kinda wanna stop trying



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    THank you... aghhh im in tears! not bad tears.. just tears I realizing how hard this is and the determination and discipline it requires

    The irony is that the hard part is in the beginning.

    The choices will become more natural and habitual.
    The baby will get older.
    You will start seeing successes.
    It will get easier.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    Find a different store :)
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    THank you... aghhh im in tears! not bad tears.. just tears I realizing how hard this is and the determination and discipline it requires

    The irony is that the hard part is in the beginning.

    The choices will become more natural and habitual.
    The baby will get older.
    You will start seeing successes.
    It will get easier.

    Wise words!!
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    You're not alone and this weight loss roller coaster is a struggle for all of us at one point or another. Like you, I sometimes feel that I'm just always going to be large. Now, granted, I have lost 80 pounds, but that has been a long and slow process (started in October 2012). Some days I feel since I'm not where I want to be after almost two years, I will probably never get there. But then I realize how far I've come and even slow progress, is still progress. If I had kept on the path I was on back in September 2012, I'd probably be over 300 pounds by now, not able to keep up with my toddler, and wishing I had started trying to do something about my weight.
    Focus on why you want to make healthy changes. For you, for your family, and for your health. Hang in there!

    wow 80 pounds that's awesome!

    good job! i do feel like i will always be LARGE and considered obese. thanks for letting me know others feel the same... :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The reality of the situation is, with continuing to try you have every chance of fitting in those clothes while doing nothing gives you 0% chance.

    But I understand what you mean. It is a daunting task at times. think about it this way took you years of indulgence to get to the point you are, it won't change in days, months, or maybe even years as well. It is a process that you do daily for the rest of your life, and the changes will come. You will have times you are MORE diligent than others, and times you might slip too much. What happens over that time is, as the old behaviors and thoughts processes are replaced with healthier, moderated, conscientious living you will have less slips and for shorter times. Eventually the new life and new habits will be the norm and digression the exception.

    Just keep reminding yourself that one day or one weekend won't ruin a months worth of effort. Get back on track as soon as you can and always get up one more time than you fail.

  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    keep at it i need to lose 30 pounds and my wight has always been so stubborn ive been eating much better under 1500 cal a day and working out 4- 5 days a week for a minimum of an hour for a month now. and guess what ive lost 2 pounds. so that's discouraging. but i keep telling my self its not about the scale, its about living healthier and feeling better, and i do feel better. and even though the scale doesn't reflect it i see minor changes already. exercise is key though. you have young one, so go on as many jogs or walks as your schedule allows. and when she is old enough find a gym with a day care. there's always a way even if it takes years. its not about an end size or weight its health, and no matter what weight or size if your eating healthy and exercising regularly odds are your healthy.
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member
    How long did it take you to put on the weight? I bet a lot longer than it will take to get it off if you stick to it. Besides, you do not want to look back in the near future, being the same or heavier than you are now and think, Damn, if I just would have stuck with it, I would have already lost all the weight by now. Now I am starting from scratch. Screw that! Stick with it for your future self, do not screw her.
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    Weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle isn't done so that you can fit into a store's arbitrary idea of what sizes S M and L look like. It's done for you and your baby, who will grow up looking at you as the example of how she should care for herself as an adult.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    thank you everyone again...

    exactly what I needed to hear today.

    One day at a time!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Okay to start with, I have all different sizes of clothes in my closet and drawers depending on what brand they are so you have to keep that mind. You only have given this 30days. I know it gets monotonous but its so worth it. Being overweight increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and all the other things that could have been prevented. SO its for your life. I get bored with it sometimes but I keep tredging along anyways. I am on day 327. I would like to tell you it gets easier but everyday is a new day with new changes and new struggles. Just stick with it. You can do it.
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    Do not be discouraged! You have a six-month old baby. You are you're baby's role model. You need to love yourself, have confidence and accept yourself so that your baby does the same. The weight will come off if you're eating healthy and working out. I know that sounds so cliche but that's the truth. I don't know if you're nursing, but in my case, I actually gained weight while I nursed--a lot of weight. Enjoy your baby and the rest will follow. When your baby starts walking, you will be on your feet none stop chasing after your little one. Does your gym have a day care? Utilize it! Even if you're not feeling it that day, walk on the treadmill and watch TV. At least that's something. Also, do NOT pay attention to sizes. It's a mind trip. They're not even uniform. You can be a size small at the GAP, but an extra-large at Forever 21. Have fun on your birthday mama and try your hardest to ignore the negative thoughts re. body image.

