once that resulted in such blood loss that I was passing out. Needed a D & C plus IV fluids for days and had to take FIVE birth control pills a day for 3 weeks. Resulted in sky high blood pressure and a brown mask on my face :o( BP is back under control but the brown mask is still…
  • That's just mean... I'm trying so hard, and I have that same husband. He wants his goodies even if I must abstain for my own good...
  • I made this last night. Everyone in the house kept cruising thru the kitchen saying yummmmm. It was awesome! Put it over rice with a sprinkle of shredded cheese. Thanks for a new recipe in my repertoire!!!
  • Was feeling defeated when I got up this morning. Thanks for posting your story. I feel better and am inspired to continue the journey :o)
  • Peanut butter. Can not have it in the house. If it is here, I will been gravitationally drawn to the jar with a large spoon and a quart of cold water. Yeah, no PB in my house no more(sad face). Moderation is not in my venue at this time in regards to the PB universe.
  • Not qualified to answer most of your questions as I am new to this experience myself, BUT I do know that you can get an awesomely long tape measure in the quilting supply section of Walmart! That's where I got mine and I hoard it from my daughters who lose theirs regularly.
  • Excellent post! I feel that the successes I cherish the most are the ones I have truly had to work hard and long for. I am working hard on this journey, harder than I ever have before. I finally feel like I am doing the right thing because the struggles and intermittent failure days remind me that in the end I will…
  • This is why I feel like "this time" my lifestyle changes are sticking for good. I have had a bad day but got right back to the routine I need the next morning. Before I would wake up feeling awful and simply give up or put it off for another day leading to giving up. I am not perfect, I get that. I will have food busting…