rainbowcarrie Member


  • Read the rest of the posts. Guess Netflix no longer has them. Temporary excitement is now over. Wth.
  • Wait, what? I've never seen any workout videos I Netflix. Guess I wasn't looking that hard. This is exciting.
  • I dont think it's a good idea to just start taking steroids. You should talk to your doctor about what you are trying to accomplish and just make sure you go about it in a healthy way.
  • I'm no expert at this because I'm working on my tummy area as well. I just recently got Insanity and they have a good ab workout DVD. I like it because there are no sit ups to kill my lower back. There are some plank positions though but you can do them on your forearms and not wrists (if that helps). I think you need to…
  • I dislike yoga a lot. I believe it is due to the fact that I am clumsy, uncoordinated, and have no balance. It would probably help me improve on those things though. It's just too slow for me. But I know quite a few people that love it. And it is for people of all sizes in my opinion.
  • Bahh! I turn 30 in 16 days. I think I will actually just stay 29 for a second time :) I used to greatly dislike exercising as well. I used to have a Curves membership but I despised going. I hate repetitiveness and I get bored easily. About a year and a half ago my daughter and I started taking Tae Kwon Do and I love it! I…
  • Congrats!! When I test I try not to look at anyone directly because it breaks my concentration. I just stare over thier heads. It helps to breathe too (I tend to hold my breath).
  • Ditto. I'm not ready to buy new clothes yet - want to lose a little more first. Some of my belts are too big too. I've resorted to using safety pins to hold up my work pants. Hey, it works for now. But, the weird bunching and lumpy look sucks. I wear longer shirts to hide that.
  • What do you train in? Tae Kwon Do When did you start? When I was a teenager I got up to a blue belt and quit (regret). Started over about a year and a half ago and am back at a green belt. Who inspires you? My mother - 4th degree black belt Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far? I'm proud after every belt that I…
  • Tae Kwon Do (AIMAA). Green belt. I train with Grandmaster Ameris in Pittsburgh. Green belt is 4th level - white, yellow, orange, green. No notches, no stripes. You test when they tell you that you are ready. Some people may be 2 months, others may be 6. It's not about how many classss you attend, it's about your skill…
  • Wow!!! I can certainly tell!! I think your tummy and thighs look more toned. Keep it up!
  • Wow! Great job all. Fine, I will admit to you that I was supposed to do fit test 2 on Monday and skipped it. I instead picked another workout. I'm going on vacation Thursday and want to get in as many as I can! It is now Insanity time for me! Cardio Recovery Day and maybe even some abs.
  • I'm so jealous of all of you that can work out regularly in the am. I already get up at 5 to get to work and I just don't have it in me. By the time my hectic schedule settles I don't get to Insanity until 9 or 10 at night (I am pretty tired by then). At least 3 days a week I also do Tae Kwon Do and kickboxing so it's hard…
  • I am a smoothie junkie!!! I'm glad there are others. I drink the same smoothie every day for breakfast cause I love it. I add a scoop of non-flavored protein powder. Add me and look at my breakfast. Post workout I mostly drink water with a scoop of glutamine.... But sometimes I turn that into a smoothie as well. Speaking…
  • I noticed my calves are looking a little sexier as well! And exciting news.... I had to safety pin my pants to make them smaller today because my belt doesn't fit anymore. Now, waiting on the bum results. Good job everyone!!
  • Hmmm. I curse at the tv a lot and talk very sarcastically to them all throughout all the workouts. Globe jumps are evil. I don't know why I have such trouble with those. I really can't remember what is on each of the different workouts since there are a lot of similarities. I like and hate parts of each one of them! But,…
  • I finished day 15 today! I just got back from vacation so I had to take a week off. As much as I grumble when I'm exercising, I actually missed it a bit.
  • I bought my Insanity workout set on dvdgreatdeal.com a few weeks ago. It looks like it is no longer on there, but you may want to keep checking. It was $30. I have seen some good deals on eBay as well.