Ladies! We can be honest! Weak Pelvic Floor?



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I talked with my PT about this thread today-- I've "graduated" from therapy and am now going on maintenance! She said she didn't see how squats would be better than Kegels. The danger with squats (especially weighted ones) is that people push down through the pelvic floor and put stress on it if their form isn't right. The training I had with her has been tremendously valuable to me, and I believe I am well-equipped to modify exercises in the cases where that's needed from here on out. I know how to engage the pelvic floor properly when working on core strength exercises, and I know which exercises I would do best to avoid entirely. Having to worry about peeing your pants when you have a coughing fit or wondering if you can sit through a long movie at the cinema is NOT necessarily an inevitable part of women's aging. If you are a woman, read up on pelvic organ prolapse NOW and do what you can to preserve your strength/health.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    I am there too. Had an appointment with the URO/GYNO last week and scheduled surgery today. I'm a runner and this is driving me insane. I'd urge you to have it evaluated. There are measures that can be taken non surgically too. But more importantly, there are other issues that could play into it so you should have it checked at the least. :-) I wish you well!
  • Claire8614
    Claire8614 Posts: 157 Member
    Was not brave enough to post this myself, so thought i would comment on this instead.

    Ive lost a bit of weight but i am still over weight by my stress incontinence is not improving.. Do you think weight could still be the problem or its best to go to the doctors or buy a stress incontinence machine etc

    I am only 27 do not have any children so the weight is mainly the problem i would imagine, do sure why its so weak..
  • I have the opposite problem... my pelvic floor spasms/tightens up causing horrendous pain.
    Regardless... I would talk with a urologist to rule out any other possible causes and then ask to be referred to a Pelvic Floor Therapist.
  • turtlebeth
    turtlebeth Posts: 57 Member
    I've had 4 9-10 lb babies via home birth, weighing 302 on the birth of #4. This is a problem I have dealt with since then, 18 years ago. I am finding that the leaking is lessening as I get more exercise and tone up. Hoping it improves as I reduce size. I do the kegels too, ans it also seems to help.
  • ajlala1221
    ajlala1221 Posts: 5 Member
    I bought the Luna Beads on Amazon for $30 and they're awesome. I don't have to "remember" to do my kegels, I just pop these in after I wake up and go about my business. The more you move with these inserted, the more of a workout your PC muscles get trying to keep those suckers inside you. I wear mine when I go grocery shopping, at the gym, or doing housework. I wasn't completely incontinent before I started using them, but I have (on quite a few occasions) tinkled myself on the way to the bathroom because I couldn't get there in time. I noticed an improvement within 4 days of using the weights. My husband is currently deployed so I can't attest to the other...uh...benefits that come from using the weights but I'm sure there's going to be an improvement there too ;-)
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    As a previous poster said, talk to your doctor about seeing a physical therapist, some of the exercises they'll probably give you will include weighted squats, monster walks, and working on balance with a bosu ball. Added benefit of this is really tones up your butt lol