kcnz Member


  • I've got six days left of L3, I've been doing 2 days on, 1 day off so that will be 8 days until I finish round one I guess. Some days I feel like I'm making good progress and others (like today) I feel like I've gotten nowhere. I was thinking of doing Ripped in 30 after this, but think I'll do another round of L2 and L3,…
  • Hey, for those of you feeling like it's too hard to do this everyday, I found this on another message board on MFP: Hey everyone - I have some good information to share. On one of Jillian Michael's podcasts where she takes questions from fans, etc., she was asked about the 30 Day Shred and whether or not you should be…
  • Do you find that you get so tired you get wobbly and lose balance? I don't seem to get really sore, my muscles just actually stop working! Funny.
  • Am up to D4 L3 and really starting to notice the difference in my body in literally the last day. Am much stronger and getting more definition. I have 16 days to go since my restart, but must have done about 30 days altogether, but with a big break at around L2 D4 the first time round. Hope everyone is seeing results!
  • Good work - keep it up!
  • Did L3 today. Really liked it but didn't push very hard as I wasn't sure what to expect....think I will be sore tomorrow!
  • L2 D11 today. Am going to revise my idea of 15 days on each level and start level 3 tomorrow for 10 days then mix up the last 9 days between L2 & L3 coz I am sooo bored of L2 right now. Took progress photos today and I look bigger than at D10...weird...even though my measurements have gone down...sigh...maybe it was the…
  • Well done! Should be a bit more difference in the end results as well! Just did L2, D8 and will do some measurements on D10. Going to do 15 days L2 and 15 L3 then start on ripped in 30.
  • What were your starting/finishing measurements?
  • Good luck with this! I just did L2 D4 today after restarting last week. Felt rubbish yesterday (don't know why, didn't even drink or anything on the weekend) but struggled through and then today had heaps more energy and pushed myself a bit harder. So, morale of the story - even if you do a half arsed effort one day, it's…
  • I've been absent for a bit due to illness, so started L2 again yesterday and have decided to do 15 days L2 and 15 L3. Had great results up until last week, so will get back on track hopefully.
  • Haha, I'm the same - although starting to see some definition in my stomach...just need to get rid of the layer(s) on top! I really like L2 but everyone else seems to hate it.
  • I found I wasn't as sore as I expected when I started out too, but I took photos on saturday (L2 D4 - 12 Days in as I went to L2 on D9) and can definitely see the difference. I've lost 8cm from all over and am on D14, so hopefully the next half will see just as good results....maybe even better as I'm pushing myself…
  • Just did L2 D3, but I'm only actually on D11...I skipped the last 2 days at L1 and have missed 3 days over the last 2 weeks due to my little one being home with viral gastro which is a bit disappointing as I was keen to do the whole 30 days without a break. My husband is noticing differences, but at the moment I still just…
  • I'm a DD and I use a Bendon sports bra that's like a fortress and cost about $70. Lots of money, but well worth it to stop the jiggling.
  • Just did D2 L2 - think I might die! Had a couple of days off between day one and day two as my son's been sick with viral gastro and can really notice the break!! D1 seemed a lot easier when I was doing shred everyday.:tongue:
  • Day 8 L1 down...2 more days and on to level 2! Have had a crappy couple of days with food though, so not looking forward to my weekly weigh in on Saturday!! Definitely seeing some change in my shoulders, which is good! Keep up the good work everyone.
  • Day 6 L1 down. 4 days to go then up to L2!! I'm definitely seeing some difference in my shape, waist and endurance. Managed to get through every exercise at the "advanced" level today.
  • Just did L1 Day 5 today, didn't have much energy so it felt really hard!
  • Just did D3 L1 today...I seem to be getting more, not less, sore as the days go by! However, I'm sure I'm already seeing some difference but that must surely be wishful thinking after such a short time.
  • DVD finally arrived. Day 1 down. Am feeling ok at the moment, but think my calves are going to hurt tomorrow! For anyone in Welly, LA Fitness is having a massive sale atm if you need hand weights, I'm going to get some - just used cans today.
  • Impatiently waiting for my DVD to arrive - obsessively checking NZ Post track n trace!!! Have done my "before" pics, taken my measurements and weighed myself. Am all ready to go as soon as it arrives.
  • Hi guys. Just joined MFP and am waiting for my 30 day shred DVD to turn up - hopefully this weekend and will start on Monday. Still finding my way around the site too. Look forward to keeping up with everyones results, so far what I've read about 30ds sounds awesome! Good luck!
  • Hi there, I just found this site yesterday. Ordered my 30 day shred dvd - hopefully it arrives on the weekend and I intend to start Monday 26.