N.Z 30 Day Shred



  • amyloola
    amyloola Posts: 56 Member
    Haha, yeah that's what I thought when I first looked through it lol, I was severely unfit though.
    Good luck! :)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Does anyone else find the planks weird to do - I have only ever done them on the elbows not with straight arms!
  • amyloola
    amyloola Posts: 56 Member
    Yeah I find them unusual, never done any kind before, can really feel my abs and arms working so they must be good
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Here's some day 10 progress pic's.

    I guess I see some difference with my belly size. But feeling a bit blurgh about my body today.



    Oh, LOL! I just realized that mirror shows me for the pale person I am. The other mirror I usually use makes me look more olive. Ah well :tongue:
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Just did L1 Day 5 today, didn't have much energy so it felt really hard!
  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    Im level 1 day 7 today and am still struggling to get through it without a 5 sec break, i find my legs dont want to move after the jumping jacks and jump rope, sucks as my legs are normally pretty strong.
  • Im level 1 day 7 today and am still struggling to get through it without a 5 sec break, i find my legs dont want to move after the jumping jacks and jump rope, sucks as my legs are normally pretty strong.

    Me too!! D7 for me today and I had to stop during the jumping jacks! I thought it was weird because I didn't need to on day 1! But I am able to do some actual push-ups now!! I think I managed 8 before I was getting wobbly!
    Noticing some definite changes though.....I am sinking much lower into the squats (Natalie style:bigsmile: ) and the ab exercises are feeling more controlled.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I was really drained today, so I found most of the workout quite difficult. Damn I was actually really sweating by the end. My few days break has made me a bit unfit.
  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    Lol im still doing girly push ups, i think if they were later in the work out iwould be better cos it seams i need to really get my muscles working in order to be able to push myself hard, lol ive always been a bit backwards. I wished i could say i am seeing results but hmmm still a jelly belly so am doing more cardio to try and budge some more!
  • just did day 1, man i was sweating so much by the end of it, i took some breaks probably when i shouldn't have but hey - day 1!

    love reading what you guys have been posting - tells me what i have to look forward to lol

    Yay for 30DS :)
  • just did day 1, man i was sweating so much by the end of it, i took some breaks probably when i shouldn't have but hey - day 1!

    love reading what you guys have been posting - tells me what i have to look forward to lol

    Yay for 30DS :)
    Well done!! I find the first day ok, second day I felt great, 3rd day is when it hurt the most just to walk, but day 4 I was all good again!! I did day 8 today and I still need the odd break now and again.

    I packed my scales away on the weekend as I had gotten into the habit of weighing myself everyday....and was really disappointed to see it going up instead of down. But I did a quick check of a couple of my measurements this morning and I have lost a cm off my butt, and a cm off 2 off my waist!!!!! YAY YAY YAY 30DS is working!!!!!! Not expecting to see much of a loss on Friday when I do weigh in as it seem I'm building muscles :)
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I have decided to skip it today - mixed feelings about this as I did want to do 30 days straight. But yesterday I did 30DS then later went to the gym and did my 1hr programme and found it really tough. I want to go back to the gym today so am going to try skipping 30DS to see if it makes any difference.

    Makes me feel like a slacker :-(
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Day 6 L1 down. 4 days to go then up to L2!! I'm definitely seeing some difference in my shape, waist and endurance. Managed to get through every exercise at the "advanced" level today.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Day 11 done. First day of level 2. Well in theory, the second day, cause silly me did level 2 on day 2 at the start :laugh:

    It is harder yes. Parts of it way more exhausting.
  • I have decided to skip it today - mixed feelings about this as I did want to do 30 days straight. But yesterday I did 30DS then later went to the gym and did my 1hr programme and found it really tough. I want to go back to the gym today so am going to try skipping 30DS to see if it makes any difference.

    Makes me feel like a slacker :-(

    Don't feel like a slacker!! You have 4 kids, a full time job and you workout everyday!!! Missing one day of 30DS isn't such a big deal, especially since you are doing such a monster workout at the gym!!!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Is anyone else getting major knee problems?? The last day or so i have had a lot of knee pain which is a totally new thing for me and wondered if it's 30DS related??
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Is anyone else getting major knee problems?? The last day or so i have had a lot of knee pain which is a totally new thing for me and wondered if it's 30DS related??

    I am. I get them every few days with the exercises. I have knee issues anyway. They seem to cause issues when I'm consistent with regular exercise. Annoying! If I had some money, I would buy a knee support thing, but I am poor this week :frown:
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    My knees were fine in level 1. Not sure what in level 2 is causing the problems I am only feeling it in the cardio bits not the squats etc.
  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    i have the problem of when doing jumping jacks and the jump rope the muscles at the front of my thigh, go numb and then cramp and i literally cannot carry on through it.
  • Is anyone else getting major knee problems?? The last day or so i have had a lot of knee pain which is a totally new thing for me and wondered if it's 30DS related??

    Not knee pain, but my ankles were playing up tonight.