ms78 Member


  • I love nakd too! Although I do think 145 cal is high for such a tiny bar. Their banana bread bars are just as good and only 95cal
  • Beetroot and yoghurt dip. Tastes good with low calorie Melba toast or similar
  • I make a batch of blueberry and banana muffins (low in sugar and made with whole meal flour and oats) and eat one for breakfast. You could also take one of those pots of porridge that you just add boiling water to. I like the golden syrup flavour.
  • I am 29 and 5ft4. I have lost about 13lbs and probably have another 15 to go. I have gone from a uk size 12-14 to a 10-12 and hoping to get to a size 8.
  • People always bring cakes etc into my work too but I just don't eat them. Nobody has ever asked me why or looked offended. I just say no thanks and don't give any kind of excuse. Your co-workers sound a little strange!
  • Sorry I don't know any nutritional information - but I guess it's up to you how much oil you use- I only used a tiny drizzle and the rest of the ingredients are pretty good for you.
  • Stay away from the dumplings, have a smallish portion and I'm sure the calorie's wont be high. Just enjoy.
  • I'm 5ft4 and am down to 127lbs- that sounds low but I am still a uk size 12 and need to lose some serious weight from my thighs! I don't know how much more weight I'll have to lose but I would like to be an 8-10.
  • Wow! good for you! Part of my job is researching how to help people stop smoking. A big help is nicotine replacement therapy (patches, spray, gum etc) - it really reduces your chance of relapsing. Also - one way I have heard is good (although I can't personally vouch for it) is Allen Carr's easy way - its a therapy session…
  • I think you have to look at this from their point of view too. Even though you are doing a great thing for yourself, they are not at a point in their lives where they feel the motivation or courage to do something about their own weight. As a former heavy person myself I can relate to feelings of jealosy over people losing…
  • I've only been running and eating well a couple of months but my (very painful) monthly cramps are less than half as bad as they were before.
  • I'm the same. I am 5ft 4 was around 140 and now am 130lbs but I don't look a lot different - my clothes are looser but nobody has actually noticed that I am thinner. I had initially thought that I would like to be 120-125lbs but I am close enough to that to know that I will probably need to lose more to be happy. 110lbs…
  • No, I don't miss my old habits. I don't tend to eat out much anyway (for money reasons and because I like to cook now) but if I do, I'll take a 'night off' from dieting because I know that treats are an important part of me being able to sustain the diet for a long time. Also, because I have developed a taste for healthier…
  • I love cottage cheese! Especially with pineapple. Or you could try one of the light cheese spreads like Philadelphia.
  • I have options hot chocolate sachets at 40 calories each for when I need a chocolate fix- I find it important that I don't deprive myself or I will end up reaching for the chocolate biscuits! As long as you work it into your daily calorie amount you will be fine!
  • Please go back! All I do in the gym is cardio and I am losing weight quite well. The machines at my gym tell me how many calories I have burnt as I exercise. You don't need to burn a lot at first- maybe just start with walking fast on the treadmill for 15 minutes and the next day do 20 mins- you will soon build yourself up…
  • Well done! my advice is to log everything in here before you eat it - sometimes that will make you think twice about it, or if you see that you will still be under your calorie goal you will enjoy it even more because it will be guilt free!
  • 1. My incredibly lazy top tip is supermarket bought meals- you can get a decent, fresh meal and you know the exact calorie content. I have cereal for breakfast and a banana and then a supermarket salad or sandwich (under 300 calories) and an apple for lunch. Then a ready meal for dinner- under 400 calories. I never eat…
  • I feel the same way sometimes in my swimming costume or even just my gym gear but there are loads of people in the same boat. Before I started going to the gym or swimming I imagined I would stick out like a sore thumb among all these skinny gym people but when I got there I saw that there were all kinds of people there-…
  • Souds like a lot of work but I plan every meal in advance and I usually have a low calorie supermarket bought sandwich or salad in the fridge for such emergencies! I have a bf who will eat anything I don't so it won't go to waste.
  • If I drink, I make sure it is within my calorie limits - if I have enough calories left at the end of the day I indulge in some red wine and chocolate. For an occasional big night out I hit the gym hard the day before and the day after, I dance a lot during the night and stick to rum and diet coke or gin and tonic- but I…
  • It makes me more confident and makes life easier. No more constantly wearing long sleeves or long trousers in hot weather to cover up my figure. No more shopping to suit my shape- I pick out clothes because I like them not just the way they cover me up!
  • Hi! I am guessing you are a tall girl because I am 5ft 4 136lbs and my bmi is the same as yours. If you are happy the way you are and it's a healthy weight then you should raise your goal weight. You could keep exercising and get yourself toned but up your calorie intake. I am wary of setting a goal weight because I don't…
    in Goal Weight Comment by ms78 October 2011
  • Sounds dull but drink a lot of water - it makes me feel fuller. If you want a bit of flavour try green tea, or even regular tea with a splash of skimmed milk. I try to make sure my meals are under my calorie limit so I can afford to eat a snack or 2 if I need.
    in Snacks Comment by ms78 October 2011
  • Wow! thats a busy schedule! At night, could you speed clean the house? that would burn up some calories and if you get done by 8.30 you could do a half hour exercise dvd. Do you have a wii or xbox or something that has games that you can play with your child that will also get you moving around? If you get the bus, get off…
  • I'm a mature student but don't have kids - I don't know how you do it! Are there any outdoor activities you could do with your kids? e.g. cycling and having the youngest on a kids seat or even just play games with them in the garden or park. You could get an exercise video and do that when the kids are in bed? How long is…
  • Thanks! I usually spend 30-45 minutes in the gym about 5 or 6 times a week and make sure I burn at least 250 calories. I run, cycle and use the cross trainers and I sometimes go for a swim afterwards. My boyfriend comes with me when he is off work and I usually do a bit more on those days because we help each other out. I…
    in I'm new! Comment by ms78 October 2011