N.Z 30 Day Shred



  • Yep Kelly PM me the sig,

    I started about 9.15 :)

    Yeah some of it can be pretty hard out. Level 2 is hard, probably why I only did 2 days of level 2 last time lol
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Yeah I think I started around the same time then.

    So how hard is hard regarding level 2?
  • Got the weights, when will we be starting? Are we going to post our start measurements first?

    Those of you who are doing the 30ds do you want to PM me your Start weight Bust, Waist (at smallest part), tummy around Belly button, and the widest part of your bum measurements and I will make up a table to post how much cm's and %weight lost over the 30 days. I will keep the measurements private
  • Is it going to be a regular thing, say at the end of each level, or just at the end of 30 days?

    The measurement table I'm talking about.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Hey Tania. Loving you version of the signature. It's awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    OMG! My muscles are feeling it today!

    But must push on and do today's exercise.

    Mind you, I also did Zumba - Sculpt & Tone last night.
  • Day two and arggghh, so hard to keep going with sore muscles. I did it, but had to have a few breaks, no more than five seconds. Hopefully by tomorrow or the next I'll be a lot stronger and able to push through more.

    So far after both days, I've felt really nauseous. I hadn't experienced that at the gym, hopefully that'll pass too!
  • Brainsurgeon
    Brainsurgeon Posts: 26 Member
    Day 5 level 1 here. I'm still doing 'girl' press ups but keeping up with Natalie for pretty much everything else. I bought my weights from Kmart. Couldn't decide on whether to get the 500g or the 1 kg hand weights. Threw caution to the wind and got the 1kgs. My arms frickin' ACHE by the end but damn it I want toned arms so I'm taking the pain.:wink:
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Awesome to see you all still keeping at it! :flowerforyou:

    I did Level 2 on day 2. Then my man suggested that it's probably supposed to be level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and then level 3 for 10 days. Thus being why it's called the 30 Day Shred. And I was like, oh, oops, probably aye! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gosh I'm a bit silly sometimes!

    So yeah, being I was doing level 2, just 1 day after starting level 1, I was aching(well actually I was already when I woke up Tuesday morning!) and I did have to do a few 5 second or more pauses. Think I will be continuing with the level 1, now that I've gained some brain cells LOL!

    I've got 2kg weight for it. As I tried lifting 1kg weights at exercise/sports store, but it was like lifting nothing. So I figured 2kg was good. I figured 3kg would be a bit much and I'd get really sore, very fast with them.

    I so know the ache you are talking about! Every night, I lie in bed feeling the pain LOL! But this morning I woke up without any aches, so that was good.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I got my weights from L.A Fitness. They are 30% off in-store at the moment and that works out cheaper then The Warehouse and Kmart and they are better quality. I got the Hex ones.

    If anyone is thinking of getting weights online, L.A Fitness do Free Shipping!

    Oh and they are still doing the challenge, to lose 10kgs in 6 months and then you get the exercise equipment free at the end, if you lose the 10kgs. So, you pretty much pay for the hire for 6 months and if you've lost the 10kgs by the 6th month, you get to keep it, forever!
  • Got my copy of 30DS this week, just need to sort some weights. Thought I could use baked bean cans in the meantime LOL. Might check out LA Fitness methinks, thanks for the heads up there.

    Do we have a group start date yet?
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I think some of the ladies had already started last week. I know at least 3 of us started on Monday. But you are welcome to join in at any stage. It's all the same. It's still a 30 day shred, whenever you start :smile:
  • i wish i saw this post earlier! i'm totally keen but have yet to get a copy of the DVD - so excited that NZ has groups like this :)

    looking forward to hearing about everyone's results!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Vickstar8707 - It's only $25 buy now on TradeMe right now.

    Here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Movies-TV/DVDs/Sports/auction-408937307.htm
  • Thanks! will check it out now :)
  • teponey
    teponey Posts: 10 Member
    Can I be a late joiner? Im mid way thru & up to day 23 but had a week off it cos I got sick so need a kick in the pants to finish it. (or to restart & do another 30 days)
  • 123Kate
    123Kate Posts: 32 Member
    ill join, im up to day 3 (level 1), just did that this mroning. I am probably going to take 6 weeks to finish it though, as i dont think ill get the chance to do it on the weekends, but I figure even if I do it once in the weekend, its one less day at the end, and it will add up. But weekends are busy with 3 boys, a husband and its birthday season in our house (in the next 30 days, we have my hubbys, mine and our eldests bday, plus a wedding and our nieces first birthday party!), so weekends are going to be hard to find the time but I will try!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Of course you can both join :happy:

    Happy to have you along on this shred!

    And how awesome we will all look by the end!
  • I'm in, but my DVD hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully it's here before the weekend, as I really want to start!
  • just purchased, hopefully i'll get this soon, im going away this weekend to watch the England vs. Romania game down in Dunedin so i think i'll start next monday! :)

    Yay excited lol