

  • I ended up buying 3 Jillian Michaels DVDs off of Amazon. (I had a small giftcard) While I was at it, I got a workout mat and some 5 lb weights to start with. Thanks for all of your input. Hopefully the next time I'm bored at home I will do a workout DVD instead of watch TV. :)
  • I know I'm not super talkative but I have been reading all the posts to stay motivated. Don't want to reweigh until Thursday but my previous stats were: sw: 195 cw: 184 gw: 160
  • Drinking with friends on the weekend is something that I couldn't give up entirely even though I'm trying to lose weight. I feel like I'm not on a "diet" and I want something that I will maintain even after I'm done losing weight. So I keep drinking to one night a week. When I'm drinking I stick with gin and diet tonic or…
  • Breakfast is two eggs over easy and tropicana orange juice (with calcium). Total cals: 250 Mid morning snack is a oats and apple fiber one bar. 130 cals I highly recommend fiber one products. Very yummy.
  • I will go look there sometime tonight. I know if I do more strength training it can give me that toned look I want. Right now my project is up North (I live down South) so we should definitely meet up for a walk!
  • :) always get along with fellow texans. I work out at 24 hour fitness. I like doing step and kickboxing but it's hard to work around the class schedule. Usually I do elliptical or intervals on the treadmill for forty five minutes. I love walking outside but not when it's this hot. I'm at a loss for what to do to strength…
  • So excited to be in this group. I know my friends are sick of hearing me talk about losing weight and working out. Now I can talk to yall. :) For those who have already lost, what do you do for your workouts and how often do you workout? I really want to get back in the 170s. I can finally weigh less than my boyfriend. :)…
  • Is there room for me in this group? I'm 22 and live in Austin, TX. I travel for work so it can be challenging at times, but right now I'm staffed in Austin. I graduated this past December and have been trying to get back to where I was in high school. I have only now really been able to admit to myself how out of shape I…
  • Thank you guys so much for your input. My clothes have been fitting better and I feel more confident than I was for sure. I know I'm more tone, but I just really thought weight loss would come easier at my age. I also really appreciate the tough love about how I could be busting my butt more. I know that there is always…
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