Why do people do this??



  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    so many snarky folks so little time...............
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I like to run/bike by myself at the gym I don't want to be bothered by others, yes I will stop and chat for a sec but im in there to get my workout in and leave
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Last night my fiance and I went to the gym late so there was only like 4 people in there including us. Out of the 25 treadmills our gym has, there's a row of 9 right at the front so you can watch the TVs while working out so we went in that row. I got going on the treadmill on the end but my fiance found the one next to me didn't have the radio connection so he moved along one, leaving a treadmill free between us.

    Now bear in mind there are 25 treadmills across 3 rows and even in the row near the TV, there were like 7 free treadmills. Oh and bear in mind that there were only like 4 people in the gym.

    This woman comes and gets on the treadmill in between me and my fiance. There were 23 other treadmills in the gym but she picks the one in between us. I was so annoyed!! There should be some sort of etiquette where you just don't get on the treadmill/bike/elliptical right next to someone unless you really have to. My fiance said its like in the urinals where you don't use the urinal right next to someone else unless there's no other option!!

    Sorry for my rant, it might seem petty but I just couldn't understand why she did it! The funny thing was she looked at my settings and tried to copy my speed and incline but it was too fast for her and she nearly went flying off the back lol!!

    I CAN'T STAND THAT!!!! Some guy did that to me the other day, and then KEPT LOOKING OVER at my gauge on the elliptical. ARE YOU TRYING TO KEEP UP? Do you want me to look back? AM I SUPPOSED TO BE IMPRESSED!? I could FEEL him watching me. Very tempted to say something, but I have quite a mouth and I really like my gym so I just went to another machine!

    God is great, beer is good and PEOPLE ARE CRAZY.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    If your watching TV or reading a book while doing cardio, your not working hard enough.

    I don't know how anyone could read a book while doing cardio but watching TV is just a case of looking at the screen surely! I was watching a football game.

    Trust me, I was working hard - 35 mins at speed 9.9kmph when 4 weeks ago I could run more than a few yards!

    My husband thought it was strange when I could run on the treamill at a pretty fast pace and still read my book. I don't know how I can do it, but I can.

    I guess there are strange people out there like me whose eyes can focus even while they are running on the treadmill.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    it's pretty lame, and while I wouldn't do this...but there's a certain treadmill I ALWAYS like and it was probably just her go-to treadmill. she was probably more annoyed you two were surrounding it. ;)

    it's just life. if this is the worst of your troubles, hey....you've got it pretty good!
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    She might be lonely? or wanted to be motivated by you. Humans like company by design, she probably didn't think of it as being all in your space as you perceived it.

    The Urinal situation is different cause being that close you get to see another dudes junk, most guys tend to not like people getting a free show :-)

    You're able to charge? :-)
  • emo1234
    emo1234 Posts: 13
    Maybe motivation, she was probably trying to beat you on the treadmill like a treadmill 'off ' (much like a dance off).
    Or maybe she was showing you this is her territory ' hey ***** this is my gym only i come here this late in the evenings'.
    Or it was her favorite machine and she is OCD and has to have that one no matter what.
    Or my personal favorite, she was getting up the courage to hit you and your fiance up for a threesome.
  • emo1234
    emo1234 Posts: 13
    i liked your post thought it was fun,
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    This is why I don't post on the Message Boards. Everyone has an opinion...

    This looks suspiciously like a post on the Message Boards. Sorry, no hard feelings, seriously...I just couldn't resist! :laugh:

    Good catch! I was hoping someone would!

    Yay! I'm glad you didn't take offense.
  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    I care less however next time maybe you should both move over to another treadmill that way there is no space between. Forums are very opinionated as a matter of fact the posting was based on opinion and not fact. looks like this posting went in the opposite direction of were it was thought to go. Oh well.... A gyms a gym and anyone who has a membership can use any equipment they want
  • PresCharles
    PresCharles Posts: 7 Member
    I understand your frustration, it's like when I go to the movies, and the theater is close to empty and someone comes and sit next to me... i asked my girlfriend who is a social worker/therapist , what speaks to this behavior, and she said that sometimes people want to feel connected to someone, even if it's a stranger. Jeez!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    This is why I don't post on the Message Boards. Everyone has an opinion...

    Lesson learned. I'm steering clear of these forums from now on.

    Don't steer clear, just take it with a grain of salt. :)
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Some of you people have issues.

    ^ think this also, get a life, really does it really matter that she took the machine between you and your other half?
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    If your watching TV or reading a book while doing cardio, you're not working hard enough.

    Well I can't read while doing cardio, but watching TV works just fine! I can even carry on a convo. I keep my HR pretty high, too.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    When I was in college, I had a particular elliptical I preferred at the rec (it ran smoothly and didn't make noises, etc.) and if it was free I would take it regardless of who was next to me on either side. A free machine is free, as far as I'm concerned. *shrug*
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Get OVER IT! Who made YOU the Boss of her?
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    Yep, it is petty. Enough said.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Even if I was inexperienced, I still wouldn't get on a treadmill between two people unless it was the only option. If I wanted to run on a treadmill (which I usually don't), I would run at whatever rate I could handle.

    I don't buy the inexperience thing. Sounds like someone who is just socially inept about personal space.
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    Ha I thought about the urinals too reading your post. That sounds really weird and I can't think of why anyone would get in between two people like that. The only thing I could think of is that she wanted to see what speed/incline you were using.
  • bikechic61
    bikechic61 Posts: 39
    I like to have a lot of personal space too. Someone will almost always start their workout right next to me at Curves, when all the other machines are open! I think it's because they are used to starting on a particular machine. I like to mix it up so there's not muscle memory going on.