N.Z 30 Day Shred



  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Do you find that you get so tired you get wobbly and lose balance? I don't seem to get really sore, my muscles just actually stop working! Funny.
  • Do you find that you get so tired you get wobbly and lose balance? I don't seem to get really sore, my muscles just actually stop working! Funny.

    I'm having issues doing the lunges! My thighs just don't want to stretch to do them. But at least I didn't get sore muscles again (had a 2wk break)
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, for those of you feeling like it's too hard to do this everyday, I found this on another message board on MFP:

    Hey everyone - I have some good information to share. On one of Jillian Michael's podcasts where she takes questions from fans, etc., she was asked about the 30 Day Shred and whether or not you should be doing it everyday. She said she did not intend for it to be done everyday. It is meant to be done about 3-4 times per week and to be mixed in with other forms of cardio and strength training. Thought everyone would like to know!

    So you still do 10 days at each level, but not in a row so I guess it would take 2 months to finish if you did it like she advises above.
  • Thats good to know! I don't feel so bad take 2 days off :)
  • kcnz
    kcnz Posts: 24 Member
    I've got six days left of L3, I've been doing 2 days on, 1 day off so that will be 8 days until I finish round one I guess. Some days I feel like I'm making good progress and others (like today) I feel like I've gotten nowhere. I was thinking of doing Ripped in 30 after this, but think I'll do another round of L2 and L3, maybe with a slightly heavier weight - using 2kg at the mo which is o.k. for most exercises but a bit light for some.

    How's everyone else doing? Going to do measurements etc on 30th and see if there's been progress.:smile:
  • OK after a messy few weeks the man and I will be restarting 30DS again today!! Started a couple weeks ago but due to us being sick, kids being sick, assignments and various Xmas related things we stopped.