    ^This, totally this. Be patient with your body. You just made a person and it takes time to recover from that! The size thing, too. When I was in tip top shape, I was still in a large most of the time and I was quite slim then. The size doesn't really matter in clothes. They just vary so much.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I went out looking for a new pair of runners at the New balance outlet yesterday w no luck....I just happened to peak in the banana republic outlet store. I found the cutest seahorse crops at 70% off. I paid 18 dollars for them!!!!! All thanks to sticking w my diet! Think of the results you want!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    There is nothing that can discourage a woman like going out to try on clothes. Put it past you, and try to look at the long term picture. Patience is hard, but next year you'll fit into a lovely new dress if you keep on. Eat at goal, and exercise as much as you can--even a walk at the mall. Best.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    thank you everyone again...

    exactly what I needed to hear today.

    One day at a time!

    Look at my profile pictures. You see the one with the blue maternity shirt and pants (still in my maternity clothes after a year!) and the one in the blue dress. That was a HUGE amount of difference. Maybe 15 pounds. Can you even tell which one was the "after"?

    You see my profile pic? That's only another 25 pounds.
  • turtlebeth
    turtlebeth Posts: 57 Member
    honestly feels like I will never fit into clothes at these stores im just built big or something...

    Don't accept that illusion of reality. That's just what people tell themselves as a reason for giving up. You're not built big. There's no such thing. If you decide to keep trying or give up the time will still pass either way. You can be saying the same thing in a couple years or you can keep working on it and perhaps by then you'll be wearing a medium dress or smaller. How bad do you want it?

    Thank you, just.... thank you. This is EXACTLY what I needed today, in this moment. I have things to do. Out of here.
  • walraven56
    walraven56 Posts: 1 Member
    I have an Underarmor shirt I bought a while back. It hangs in the kitchen next to the refrigerator. When I put it on, it looks like an overstuffed italian sausage casing. My goal is to look good in it. It is my motivation to keep working on instilling healthy habits (and as the refrigerator guard dog!) Find something to motivate you to stick with it and don't let a slip-up cause you to give up. Even the best athletes miss a play or fall during a game. They get up and move forward. You can too.

    Now get a pedometer and push your 6 month old around the mall for 10,000 steps before going into any of those stores! :)
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    How long did it take you to put on the weight? I bet a lot longer than it will take to get it off if you stick to it. Besides, you do not want to look back in the near future, being the same or heavier than you are now and think, Damn, if I just would have stuck with it, I would have already lost all the weight by now. Now I am starting from scratch. Screw that! Stick with it for your future self, do not screw her.

    Stick with it for your future self, do not screw her.


    never thought of it that way! wow! thank you
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    I have an Underarmor shirt I bought a while back. It hangs in the kitchen next to the refrigerator. When I put it on, it looks like an overstuffed italian sausage casing. My goal is to look good in it. It is my motivation to keep working on instilling healthy habits (and as the refrigerator guard dog!) Find something to motivate you to stick with it and don't let a slip-up cause you to give up. Even the best athletes miss a play or fall during a game. They get up and move forward. You can too.

    Now get a pedometer and push your 6 month old around the mall for 10,000 steps before going into any of those stores! :)

    lol Italian sausage...

    ive used that but in Spanish- Chorizo-

    thaks for the tip, yes that is probably a good idea, but id have to put in the pantry because that's where i keep the snacks! i know its not a good idea to keep snacks in the home but i rather have some healthy choices than resort to the vending machine at work which is 15 ft away from me..