

  • My god i found the best sports bra!! I've always struggled finding a good one, especially having larger lady lumps but the underarmour sports bra is the definition of support!! its a bit pricey (like $70) but i feel like ill keep it forever! happy shopping :)
  • organic
  • my personal trainer actually had me on a 900 calorie diet, i think i lost 1.5 kg in three weeks and that was it! he also had me doing 4 workouts a week were i would have to burn 900 calories. he was shocked that i didnt lose anything more. but it was way too low and in my opinioin really unproffesional to put me on a diet…
  • i have this same problem the only very low calorie solution ive found is drinking tea with stevia (non calorie sweetner). ive also found that i only want to eat after dinner when i sit mindlessly in front of the tv... have a shower brush your teeth and read a book with a cup of tea instead. this is what helps me from…
  • i liked your post thought it was fun,
  • Maybe motivation, she was probably trying to beat you on the treadmill like a treadmill 'off ' (much like a dance off). Or maybe she was showing you this is her territory ' hey ***** this is my gym only i come here this late in the evenings'. Or it was her favorite machine and she is OCD and has to have that one no matter…
  • Different for everyone my dear, some have faster metabolism that are use to burning through calories quicker and if they dont eat all the calories there metabolism actually slows down were there body goes into starvation mode and starts to "store" the food to use as energy later. best to find what works for you.. i would…
  • I believe Half an hour of cardio can be plenty as long as you push yourself!!!. Try mixing it up though to keep the workout challenging and your body guessing. For example: i do 40 sec fast and then 20 sec sprints for 15 minutes on the bike or cross trainer and i sweat like crazy and my heart rate is through the roof (i…
  • for me i struggle to drink as much water as required, but im quite good at downing alcoholic beverages, so my trick is to skull it! In the morning i poor 250ml in a little glass (don't know why but bigger glasses are more daunting and don't work) and drink three off them in a row. then before and after every meal/ snack i…
  • so scary!!! did you suffer from chest pains at all? what made you go to your doctor? has put me off taking my pill today thats for sure!
  • I'm currently using oxyelite pro been on it for over a week and it has helped me lose 5 pounds which i had put on whilst travelling. i did have some strange side effects at first, i'm not use to to caffine in my diet so it kept me awake at night and wasnt getting much sleep. I'm now taking the second pill and i can sleep…
  • good on ya!! im also doing the 30 day shred with jillain hopefully ill get amazing results like you!
  • if it was me i wouldn't. I get rather disheartend and depressed if i see those scales go up, so i normally get right into exercising and eating good after a bad spell and then weigh myself a few days after. However i always wondered how much i weighed after my naughty breaks:tongue: .