N.Z 30 Day Shred



  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    Wohoo on the downward slope now...only 14 days to go until finished the shred!! Then onto ripped in 30 which we had a snaeky preview of and man does it make the shred look like a walk in the park.
  • Level one FINSHED!!!:drinker:
  • amyloola
    amyloola Posts: 56 Member
    Level one FINSHED!!!:drinker:

    wohoo, feels good aye :)
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Day 8 L1 down...2 more days and on to level 2! Have had a crappy couple of days with food though, so not looking forward to my weekly weigh in on Saturday!! Definitely seeing some change in my shoulders, which is good! Keep up the good work everyone.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I cheated today - did the dvd but whenever she did a cardio section I jumped on the elliptical for those minutes - want to see if my knees will come right and worried about worsening them.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Man, I have been real slack! I've not done any 30 DS since earlier in the week.

    But that's cause I've been tired. And well, level 2 kind of scared me. I'm like, hmm, can I really handle that intensity today?... And keep deciding, I don't quite have enough energy, so maybe another day.

    AF has come to visit. So, like always, the tiredness has been setting in, so not felt energetic enough to do another day. But, I have been getting some walking in at least. Also I get back pain when AF is about to visit and while it is here, and that makes exercise hard.

    I'm wondering if it's a good plan to finish doing 30 DS at this stage. As I went to Shoe Clinic, and had a talk to them and an assessment and apparently, my calves aren't doing their job properly, I have too much tension in my legs and knees and I couldn't even bend my leg enough to touch the counter(and the counter was close) So I'm wondering, if I'm going to screw up my body further, by continuing. And LOL! Apparently DC skate shoes aren't the best for exercises and walking...oops!

    I really need to go to a Podiatrist, as apparently, that's how bad my feet, legs and knees are. So I can get fitted for proper sports shoes until I've sorted out my needs.

    When I was trying to do the slight squat to touch the counter, my heels kept raising, which is not supposed to happen, which is where the problem of the tension is coming in.

    It's like, argh, do I keep doing 30 DS despite this or do I give it a miss til I have my feet sorted?...

    I guess, the sensible thing would be to sort my body out first aye? As I can still walk, that's exercise. I just like to finish what I start and feel pissed off and disappointed with myself when I don't.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Wow. Can you just go into
    Shoe Clinic branch and get an assessment? Is it free? Do you have to Tell them the problems first? I wonder if my knee pain is from those pendulum lunges in level 2. Cant think what else!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Wow. Can you just go into
    Shoe Clinic branch and get an assessment? Is it free? Do you have to Tell them the problems first? I wonder if my knee pain is from those pendulum lunges in level 2. Cant think what else!

    Yup, it takes about 20mins. I have plenty of pre-existing problems with my hips and knees anyway, so not everyone will need to go to a Podiatrist like me. You never know, it could just be your shoes or it could be something else. But it's worth finding out either way. You can tell them your issues, so they have more of an idea of your needs. For my friend, her issues were just related to her shoes, so for her, it's as simple as a good pair of shoes. Why couldn't I have it that easy?! LOL!

    My issues are, knees, which have done the clicking nose for years when bend and extended. I also have a rocked pelvis, which means it's in a slightly abnormal position. I have a sway back(exaggerated curve of the the spine) and my hips are slightly out of alignment. I know, wasn't I blessed with an awesome body LOL :tongue:
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    I must go in. I have a mild curvature of the spine so one hip is very slightly higher. Also have very high arches but that was taken into account when bought my new shoes.
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    Bought the 30 Day Shred on Trademe in the weekend. Will hopefully get it by the end of the week? Excited to start!

    I have two days left of Jillian's book "Making the Cut" to go, but I'm looking forward to trying out a DVD instead of a book.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Bought the 30 Day Shred on Trademe in the weekend. Will hopefully get it by the end of the week? Excited to start!

    I have two days left of Jillian's book "Making the Cut" to go, but I'm looking forward to trying out a DVD instead of a book.

    That's awesome! Hope it arrives nice and fast :happy:
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Looks like it's modified shred for me from now on. Just went to physio - she thinks my knee pain may be from the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis, and the ankle pain from shin splints. Sigh. So will have to keep jumping on the elliptical for those cardio sections. Feel gutted, but will do level 2 day 6 tomorrow.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    You're still doing better then me, keeping it up Emma.

    I've not done anymore 30 DS for a week!
  • martini83
    martini83 Posts: 113 Member
    I too am getting pain, feels like the back of my knee and around my achilles tendon, there is a lot of jumping the the work outs so i am guessing it is related to that, as when i done the shred tonight a lot of it i had to stop due to the pain, im hoping level 3 will be easier.
  • bamn2010
    bamn2010 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm DLing 30ds as we speak, I needed an exercise to do at home so this is what I WILL do!!!
    Going to start prob tomorrow :-) I'd love to be a part of the siggy kelly
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Just did D2 L2 - think I might die! Had a couple of days off between day one and day two as my son's been sick with viral gastro and can really notice the break!! D1 seemed a lot easier when I was doing shred everyday.:tongue:
  • D3 L2 for me yesterday......I ended up doing it at 4pm with all the kids! One of the twins stuck with me the whole way through, doing his own modified version :) Even had their own weights (plastic skittles!!)
  • amyloola
    amyloola Posts: 56 Member
    Haha that's priceless ! I had a few days off and just restarted yesterday, I did level 1 to ease myself back I , level 2 today though! Man those plank/jump jacks are a killer
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I'd love to be a part of the siggy kelly

    It's Tania(bri_and_oli's_mum) who made the siggy with the names. I've asked her to add you name :smile:

    And yay for getting the 30 DS!

    I've not done it for about 10 days! :embarassed:
  • bamn2010
    bamn2010 Posts: 12 Member
    YAY!!! i got the siggy :)
    im donig D1L1 tonight! excited but i think im going to die...lol

    any tips on bigger busted ladies...it hurts if i jumnp around too much and i saw jumping jacks and jump rope in there :S