

  • I missed the "next weekend" part! Agreed. I bought mine early on in training and got used to it. Nothing new on race day!
  • If you're in it to have a blast (and aren't worried about carrying a little extra weight or how you look), look into a Camelbak. I had one for my first (and only) marathon and it came in handy. I had a drink whenever I wanted (but still hit the H2O stations). It also had little pockets so if I hit a Gu station before my…
  • I finished my first two weeks ago yesterday! It wasn't fast, but I finished. I only had two goals, as this was my first. 1: Finish 2: Smile the whole time. I nailed both of them for a 5:26. Again, I know it wasn't fast, but I had a great time. My wife and I are now planning for one in the fall!
  • In all seriousness, in my mind one is never too big. Watch "Heavy" (A&E series). They ride bikes all the time, and they're large folks.
  • Haven't read a single post. Not a one. But I did read the TOPIC. And... (wait for it)... That's what she said.
  • ^This. The essence of Chi Running (in my mind) is a midfoot strike and good form. There are other things you can do (see R.I.C.E, good shoes, etc.), but in my experience when I changed my form from heel strike to midfoot strike, most/all shin splint issues went away. Also check a sports med doc to check your gait (and…
  • Man, oh man. Isn't this the question. I tried the audiobook thing, but I found that if I tune out to think of something else for just a moment I end up having to rewind because I missed something. I really enjoy podcasts of radio programs because it's like running with a pal (I run solo). I tend to enjoy Dave Ramsey's…
  • What is this "graston technique"?
  • I always wondered what people meant by double post. Now I know.
  • Cypress area, here. I couldn't get in on the Houston Full (lottery didn't pick me), but there's another one in the Woodlands in March if you're down! Good Luck!
  • So I go with the Bud55. Not the best beer in the world from a flavor standpoint, but my favorite has over 250. I'd rather have one and stay under 55 cals than have one and be over 250. But the 250 is WAY better.
  • So here's a question for the marathoners: I'm running the Woodlands Marathon on 3/3/12. A good buddy of mine is running his first 1/2 marathon on 2/19/12 and wants me to join (the Rythm and Blues 1/2 Marathon in Houston, TX). My training program has me running 12 miles the day of the 1/2 race. Should I join and run with…
  • So I've been training for my marathon and have included eating training in that (gu on the run, etc.) and have a question: Is hitting the wall inevitable?
  • Fantastic job. I know you probably don't like the time, but I'd be thrilled with it! Keep up the good work, and keep us up to speed on Boston next year:)
  • Lock-n-Load McPanda!
  • My IT band will knot up about 6 inches above the knee on my right leg. I roll and ice, and it eventually subsides, but I have to keep on it. I've been told to roll/ice/stretch (not necessarily in that order!), but I'd assume your issue might be a bit more drastic than, "I have a sore IT band."!
  • Wow! I hadn't totaled it yet, but having just done it for this post, I ran 100 miles! :):happy:
  • I know there are a thousand threads about this, and I've read most to all, but I wanted the experiences of the marathon group to help me out. I'm currently trying to lose weight (I've lost about 25 pounds and I need to shed another 25), but I'm also training for a marathon. I find that the days when I don't run (rest or…
  • The Woodlands Marathon (The Woodlands, TX): 3-3-12. Was planning on a few small local 5/10ks, but having a kid next month might mean save money and stick to training.
  • So I picked up my pace for the 10k I ran yesterday and ended up with a raw spot on the top of my big toe. The seam got me! No blister, but a nasty raw spot. I'm going to start looking for seamless socks ASAP! Nice races this week folks!
  • I just took a look at the Intermediate 1 plan, and I think that is much better. I might head to that plan. What does YMMV mean?
  • I'm currently running Hal Higdon's Marathon Novice 1, but sometimes I feel like I'm sitting on my hands. I'm down with the weekend long runs, but it seems my midweek mileage is-and stays-pretty low. I'm relatively new to this whole running scene, so I wouldn't know how to go about revising or if I even should.
  • Hey, I'm Jason. I was always a "fast twitch" sport guy. Lifted competitively in high school and college, but not the bodybuilding stuff. I married my high school sweetheart who was a cross country runner, and 50 pounds later she's still in good shape and I'm not. I've recently rededicated myself to fitness and have had…
  • I have basically two types that I wear: Thorlos and a Drymax-esque Nike sock. I have about 20 pairs of each. I've never had a bad experience with either type, but from a lot of the folks on MFP it seems that blisters and marathons go hand in hand. Does this have to be true, or is it that they didn't choose the "right sock…
  • Firstly, thanks for all the great tips. I plan on my first on 3/3/12 in The Woodlands, TX. I do have one question, though. I'm down with the fueling during long runs, body glide, Nip Guards, and everything else, but one thing I can't quite figure out is socks. I have never had a problem with blistering or any weird rubbing…
  • I'm training for my first (The Woodlands Marathon) on March 3, 2012. I'm excited and would love to join this group, but I don't quite know how all this works. This is my second post and I'm bad at this. I log in and log food every day, but the message boards are new to me.
  • My first post ever, so bear with me. Training for my first full marathon on Saturday, March 3, 2012. I'm pretty excited (The Woodlands Marathon). My wife and I ran the Houston Half Marathon this past year, but since we're expecting our second next month she won't be joining me. She will, however, be cheering me on while…