N.Z 30 Day Shred



  • Hi
    Was wondering if you could could recommend the best place in NZ to get the DVD from? I am going to start as soon as a I get a copy.

    And keep up the great work everyone : )
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Was wondering if you could could recommend the best place in NZ to get the DVD from? I am going to start as soon as a I get a copy

    Here's the best price for it: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Movies-TV/DVDs/Sports/auction-418464947.htm

    $25 buy now. Cheapest price in NZ from what I've seen. The person is an importer, so usually auto-relists if someone buys that one. As they seem to have many copies.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    how is everyone going with this? i want to know how everyone is finding it, keeping it up?

    I must admit, I've not done it for about 2 wks :embarassed:

    I found level 2 hard, the 2 days I have done. But that's cause I'm having issues with my knees.

    Need to go to physio and get my knees sorted before I try finish 30 DS
  • azrak
    azrak Posts: 17 Member
    I prefered level 2 - mainly cause i hate star jumps. I found them really hard on my knees which dont have much cartilage. Must say i havent done it for a while either though and i really should get back into it. Weight loss is fine but i am not liking the flabby bits!
  • maxiechild
    maxiechild Posts: 30 Member
    I've FINALLY completed Day 1.....after many broken promises to start "tomorrow" Haha I loved it though..well not at the time but I'm having a great day because of it :) Fingers crossed that I stay on track and I hope you ladies stick with it and get the results you want. We can do this!!!
  • I'm on D5 L3 today.....we'll restart at level one once we have finished, hopefully we'll be able to do more of the advanced moves (although I can't see me ever getting the hang of jump lunges!!)
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    I've been absent for a bit due to illness, so started L2 again yesterday and have decided to do 15 days L2 and 15 L3. Had great results up until last week, so will get back on track hopefully.
  • ok so i pledge to start this from day 1 again! i might start tomorrow - seeing as it will be the 1st and nov has 30 days..

    hope i have better luck this time sticking to it!!
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    ok so i pledge to start this from day 1 again! i might start tomorrow - seeing as it will be the 1st and nov has 30 days..

    hope i have better luck this time sticking to it!!

    Good luck with this! I just did L2 D4 today after restarting last week. Felt rubbish yesterday (don't know why, didn't even drink or anything on the weekend) but struggled through and then today had heaps more energy and pushed myself a bit harder. So, morale of the story - even if you do a half arsed effort one day, it's still worth it.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Where is everyone up to? I finally got back into it after being very sporadic for a couple of weeks. Today was L3 D3 and I am definitely giving the rock star jumps and the jump lunges a miss - substituting star jumps and the alternating lunges with bicep curl from level 2 - can see the jump ones causing my knee/ankle problems to recur.
  • Well we did a 29 day shred.....only one day left, but we just have had one of those weeks where our energy has been sucked right out of us!! Teething baby, sick toddler, 2 nearly 5 yr olds not going to sleep until late.....we are going to start from the beginning on Monday. Had some good results, lost a few cms!
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Well we did a 29 day shred.....only one day left, but we just have had one of those weeks where our energy has been sucked right out of us!! Teething baby, sick toddler, 2 nearly 5 yr olds not going to sleep until late.....we are going to start from the beginning on Monday. Had some good results, lost a few cms!

    What were your starting/finishing measurements?
  • I'll take some measurements tomorrow morning for the end results.... these are the during ones

    Weight; 60.7kg .........D10 60kg ...............D20 59.6kg
    Bust; 92cm ................D10 90cm..............D20 89cm
    Waist; 81.5cm............D10 79cm..............D20 79cm
    Belly button; 88cm ....D10 87cm............. D20 87cm
    Butt; 100cm ................D10 98cm..............D20 97cm

    Have a full blown head cold today....barely managed to make it through a 10min cycle, will start 30DS again tomorrow with luck....just not feeling it today :(
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    I'll take some measurements tomorrow morning for the end results.... these are the during ones

    Weight; 60.7kg .........D10 60kg ...............D20 59.6kg
    Bust; 92cm ................D10 90cm..............D20 89cm
    Waist; 81.5cm............D10 79cm..............D20 79cm
    Belly button; 88cm ....D10 87cm............. D20 87cm
    Butt; 100cm ................D10 98cm..............D20 97cm

    Have a full blown head cold today....barely managed to make it through a 10min cycle, will start 30DS again tomorrow with luck....just not feeling it today :(

    Well done! Should be a bit more difference in the end results as well! Just did L2, D8 and will do some measurements on D10. Going to do 15 days L2 and 15 L3 then start on ripped in 30.
  • I'll take some measurements tomorrow morning for the end results.... these are the during ones

    Weight; 60.7kg .........D10 60kg ...............D20 59.6kg
    Bust; 92cm ................D10 90cm..............D20 89cm
    Waist; 81.5cm............D10 79cm..............D20 79cm
    Belly button; 88cm ....D10 87cm............. D20 87cm
    Butt; 100cm ................D10 98cm..............D20 97cm

    Have a full blown head cold today....barely managed to make it through a 10min cycle, will start 30DS again tomorrow with luck....just not feeling it today :(

    Well done! Should be a bit more difference in the end results as well! Just did L2, D8 and will do some measurements on D10. Going to do 15 days L2 and 15 L3 then start on ripped in 30.

    Mmmmm well I did some measurements yesterday and there is no change from D20 results!!! Admittedly I haven't done any real exercise in just over a week now.....so at least they aren't going back up!!!
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    L2 D11 today. Am going to revise my idea of 15 days on each level and start level 3 tomorrow for 10 days then mix up the last 9 days between L2 & L3 coz I am sooo bored of L2 right now. Took progress photos today and I look bigger than at D10...weird...even though my measurements have gone down...sigh...maybe it was the camera angle and excellent photography skills of my husband making me look bigger. Haha. :tongue:
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Did L3 today. Really liked it but didn't push very hard as I wasn't sure what to expect....think I will be sore tomorrow!
  • Started again last night, second round D1L1!
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Started again last night, second round D1L1!

    Good work - keep it up!
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Am up to D4 L3 and really starting to notice the difference in my body in literally the last day. Am much stronger and getting more definition. I have 16 days to go since my restart, but must have done about 30 days altogether, but with a big break at around L2 D4 the first time round.

    Hope everyone is seeing results!