WHY?? Did I throw it all away?



  • tweedledee16
    tweedledee16 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm going to echo others, here. I donated a lot of clothes, but I kept one shirt that I have never been able to wear. It still has the tags on it and I bought it 4+ years ago. I can finally put it on but...I don't even like it anymore! :laugh:

    The only things that I do miss are some band t-shirts that I gave away. But I'm 31 now. Trying to be a grownup.

    I'm 31. Reading this post in a Radiohead t-shirt. Being a grownup isn't happening today. :)

    But for real, even though it's hard to let the stuff go, I find I've never regretted donating anything!
  • bazarn
    bazarn Posts: 80 Member
    Yes!!! I had a bunch of size 13 pants that were super cute, and probably some super cute shirts, that I gave away to a friend who I don't talk to anymore, who I'm pretty sure never leaves the house. I gave them to her because I figured I would never make it this far. Now I'm like probably 1-2 months from being able to fit into size 13s (currently a 14), so grr! I would ask for them back but that would be kinda rude and awkward. And I'm at a point in life where I have absolutely no disposable income. Sigh...
    Still would take that over being 75 lbs overweight anyday...
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I had packed up all the stuff and it was in a suitcase for the longest time and i had forgotten about it. Recently i found them while i was searching for something else and voila, i have 4-5 additional jeans that fit me(actually are loose)
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    I use my clothes as motivation. When they are too big I sell them on ebay. Then I have
    Some money to contribute to new clothes. I am a shopper and I have lots of clothes....enough to wear something different every day of the year. I look for sales and shop at thrift stires. I have complete wardrobes in 4 sizes below where I am now. So fun to wear those smaller sizes I have been waiting to wear.
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    I did the same thing last year! I had gotten up to a size 16 and thought "I'm never gonna lose this weight!" so I took all the size 10's and 12's out and gave them to a thrift store. Now I've lost 30 pounds and I'm down to a 12 again, almost a 10 and all my clothes are SOOOO baggy. I had those small clothes for years too, now I regret getting rid of them. But on the brighter side, I see it as an excuse to go clothes shopping when I hit my goal weight! :D

    Yup right before I started losing I had resigned myself to the idea that I was going to be heavy forever and therefore I should give up and buy new "fat" pants which i did and now those are literally falling off of me! I am now at that strange stage where things are too loose but I don't really want to buy new clothes yet since I still have about 20 pounds to go until I get to my GW. Don't want to spend all my money on "in between" clothes!!!

    I know, I didn't want to spend money on "in between" clothes either, but I finally caved and went to a thrift store and found a couple of pairs of jeans on the 99 cent rack, and grabbed a few tank tops. Now I pretty much have to rotate through those few things, but I'm only 10 pounds from my goal now, so I wanna save my money to buy permanent clothes.

    And good job on the weight loss so far! :)
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    I am in the same boat, I had some really cute shorts that were brand name I had for YEARS and like you it made me depressed looking at them and some hot looking boddy suits too so i gave it all away and i was left with baggy clothes, then one year later i lost weight and now i have no cute clothes lol. I am slowly building my wardrobe but its expensive.
    All of my old smaller clothes that is?!?

    Literally just about a month before I started my journey to better health I threw away all of the smaller clothes that had been hanging in my closet and making be depressed for YEARS! And now a few months into my journey I wish I hadn't! All of my clothes now don't fit right and even though most of the stuff I threw away was outdated it would have at least been nice to wear it for old times sake and to know that I could!!

    Anything that you threw away in your unhealthy state that you wish you had held on to?
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    All of my old smaller clothes that is?!?

    Literally just about a month before I started my journey to better health I threw away all of the smaller clothes that had been hanging in my closet and making be depressed for YEARS! And now a few months into my journey I wish I hadn't! All of my clothes now don't fit right and even though most of the stuff I threw away was outdated it would have at least been nice to wear it for old times sake and to know that I could!!

    Anything that you threw away in your unhealthy state that you wish you had held on to?

    If I had saved all of my skinny clothes from my previous weight loss they'd have been 10 years out of date! :)

    Ha I know most of mine were nearly that out of date but for me I don't always believe what the scale says so fitting into clothes that I know would have been too small earlier gives me a boost!

    I actually have "goal clothes." I buy smaller clothes on clearance and judge my true progress by how well I fit into them. My skinny clothes from 10 years ago would have been too big for me now, which still boggles my mind! :D
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    lol I wish I had old smaller clothes. I was a fat teenager so I had nothing below a size 14, so I have had to buy a whole new wardrobe
  • turtlebeth
    turtlebeth Posts: 57 Member
    Don't know if they'll let me put up this link, but in 1980 (i know, I know) I had this pair of jeans. I weighed 124 and was 13 years old. For some reason I could never throw those jeans away. Somewhere along the way they disappeared and ever since I started losing weight they are what I have envisioned being able to fit into as my goal. Yes, I know nobody wants to see 45yo me in those purple and pink pinstripe jeans, but what can I say. It's my mental image carrot dangling over the goal line.

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    to tell you the ugly truth, I held onto my "smaller" clothes for years. I kept them in a suitcase and lugged them around to put in my closet even when I moved to a new place. I finally decided a few years ago to get rid of them. I think they were depressing to me and weighing me down emotionally and space wise too. I sort of wish I had some of them now but I like to be able to get new clothes in new sizes the smaller I get. I had all different sizes in there and I must say that most of them would be too big for me now anyways. yay. FOr me, its a new lifestyle and therefore I need the new clothes to wear too. THank god for goodwill. its my very favorite place to shop especially when dropping sizes every few months like I am.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    $350 tall black Kenneth Cole boots. I had gotten a great deal on them. $55. When I gained weight they didn't zip over my calves. I donated them to Goodwill. Some lady is out, wearing my beautiful boots that she paid $7 for...

    Good news is they'd probably actually be too loose on my calves now :)
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    I kept mine and has helped in the journey back down the sizes, had very few things in my current size so am enjoying the shopping as hoping here I will stay. A few items I had for years but now they fit, I realized I don't actually like them.
    Have had a big clothes shop today, sooooo happy!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Congrats on a nice, if somewhat expensive problem to have.

    Now I want to go see what the thrift store has today...you bad influence you!
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    I have the opposite problem. About a week into changing my habits Old Navy had a super sale and I stocked up on a crap-ton of stuff in my then-current size -- pretty much everything I bought is too big now and some still have the stupid tags on them, lol.
  • linnyG33
    linnyG33 Posts: 30 Member
    i firmly believe that is the best way to lose weight :) Get rid of the "skinny" clothes and BAM! you lose. Like when you finally give something away, the next week you need it even though you had never used it in the last 4 years. Its why people become hoarders, I know it!
    Treat yourself! Since youre still losing, go to good will (they actually have some great selections there for 1.99) or shop at discount places. Then once you reach your goal, splurge on something new and pretty and high end!
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