Help me find time to exercise!



  • susanofscottsdale
    I have lived your schedule. It is hard. Very hard. There are 24 hours in a day - that is a simple reality. My suggestion is to have realistic expectations and goals. A twenty minute walk during lunch daily would be huge - and could be good for mental health too. Maybe a longer walk on weekends. Can you stand at your desk rather than sit? I forget the numbers, but it does make a significant difference. Little things do add up.

    Best wishes.
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    I think there may be room to squeeze in some exercise between 7pm and 9pm. A 20 -30 minute walk with baby in stroller would be a great start.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have lived your schedule. It is hard. Very hard. There are 24 hours in a day - that is a simple reality. My suggestion is to have realistic expectations and goals. A twenty minute walk during lunch daily would be huge - and could be good for mental health too. Maybe a longer walk on weekends. Can you stand at your desk rather than sit? I forget the numbers, but it does make a significant difference. Little things do add up.

    Best wishes.

    I would suggest on lunch a few days a week. I know what I did some days. I did a few sits up pushups when I got to work before everyone got there. I used to workout on my lunch I got to sweatty I had to stop. I brought baby wipes in my bag and that was my wipe down. I still was sweatty for an hour later. Also prep some of your dinners the night before or on a sun. and then just throw them in the oven and while it's cooking do a few exercises. I suggest do Jillian Michaels video they are short.
  • msbinyard
    you may have to do some at home exercise tapes like 30 day shred or Insanity or get some weights and start with lunges and squats.
  • ms78
    ms78 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow! thats a busy schedule! At night, could you speed clean the house? that would burn up some calories and if you get done by 8.30 you could do a half hour exercise dvd. Do you have a wii or xbox or something that has games that you can play with your child that will also get you moving around? If you get the bus, get off a few stops early so you get a walk?
    What goes on at the weekend? can you get some exercise in then?

    Good luck!
  • DisneyMommy
    I would try to fit it in around 9:00 if that's all you've got available. Right now that's how I have to get workouts in. We get up at 4:20AM and it's go, go, go until hubby gets home around 9:00PM. Then I get to workout sometimes it's even later but I get it done. Of course I'm also used to living on very little sleep (two disabled kids will do that to you).
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I work on a farm.....which equals LONG days, most of which are not spent sitting in a chair. I have to leave by 7am. I don't get home till at least 6:30pm and during planting/harvesting season it can be 9 or 10 before I am home.
    My solution, get up at 4:00 am to workout/run. Like Chevy said, if you want to do it, you will find the time.